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I can see the light! You’re such a dog! It’s finally spring- time for a new beginning.
URWANDIKO: NYINA WA RUKARA """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Ntereye amaso ku Ntebe ya Musinga Nzengurutsa i musozi imboni yange Ngo ndebe ko umukambwe ya kota ak'abasaza
Creativity is a strange thing  It is like a blade, and cuts down A whittened canvas with inspiration And brushes it over with lively paints  Creating a world changing perspective   
The word “striking” has multiple meanings, both beautiful and violent.  I might tell you your beauty is striking; although subjective, I seem to think you’re favorable. 
The moon is shining But the clouds are hiding it A game of peek-a-boo I watch from my window sill And smile at the silver light. -Bn Saliss
Do not think about anyone else but me; Even if you go to the bottom of hell or go to the top of heaven, do not go without me. Do not think about anyone else but me.
You may forget but let me tell you this : Someone in some future time will think of us And they will speak of just how perfect we were Joined skin to skin , soul to soul And just how the other couples envied us
  In the spotlight or backstage,She shone bright in every stage,A girl of drama, of poise and grace,Her talents brought smiles to every face.
So That We Can Breathe Terrorism, a continued threat to humanity, Must be combated, must be precluded We want peace, don't want violence.
Oh, Alba, my sweet puppy, How I miss your wagging tail, Your playful bark, your silly jumps, And the love that we would share.
In Uganda, a land of beauty and grace, Where the sun shines bright on the people's face, There are cries of anguish and pain, As human rights are violated again and again.
It's not me but the idea of having someone It's hard to understand for you reader but she broke my heart
My cat has got To call from Outside He is cognizant of The pitbulls Inside I was the child Watching eyes Watch me home Across Shoreview Drive My mother see Was borderline
My heart shivers, The earthquake, Not easy to hold, Lost in words, My dear spot! The wild cat, Hold me tight.
Hail youth of bloom, sweet and good  from excellent thrones of nutritive sensitivity 
While the sky held her hands  Her eyes as bold bells I heard An ocean enough to drown deep to be found a herd.   While care is lost in the seas
It is not a sin  Being an idealist Being a realist or even Being a dreamer.  
Water and wishes,  Mirage and enfleurage,  Charged her marged heart. 
Come, taste the world with me Time wears bright call  For plain value  Chasing down seconds for centuries  Night and day  New and old 
Running in fantastic lines Agreeing with the magical future In the embrace of miraculous now We dream to heal Life will be wholesome again 
Every morning birds sing sweetly on inverted beds Within mortal frames mornings are for coffee and contemplation 
Ink of my soul,  Precious portal of puzzling wonder,  Make me whole,  where aura aims high and art sparkles the clouds,
When you fall When you take long in the cycle Remember seeds do too Deep in the dirt, drenched and dosed with heat
Today I decided to bring the maker into everything He was the one who installed me in everything  how can I keep him from anything  it's either him or nothing.
I saw everything psychedelic placed Nothing functions out of place  Kings chosen are already know And born as they should  Nothing will take the land 
Dr aw near  Tou ch me  With your palms of laughing lights  With tips of thousand suns and moons  Closer than water to my earth.  
Verse 1) ive got snake eyes, I can barely wait for tonight I'm paranoid praying hat I dont see a satan. i'm impatiently waiting still debatin for this new world nation....
Think long and hard about this next one Don't be too quick to say, 'I'm done' Let your thoughts fade away in this very moment Forget every single thing you've ever learnt
Kabul falls into sheer peace, Now 'Islam' enters into Afghanistan. Ignorance dies on the battlefield. The peace blows in the morning breeze.
ink bleeds on the page tears find refuge in the rhymes I cry poetry
What is love? Is it butterfly's in the stomach? Wanting to see them again? Love is a forgotten memory. For within me is a big heart, with a small home. Love was something I used to know, same with friendship.
As the silence keeps growing. The performance keeps going. I cannot deal with myself, I'm not steel. I got the feeling within itself, I'm not real. I frown upon my choices, and drown in their voices.
There was a child Who always smiled. But his life was becoming wild He had hundreds of questions piled, In his struggling mind. He was 'Polly'for all, But he found joy on being called 'Paul. '
There are pains rooted inside my heart that my body can't bare, There are no pains I have never felt Even a broken heart had been felt No way to bury my pains So faking my Smiles is just ok.
I was just here in this window waiting for your shadow Wondering if you'd ever walk this near. If you never knew  all that I've been through Would you dare come and take me home again?
Drops of water.... Reflections of My wasted time.. Drops of water.... memories of You tear through my mind Why d You have to leave Me so stone Cold blue,.... So stone Cold You ..
Progression one failure at a time! How much character can one build in a lifetime, through constant turmoil, embarrassment, and Failure after failing, after being failed
Places we've never been by Sandrajohnsonj on May 31, 2021.  © Sandra Johnson, All rights reserved
Deep in the depths of my womb there lies my rotten eggs. The potential of halve beings My contribution of madness to the world.
                      Sun Rises Sun rises fury; hitting nature's wonder, Feeling the new blazing wind makes my soul prouder. Birds flying around enjoying what nature gives,
Dear red boy, I didn't know what to think of you until I met you, I thought the rudest of you, I thought that because you were way older we couldn't fall in love, I fell in love with you from a distance,
I was privileged to have sedentary on the seashore in seraphic poetic submersion,The ringing sounds from the distant horizon made me entirely lost in my speculation,
life could be cruel sometimes, when it's hurting, it's actually trying to teach you something, current chapter's of our life maybe worse, than it could be able to imagine,
The heartbroken house wife Sits and ponders her life She doesn't smile anymore Her time is now spent on Errands, cooking and chores She dreams at night Of a more romantic life
One day, sitting on the stairs with my head down Having so many fears and with no crown Thinking about the pitiless, merciless life Discovering happiness, don't know where to found
STREET ANTHEM Oh! Our leaders May our votes uphold thee We lay all our life on the streets Forever as we eat rubbish And wear rugs and sleep on the streets.
