Golden fur soft as fleece
Asleep is the only time she's ever at peace
Tail as fluffy as a plume
You can hear it any time you enter the room
Two warm brown eyes, four furry paws
Loving like it's a law
When the collar's slipped, she runs through fields
No matter how hard I yell, she never yields
Round, round, round the yard she'll go
Bounding, like a rabbit, through the snow
Chasing herself in circles, hoping to catch
That evil tail she always tries to snatch
Loved by most, hated by some
We'll just cuddle on the couch like a couple of bums
And waste away our Saturday
Watching movies on Blu-ray
While I'm so busy getting work done
She just lays out in the sun
Wasting the day away without a care
Just happy to know I'm right there
Tonight I'll go to bed, shut the door, begin my mend
She'll wait for tomorrow, when we can play again