I'm not hiding behind anything I have no artificial colorant on me Just the same current I'm just current No make-up to make up a false image I don't need to hide behind any facade To aid my real self
Love A dance Sight, smiles, hugs... just like a metrical verse shame quite a cruel knave hunger hunger in more ways than one where love is fighting... Fighting without resentment of death
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" O Journey " 'O journey! 'O journey! Where are you going? Why are you so blowing? So strange are you, From place to place, sometimes in a queue.
The promise I made The promise I made for you Was to stood by you Like anchor of a pillar And never let go of you
You do things you have never did before for a reason, theres no excuse for it. Pretend you took a shower why did you do it? Because you had no choice but to. Why do you wake up, sleep, and eat because you want to!
Its not a moment that I don't think about you I can't even try, when I hold you in my arms my love for you I can't hide, I know that you love me I can see it in your smile, I love you for you and those beautiful Brown eyes,
Jorge newbery y cabildo En Jorge newbery y cabildo estaba mi pebeta de ojos verdes como el mar Esos ojos verdaderos  que te leen el alma con una mirada y no te mienten al amar
Life is tough sometimes🥺, there's what's called bad, sad times & days but don't you dare say life is too short cos You don't know how long you'll live!!
They kept on trying to burn her, not knowing that she was the flame. They kept on trying to hurt her, not knowing that she was an addict to pain.
Let Love Flow, Just Let Go, Let Your Light Shine, Your Part Of The Divine, It's That Time, To Get It Right, Don't Fight It, You Might Lose Sight of It, Keep The Faith,
Lord Cares! These Goes To Those Under The Foster And Orphanage Care. The people of the most high. Even when thee father and mother are no longer here. Thy Lord be always there.
I called you the sun In the hopes that I would be Icarus. Legendary and famous And dead in a blaze of passion.   But you are not the sun,
I FEEL IT   Its like 7.30 And am on the roadside chilling Feeling the rhythm of feelings Inside my heartbeats trembling Till she said hi And I said hi too
I'm 23... And fortunately, I like being me. I love myself, my immediate and little family of three. Did I feel this way... at 21? Was I ALREADY having this much fun? Or... was I... actually... numb?
When you got angels of torment like blisters that bond's under your skin, to an illness that sickening', and yet your name is not James... It is not sky fall: and yet, not impossible to remembering from past to present.
Yearning to become someone better, That is one wish all children make. But what happens? When some wishes Turn into ashes; Without even trying. Then all get lost.
Girl alone or full on piled As they slipped through blood, “Oh this girl’s wild” She didn’t know her breaths could be swallowed Oh no, she was just a child   4, 5, who loses count?
In the end it was just me and my thoughts, A painful trap, long after you were gone Thinking it was all said and done, But I was unlucky and hurt within, Indeed, love is not what we think but what we feel within.
You gave me a standard  Told me,  sternly "never sway from it" This was the ⚓anchor,  all that mattered.   
My eyes drift twords you without my knowing Your voice is so soft its hard to hear But it makes me want to hear more quiet like falling snow. Your blue eyes show a pain ive only ever seen in the mirror.
  My prize you are Your bride I would be    When ever You call I'd be, there, there to serve my role.    My role to you
Hot little sweetness  Oh! My goodness  Let's take a walk And make meaning of every halt.    Come, let's be our bolt  In pattern and in action of any kind Let's be blind.  
Tell me the tale of a good old node.  The one who stirs at everyone's mode Taking a hint of what to from each imitation  What a virtue to behold.  
I get an itch sometimes on the hint of meat And I sprinkle lint like flakes  To fill my stomach, forcing it to excrete ravages  Thus is the cravings with which I am hit.   
Shhh! Can you hear that? Can you hear the silence? It's killing you slowly; Mince to mince. Look at those people around you, Suffering the same thing that you do. They were enjoying peace;
Hearing my own thoughts as if they were being spoken aloud.
Thank you! For being the moon in my dark nights, A good afternoon in the bad days, The best mom as always... The rest can't fit in this page, You don't get tired with age. None won't be as real as you,
My nature is black! But i'm standing taller than egyptian stands; All because my feet are planted on unshakeble grounds, I'm a never fall, Watch me; This how I spawn! Though the wind be blowing traps on my way,
If you ever change your mind about leaving me behind bring it to me, your sweet love because it's the only thing on my mind.
I don't know what to think, how to act and how to feel A mindful emotion that feels so real The worst feelings to ever be felt It pulls me back and drowns me 6 feet under
I don't know what to think, how to act and how to feel A mindful emotion that feels so real The worst feelings to ever be felt It pulls me back and drowns me 6 feet under
A point alone is just a dot Two points connected make a line,  Add another point in the same plane . Then connect each dot. A triangle takes shape. Depending on the angle the triangle is named,
THE WALK OF LIFE! It hurts every step I take! In my heart is an endless flowing river of tears! It rains every time in the inside of me, Flooding the river-always!
THE BEAUTIFUL SHE DEVIL Her smile melts men’s hearts Her skin is a true reflection of beauty Her voice nourishes wounds on men’s Souls! She puts on the most precious jewelry
REJECTION! Iam a dark horse of the family! A curse unbearable! Unlike others, Iam differently treated; The bitter truth! In my daily struggles, grief Feasting on me- who cares!
Someone suffering Alone vehement efforts Menacing end
I Will Not Be Quieted When I grow up When I have no need to dream When time is all past tense Blossoms no longer excite the heart And the smell of a baby no longer catches the breath
Finding your own journey asset With your eyes closed We just have to go on Just go on;   The road is unknown but
My physical body aches Terribly as it resonates through my bones like a chord plucked on worn acoustic guitar strings I beg for the release of the metallic chains of my inability to see beyond the depths of my own soul
I tell you of a secret, a lesson I learned very young. A message I’d like to share, in hopes of helping someone. It did not come easily, good things usually don’t,
At varying moments throughout one’s life, 
I take hope in the beauty of the world, in the laughter of kids one and younger to ninety two and older, in birthdays, in wonderful lives that were dedicated to the ones who needed that life more
Today I'm feeling nothing,  Nothing not sure why  I'm not mad but not calm Or a bit of anythiny not sure why It might be weird or not, to feel a thing   And might not
Sunsets IIThe sun is set; the cloudscape once softly drawnin gold and rust now fades to a single grey.  All glow has gone; the wind bites coldly.  Bear with your sorrow: the dawn comes slowly.
I gape these out of courage, Pregnant with volcanic rage, Whose fangs are sharp like a rake, Taunted like a string that may break. I am tired of your sounding skull
"Stoic is the valve to my heart, Turning and tightening, tearing me apart. I thought I knew, I thought I understood, Yet I still feel so distant and not what I should.
Some write of ventures and business conquests Those American Dreams turned expedient success Some pen their journeys from rags to riches Entrepreneurs admired for their ambitions
White, empty walls Followed by White, blank pages A cold, vacant stare Lights flickering Unfortunately, she is home A padlock on the door Melt down the key Into something
 I look in the mirror and what I see is a part of you in me. I look at life and all I see is a world full of tragedy. My mama ain’t here and I just hope she’s proud of me.
Every night a little girl faces a different battle. She's questioning her worth and what her family would do without her; Contemplates to run away but her spirit tells her to stay;
texas.don.g.nutt,59.poem.sipping still  pimping hanging still bangging still up high off that seed puffing on that weed still sipping front an center on the spot texas,don,g,nutt,59 got the game on hold the car on swangg the trunk on bang screw in
Didn’t make it past high school, Who would’ve known? Just a popular tool Who fell off his throne   Story wasn’t as simple Didn’t cry, didn’t weep, Just because of one pimple
Look at me  In hopes that you see the Afropunk in my vunerability  Every picture I would hold you close to me No matter your mood
The Warrior in Truth is an artist.His sword, like a chord it plays death.His tune of destruction; at times it sounds staccato.On occasion, it’s a swirling crash of whistling fate.
Falling, flying, Soaring the struggle to get up  the thunder of the gunfire  a sister falls beside me, forever laid to rest the fight is getting dire Valkerire fight for the Asguardians
Did it start with my first homecoming dance, when I had my first kiss? Or maybe it started when I had my first heartbreak.
No One’s Coming   I wish that time would stop again.   Lying still in perfect darkness, bundled up in illness and discomfort.
I sometimes have the feeling that I can’t recognize myself. When I look into the mirror and the image reflected back at me all of a sudden seems unfamiliar. And then I actually feel. The coarseness in my hands and
During the summer A dear, childish child became A full grown adult
“Go back to Mexico you dirty wetback”  The words are like acid on my skin I walk through the gate  I enter the school No one ever tells you what to do when you feel unsafe in school I feel the grotesque body of shame climb its way up my throat  It
Growth Getting bigger Growing up Getting smarter These don't always go hand in hand
The Shift: The Strain of Duty The perfection of childhood. The blossoming of flowers, The lush, green grass, The mild warmth of the sun.
Five foot two- can't fill those shoes You never knew the pain they put me through Five foot three- can't find real me  You say I'm my own, but never felt free Five foot four- s'you I adore
Once upon a midnight postpubescent, Much I marvelled the silent graafian follicle; Puberty - tormentor of my dreams. I awoke and flung the legal age, In a kingdom full of menses When I thought of the puberty.
When my toes finally poked through Those converse sneakers from 8th grade And my shirts got a bit too tight When the boys stopped wanting to play ball And the girls just wanted to fight
I’ve had my ups and I’ve had my Downs I’ve had my bumps and I’ve had my Frowns As a child I was innocent, creative and  Playful I had lots of friends, toys and just Able
roses are red  violets are blue, my 1jz  goes, ”vrheiwosjdbfisoaohsz” 
  Lost to an act so long ago, a kid already but I didn’t know what it was you that you did and yet although I was so naïve I could tell how wrong it was to not go
Why is love so lost in a world that will cost so much. With mothers abandoning children, And the hidden agendas of people looking for another,
Me in my community   "I stand in solidarity with undocumented community"  
Me in my community   "I stand in solidarity with undocumented community"  
We’re a team. Whatever you lack, I got you. We balance each other out. Minor setback? We’ll make it a major comeback. Bad Day? Well I’ll promise you a better night. You need support? I’ll be your backbone.
My willow friend You die and thrive in certain seasons. Here for the pleasent weather, but gone in the cold.   Our conversations come like the warm breeze, but no matter what I say
Our friends still questioning about you, about me, about us. Our relationship has wrecked 
They asked me what are some different types of drugs For me a drug isn't cocaine or pills it's a person  He is my drug  He is what I got addicted to  He is what makes me feel like i'm floating 
Fear. A giant wall built faster than it can be dissolved. For every positive thought there seems to be ten fearful ones to drown it out. At times it seems easier to fight fear with others by your side.
  I heard the shadows lurking in the dark, Pulled the sheets over my head to cover my eyes, Heard a man who let out a loud barked, By the image in my head made me petrified,
One night as a laid in bed I couldn't sleep my thoughts chose to wonder instead Same troubles kept playing in my head Over and over again But something came over me I can't explain it
Where did you go after you were swallowed by the soil? Because even though you left a bump on the ground As though it were ready to give birth to you all over again But does that mean you were born into death
The preacher's daughter They call it unholy They call it unethical They call it natural They call it canal
Stop holding on, you keep dreaming. I lie awake think my life a mistake but in the end what’s the meaning? The thoughts I build do nothing but destroy, these feelings I have always hiding yet are sought out to be played like a toy.
Lost in thought,maybe in too deep.It's a hole fallen intohard to get out of.
I walk with my keys between my fingers Even when I park in a well lit area my fear lingers I’m scared to take an Uber or a cab Because if I’m not careful I might be kidnapped or killed
The weight of expectations sits on her like an elephant She wants to do well she's hell bent She feels like an idiot it's an impediment Her grades are most important so her mental health is not regular
I am a Tropical Fruit, Born from the strangest of ways Colorful yet nappy Born from the strangest of ways
ec·stat·ic (adj.) Happiness overwhelming, the excitement overtakes you.   Bliss comes in waves, and your mother jumps for joy at your A+ that she promptly sticks on the refrigerator door.  
When the warrior inside the cell of your heart is in protest and the ringing is becoming unbearable. When this demonstrator makes all the world lucid for you and the transgression around you insufferable
Do you know what it’s likeTo have a friend, a sibling, a lover Look you in the eye, and beg of you: “Don’t miss me too much.”“Keep the pictures of us close.”“Wouldn’t the world be better without me in it?”
Medicine It’s been apart of my life ever since I was little I hated medicine All the pokes and pins All the stickers and Batman bandaids to make me feel better
The Marine Mentor   Don’t let anyone tell you that someone with talent can beat you Strength and tenacity, power and relativity, willingness and reality This is what will push you through your goal miraculously.
Hey silly you're probably at work or something but you should stop by sometime I mean its only been  11 years since I've seen you and sometimes I wonder if you even know I exist I exist I existed but in your mind I didn't that's fine I'll survive
How could you think racism doesn't apply to me? who told you that my Caucasian parents are my omission from the  jokes about my feature stereotypical accusations and 
Have you ever stopped to wonder, just how many people love you, cherish you, help you? I have. I have two people who have supported me through every choice. Ups and downs, thick and thin, all of it.
Your arms wrapped around me Holding me tight in the cold winter storm As you looked into my eyes and told me everything would be alright That loving myself is not an easy thing to do 
  Love. What is love? Is love just a word, or is it more? Love is a powerful emotion It gets you on a high.
Loneliness I sit alone in a Crowded  lunchroom, There's silence where I sit. I longing look at a group of friends I am quiet to the world I ache to be seen. Monotony That is what I am.
Beautiful Yet Not You are so beautiful Yet you are not. When I get to close you sting me You are like a rose, I try to pick you Yet your thorns sting me. You are not You can be a monster
What is a trend is a trend? Is a trend that mysterious black room that grabs you in when you look too close.
My Mother, a woman by many names and of many mindsets. A woman of joy. A woman of anguish. A woman of love. To teach me to be better than I already am, to teach me to be happy first and foremost.
My mother told me that she always wanted to name me Sky. She would tell me every day to look up at my namesake and gaze into that oblivion. So vast, So beautiful,
A shooting star, a flash of light,A beaming face, so happy and bright   Her tone like honey, her words so fair,She laughs a jingle, and you stare  
This is not about your want for suicide. It is not about that.    Perhaps this isn't the first poem you've heard or seen. It is most likely not. 
I never dreamt of being helpless, in fact, it’s the reason for my strong senses. Words saved me from my spiraling defamation that seemed endless, Ironically, the ones that break you will always have your attention.
The stress of you pushing your weight all on me it's so unfair i just want to be free from your cruelty the pain of your words endured in a millasecond i'm yelllnig to stop but you just cannot help it hey!
 Oh jeez lo wezz. Away from my nuclear family.Feeling with so much anxiety. Belong an adult is kinda hard.I might be a house of cards. Trying to stay.But lately, I’ve been feeling so grey. These pills I take somewhat help.Even though I might yelp.
Heading down this lane I see no one beside me,  Oh, that's right, I only feel someone inside me,  I feel nothing but someone who's anal, a crazed Boy man with only one angle, 
To understand a life unlike your own, to feel against it still. To sink below in others bones, then feel it break your will.    Rhymes that make up human thought, contrast with firm beliefs.
"The brightest matches burn the darkest"It started off ablaze-- together forever through a life that's a maze-- they c
Weave a tale of magic and adventure Or simply about a simple gesture What you ate, your mate, your state It matters not; I'll listen.   Write a poem about who you love
Based off my understanding ,   Poetry can reveal, come through pain ,can politely hide, or it can simply amplify anything and anyone.  
In love with the process, longing for growth. My mind beginnings to wonder upon what it's like situated at the thrown. Conceited with my own thoughts on why I'm still laying around at home.
I remember growing up, Hoping to be Sixteen. Thinking I'd receive all the Success, Romance, and more Respect than  when I was Fifteen. But by the time I came to age
When all of our slim hopes had been dwarfed into insignificance And all of our dreams consumed by a reckless annoyance Your voice was heard and it said something Your word came through and it changed something
We say things are like poetry. The sun beckoning the day from night with a sky blooming rose, Or looking into the eyes of the one we love. And sometimes funerals are poetry,
Light outside snapped and dipped around the old stone  and the clipped clean manicured lawn. i had to look up to meet your wild hurt gaze your fury at the top of the staircase above me 
How could you? Choose man over us You took a piece of me that will often leave me in disgust. How could you? Love strangers more than your children What is your excuse for choosing man over us?
Pressed as it seems  Just feels hard to acheive  Its tuff to fly high  When their words fall like sleet You'll hear the click when the seatbelt goes on But you won't hear the cling when we toast for congrats
Pressed as it seems  Just feels hard to acheive  Its tuff to fly high  When their words fall like sleet You'll hear the click when the seatbelt goes on But you won't hear the cling when we toast for congrats
Poetry is my teacher She knows me inside out   Poetry bore my soul She tore my heart right out   Poetry scoffs bitterly For I am such a fool   She shakes her haughty head
Closed in a closed cave  Its's so dark I cannot see my own skin No flashlight, no torches, no matches, helpless I can't start a fire...its's so dark I see no light
I think of you I think of you when life gets stressful I think of you when it feels like I'm falling I think of you before I go to sleep And you bring me peace You bring me peace like no other
Even the rainbows seem gray      in this puddle we call Elmira Slushy in winter, sticky in summer I wish I could feel safe at night Mark Twain is buried here      and his ghost continues to haunt us
If I could look into your eyes deeply, see your soul Your baby soul. Like remembering my own; you'd know I love you forreal, embraced in a cradle. Admiring soul
Divorce   The word divorce is defined as the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body, But that’s not all it means.  
The smoke engulfs your body I cough in disgust “that'll kill you.” And you respond with a smirk
A kid wakes up. He sees the sky out of the glass pane window. He starts to shiver because of the morning cold. Once the young child stands up, He started to feel confused. But then he soon realized
My dearest love,    Lying here on the bloody soil, the world seems so free of toil.   Looking into your beautiful, empty eyes, those cold blue glistening eyes,  those eyes I've gotten lost in,
Dear Father, You were there for my birth At least I think you were But that’s about it You saw me growing up But I would rarely see you I never saw you at school performances
Dear past me, As you can see I'm exactly as you wanted to be  You got into college  And now you are chocked full with knowledge So now those thoughts, is it enough  That rush of thoughts that worried you so 
Dear Women Around the World, There are times when no one will believe in you, Times when your strength is tested more than your knowledge, Strength that lies in your mind, and not your muscles.
If being a "liberal" Means that I can plainly see what's wrong with the world Then I'm a liberal If being "evil" Means that I believe women have the right to choose Then I'm nefarious
As the cars pass me I can't help but watch the drivers Wonder where they're going Where they're coming from What they're feeling, thinking What their click on their dashes read How I can be them.
Dear atoms,Connection and explosion is the name of your gameIs that not the same of those you occupy?Molecule after molecule of swe
Have I left My beloved one The one that I asked the skies for In exchange for my career dream As her smiles will go missing As her kisses will go missing Will I be able to continue?  
Dear Best Friend,
Forever Isnt really that long I've always thought it meants endless But life has shown me otherwise Forever Does not mean endless It means Until I will always love you Until
Dear Perfect Stranger Who’s Trying to Help, I’m doing the best I can with the tools I have Just trying to make life go right In a world that seems all wrong
Dear you,  Something that is not grey Is black and white, of course.  Like right and wrong And bitter and sweet.  A contradiction of "no other color," Could only be pain.  Our friend and enemy:
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Children crying gazing at their mother. The mother is still, motionless, and a scarlet flood is rushing toward us. Children cry, their salty tears making their clothes soggy.
Roses are red  Violets are blue Violet is a color Is that not true  Yellow as butter White as rice  Don't deceive thine very eyes Emotions as flowers in Disguise
I say I can remember the memories. You were a good one. I loved you inside out. Dark path came my way. Every single questions rushed and went down through the mind. A thousand reasons.
Dear Grandfather, Dear Bobby Jones      Father, look from this heart. For you no eyes to see the family you found, you chose,  waves with love, and the motion of rolling times.
Dear Sunshine,
His words are an echo and my head is the cave, I am an addict and he is my meth, I am a bird and he is my nest. I have these feelings for him that I can't seem to shake.
The World and The Wolf The world may be wide Far-reaching and near   The world may be welcoming
Dear Ex-Boyfriend, I forgot why I wanted to write about you But then again I forget a lot of things nowadays And the things that I want Never make sense anymore At least you made me want something
Dear Current Generation,
I felt him rise from his deep slumber The new day shall begin as the old day is numbered   He felt me gravitate towards the light I felt the need to be free but it was too bright  
Once Upon a Time Once upon a time, We will live in a world where everyone is equal, Where women can be viewed to be as efficient as men,  In a world where Sleeping Beauty saves herself from comatose slumber,
The year of '17 was the year I really "sent it" Jumping off high places, I never will forget it. But if I had to sum the year up in a single moment, It'd be when I broke my ankle, boy did I loathe it.  
Dear you, #MeToo. I am a silence breaker. I am strong. I am not an object.   What you did was not okay.
I left a ghost, on the curb of a suburb at midnight.   We parted ways, and I mumbled goodbye.
And when you left I thought   You had taken     Everything     From me.  
You gave birth to me in the month of October while my father peeked over your shoulder. You raised me with love and compassion always and I desire to follow in your ways. On a cool morning in June of 2004
Once again that my heart shattered Lights went blackout, no more flickered My head went full blank My life I had hang I thought my life doesn't matter
I am from peacefulness mixed with the sound of the washer, the steady stream of water from the kitchen for washing dishes. The smell of grass, cow manure and skunk fills the outside.
Lazy rain patters on the rooftop Drops roll down the glass window A room - dimly lit and cool A tea kettle whispers slow   Through the window streams
In a small town cafe, The cold table top Starkly contrasting against the Steaming cup of Coffee Between my numb hands; Sitting here now
  If this was a poem, it would have significant meaning It would flow so steadily from my.. mouth If this was a poem, it would tear at your soul
Dear,          mrs.Savage                       Thank you                      For all that you did
Just like you (love) I hope she dies in your arms I hope she lies to your heart Flatters you with limited charm Shes not for you But eventually, you'll see I had the world ready for your fingertips
Dear Girl in the Mirror,   I am the only one at your funeral  But the tears are caught in my throat Because I watched you slowly fade  And I let you slip away unnoticed
1776, The time of independence was declared, the patriots no longer willing to stay 1861,  The fight for rights begin, a goal, a rightful freedom is clear as day 1865,
My story is a roaming smell of home cooked meals with a hit of alcohol. My story is an unconditional broken love that is being repaired by others affection.  
My head aches, my Heart aches, damn these heart aching pains of mine. Im going through hell, No one knows what im going through. This pain of mine it's tearing me apart, but I've found joy, nothings been the same. I'm trying I truly am.
darling, you are broken and your ruins are the worst i have ever seen
Sosa love making money    Same way bees love honey   Can't take it from me    You gone make me extra hungry    In my stomach it grumbles    Can't get caught lacking 
The tears are dry and no longer run  down my tired face. I stand at your door, hope gone, dreams soiled, as they tell me once more, "go away”.  
I thought I was special when he talked to me.  Our eight year age difference intrigued me. Laughter and sweet small talk consumed our weeks. His vast charisma and poise decived me.
Because i love you ill never forget your name Ill remember the taste of your name as it rolls off my tongue.  Love comes in waves, like the oceans in the deepest levels. 
My dear how may I express it to you? This feeling that I'm just at rest with you. My dreamed one, a lover that I know who has my heart. What will you do with it? How will I play my part?
Make known to me clandestine truths, Father, Mother here my plea Lest eternal petulance ascribe to me.   Mother say cast all doubt  to flowing flame, 
I ask if you've eaten and make sure you get home safe I ask how's your day and if you're feeling okay I support what you do and I'll try to help too I'm your shoulder to cry on and your partner in crime
My grandfather is currently diagnosed with a disease  In which he loses his memories and forgets all that he once loved. He lays on a bed, day and night Surrounded by once familiar faces panicked and anxious.
My grandfather is currently diagnosed with a disease  In which he loses his memories and forgets all that he once loved. He lays on a bed, day and night Surrounded by once familiar faces panicked and anxious.
My grandfather is currently diagnosed with a disease  In which he loses his memories and forgets all that he once loved. He lays on a bed, day and night Surrounded by once familiar faces panicked and anxious.
I don't love you. Not with butterflies or jitters or dreams or any of that shit.   I barely know you. Besides, love is not an assault on the body. My knees get strong when we talk,
Your love for me is as simple to you as breathing is to me. When I open up to you, there is no judgment from your eyes or from your full lips.
Because of Loving you,   confusion, hoplessness, betrayal, loss,  are not felt by me. Because of Loving you, I see everything from a different pair of eyes.  Because of Loving you,
Time and time again I fall, I fall in the same trap that I once got out of but then again, did I really have the strength to get out? It's been times where; love itself has put a restraint on me .
A shy little by handsa pretty little girl a rose. And he asks: "Are you gonna let it die or let it grow?" The pretty lottle girl looked up from her diary and smiles: "I don't know" A few years pass, maybe five or more.
Today I fucked on a letter you wrote to me a long time ago What it means? I dont know. But you wrote about Our garden.
and when your tears hit the pillow and dried, i noticed that your eyes would be as clear as the day we met to the day we died   your hand felt soft in mine
I remember the summer day when we first met, You were brought to me in a little blanket I held you in my cold hands close to the center of my chest
If you don’t mind My brother Like Paul Take the fish-scales Out your eyes! Those colored fish scales.   Black, White Gay, Jew! Ewww!   My sister
“Because I love you” is what the unintelligent use to justify their actions “I love you” are more than words It’s the way you make me feel and the honesty
Love could be sweet as ice Gentle touch right beside you Wish you could  hold these bare hands in your arms forever Wish you could kiss those crispy lips
I hate small talks, and short walks, the skin-burning sun, people having meaningless fun, the city life, the interweb, our education system; I hate haircuts, headaches, heartaches, handshakes, homophobes, and homelessness.
Here I sit think why is it like this. Every day I grow more and more detached,  I feel as tho this is not real I wish that I could just fly away, every day. Home no longer feels close, it almost feels like a hole.
What do you desire above all? What is it that you need the most of all my love? My great love for you has caused me to fall My adoration as fragile as a your spirit
A green stem gives life to a blossoming rose. Its petals soft as silk and a pure white snow. The rose, so beautiful it causes one's eye to water. The water falls onto the petal And one tear becomes many.
People started using “I love you” as abusing Abusing their own friendship That turns into a hardship. It slides into a hideous thing
He wanted to have something to look at through long legs; the view of Port Ann on the other side. He admitted to having no one, and got angry twice. He always liked her And liked being with her.
"Come here child, let's play a game" She'll respond with a quiver in her voice, "Why do we play when everyone goes away?" ''There is more fun, it's always going to be you and me...
Little Red A Peculiar girl The Wolf A Monstrous Me The Woods No place for little girls   I was there when she first wandered in The time she met me The Big Bad
I am from breakfast crackers, from Belvita and oats I am from the organized maze. (White, neat, mixture of oranges and detergent.)
“Ariel!” Prince Eric shouts to his fair maiden after Ursula kidnaps her back to the sea. Eric jumps in the water with the appearance of aiding. Battle after battle, breath after breath.
Tangled in a situation. Mom wont let me out of the house. Captive in my own little world reading, painting, and cooking. When will my life begin?  
"I can't pass for a lady Or a perfect daughter Or a perfect bride Can it be I'm not meant to play this part If I were truly to be myself I would break my family heart" Who is that person I see
Once upon a time there was a young man He lived with his wife, daughter, and son He never cared about family or love He only listened to his children's screams As his wife once again hit them with force
Another time-- he could've been a better man. He could have been-- a man. A father, A teacher, Or even a king. He soars on dark winds Black magic. He follows a black cloak
So what i'm not perfect I don't have the neatest hair Or the newest shoes Im clumsly and spill thing a lot I snort when I laugh
       The tale of true love      Has never been easy —         Confronted          At every corner            With the hatred         That fills our souls.                 Defiant,
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair," they said.  No one ever told me to let down my hair... Do you wanna know why? I will tell you why they never thought my hair was pretty enough. 
What I do not understand What I do not comprehend And what I do not recommend Is the practice of love   Because what can love give you
once upon a time...We hear in stories as we grow up the wonders and astounding lives characters live, but when your town is bomb ridden and full of careless rulers, it's not a matter of a happily ever after, it's 
Sorrow comes in peculiar ways. The father kneels next to his motionless son, icy tears rolling down as he grips an icy hand.
Commitment- To finish a project all the way through Communication- To talk through problems Compassion- To help those who need help Compromise- The way to find happiness on both sides
Is it easy to take the blame?Or is it easier to blame?Is it easy to forgive?Or is it easier to forget?Is it easy to change?Or is it easier to make change?Is it easier to be good?
Crying. Constant tears. Cruelty as far as the eye can see. How come nobody helps me. How can nobody see. I’m in pain.
The flag does fly, Over the land of free, And flies high, Filling her people with glee.   And though life's not perfect, It's better than it's been, But we shoutldn't stop our project,
Drunken blackguards stumbled out of seedy, dimly-lit pubs at all hours of the night; all manner of men jostled and bumped one another in their passing. Streetlights flickered, shivered, and swayed against the piercing chill of the breeze.
"All men are created equal" We all scoff Laugh Because we know this isn't True What is true is Unless you are making the top 1% of income You have Nothing
Once I was crossing into the deep forest, There was no one except me, The birds are chatting seems to me airburst The dead leaves were making odd rhythm.
When we put our pens to paper to detail this tribulation We are a Nation of poets and weepers Sleepers who daydream through a voice blaring over the television
Theoretically What do you do when you see a picture? When you want to jump in When you just want to leave When it’s distant and lovely, far from your path When it’s simple and easy, different from your life
Paint me a picture of Life, Recite me a soliloquy of Death. What is a lesson without strife, immunity without ill-health. With one there is another, and with it there is the other.
Close your eyes and submerge into it beck and call, Do not think just fall. Do not wonder just sink, Fill a cup of it and drink. Forget it all and give into it, Sing its song, Find comfort in it,
Perfectionism We never fully satisfy it Thoughts of self compassion make it cringe Often it deceives Faultfinding limits our potential Cuts off love and belonging in life So scratch that-be free
Un extraño is calling you. I overheard his voice n' your voice screams moisture numbers and noises beyond the lights...
Here in a room, with a glass full of liquor. And crushed to know, I desperately do need her. Standing there, staring right towards a mirror. Feeling helpless, like a tragic bum filled with anger.  
There's a war in america not for the american people but for the american soul.
Most people start their poems off with "roses are red violets are blue"but one question do you really care if I pour my feelings out to you?
He wondered what is life trapped in the unknown? Waking up to a beautiful morning, all sounds monotone He cannot recognize his identity or deeper emotions
If this was a dictatorship, then these words would be treason. If this was a monarchy, then these words would be treason.
They want to see me fail telling me I won't make it, I will make it better is yet to come. They say I could've died laying in the hospital bed, I will live another day cause God keep blessing me.
Cuts on my wrist for everytime I felt pain, I was suicidal. They said I overdosed they thought I was on drugs, but I was suicidal. Mixing chemicals that I knew would kill me, but I didn't care I was suicidal.
The perm usually burned Thank God we cut it out The new faces never saw the chemicalled you The endless styles this new do can take us Because how you look defines how the treat me
Sitting and thinking about memories, You said if I let everything go you'll be with me. Sitting and confused I can't keep waiting, It's a waste of time to me. I'm waiting for everything to be the same again,
One Year Back: Ribs sickly sticking through skin, spine running down my back;  Sunken craters haunt my face holding in eyes that don't shine anymore. 
From the simple brilliance of sitting snowTo the nights spent by feeling fireflies' glowI've spent my year feeling the future come nearAs it stares at me with that all-knowing leer
They ask me what's wrong ? How come your so sad ?  but then I blow it off and deflect .......... "oh its nothing " " really its nothing like that ! Then all of a sudden I'm left panicking SCREAMING ON THE INSIDE 
I never really understood who I was Now more than even I still wonder who I am Yet I think before I had an idea or I thought I did Just in one short year I lost that part of me
I wake up everyday confused  a year ago I was the same nothing within me nothing outside I am nothing and nothing is what lies within me,  Everyone is better than you, you are nothing,
Trump. I Said it. I bet it tasted sour. Did it roll off your tongue with mercuric ease? Or did it linger with a pervading pungency.   News heads will babble. The masses will dabble
Sometimes at night I can't get no sleep, So I just talk to god and tell him what's on my mind. I don't know why I can't sleep some nights I wake up full of sweat. My nightmares just won't go away.
In the world that saw despair, I knew my year was grow wide, because now was the time, for me see opportunities, for career and majors that are right.
Why is the world so corrupted? Why do we always have to fight? Why is the sky blood? Why is the trees green and tall? Why do people have to die? Why is it hard to cry sometimes? Why do we be feeling let down so much?
Hey, are you still up I was working until 1am I only cried a little
Some days are good some bad. Don't you see the joy in my eyes, Smiles and grins When I'm happy everybody is around, But when I'm down there's no where to run. The times passes by fast.
You said you'll never break my heart, You lied to me. People say they will always love me, They lied to me. Save your lies just be real I can't trust nobody else. Do you know how this feels,
She's tired of being disrespected growing up with fear, They treat her like nobody but she knows she's a girl. Cried too many years but still stayed strong, Maybe that's why you see pain in her eyes.
Growing up in the hood all you know is to shoot. You pray everyday cause you don't know if you will live another day. You lose someone you love almost everyday, either they dead or leave you.
I miss the old days, the ones that made mehh smile. I miss the fun I had growing up, I had nothing to cry about. Now that I'm a teenager, I see the world from what it is. The days I now have are bitter sweet,
Everyday I see something happening in my community, I just want to make a better life so they'll see that I can do it. Where I'm from almost everybody loves in a single parent home or with they Grandma.
Too skinny, too fat No matter what we're still beautiful. They say a woman can't do this can't do that, We can do anything if we put our mind to it. Small hips, big hips
There was a time when I thought everything was pointless. But then I found something I loved. I really couldn't like it any less. It is lifting that I found out I loved. You see I have a passion for bodybuilding.
Now going into the new year I no longer know where to steer Afraid of what is to come because I'm constantly changing mind, constantly straining things changing so fast
Killin’ in the name of…Greed, and justice overseas A father died a martyr and now his family takes lead In the, anger, and angst that followsbut this is guilt that the west won’t swallow  
  I have always wanted to be the best.. I have always wanted not to be like the rest
Silent Footfalls on sand, Murmurs of leaves in trees Or moves of the breeze, reminds me of you.
JAMYA J is for the way I be jammin' to Tupac  A is for my abdundant gratification  M is for memorable smile Y is for my youthful spirit  A is for acceptable conscious If my name was in the definition
Feet bounding... Feet running... Feet jogging... Feet dying!  I see the familiar road,
It's amazing, isn't it? How the years can fly by in the blink of an eye, But minutes seem to crawl at a snail's pace. It's amazing how much can happen in a year.
Smile. Smile More. In the world we live in its easy to be put down But my motivation comes from a well known man Roman Atwood. He lives by the phrase he created Smile More.
  What makes me feel good is the laughter of my little brother The company of another Some great smelling food What makes me feel good
As the sun rises over the mountians, I too must rise. I greet the day with sleep clouded eyes, And tangled bed head. Even so, I look forward to each day.   Every day is a blessing,
I watched her, I watched her fingers untangle from the struggling grip of my hands. I watched her eyes grow in hate and sorrow from the shattering promises
Happiness is brought with daylight - luminous, balmy, tranquil, with smiles as large as the sun, itself.   When night steals the sun,
Childhood... Thats the past. I know I Could... Thats the future. Life is Good... Thats the present. Scared of Woods... Thats the past. Manhood... Thats the future. College Brainfood... Thats the present.
And I am tired, and I am alone. Shout it from the rooftops, It should be known. As a whole we "somehow grown." But how am I still tired, and how am I still alone
  I am a wildflower. My seed was planted in the depths of tainted soil, left to prosper among a hollow meadow. As I germinate, the essence of gloom familiarizes itself, striving to stunt my growth.
She gets up."The world is brigher at night,"she would remark with a laugh,but it meant more than whather smile hid.
You want a homemade boat? we can cruise on soundwaves Good vibes are limited when you misbehave Jumping in the pool it's our homemade wet n' wild Look out onto Rollin hills while we smiled
Violence Against Women     From inner room to open field, from kitchen countertop to office desk, her travails remain the same.   Everyday she tells stories
                                           Oriesa. Like the sign 666, see me see sin, dick pointed. Eyes pore porn potentials.
Some people believe in a heaven and a hell.  The place where the people with good souls live in eternal paradise. The place where those of evil are condemned to eternal punishment.  But hell is empty.  The devil lives among us.  Sometimes you can
To escape for the first time One must have a cause Dispair was mine And distance was at no pause
Oh, Land of mine, of me, of my heart and entrails, I feel your cry. How you cry, a devouring song of sorrow, told by the mountains and roared by the oceans. Understood by thosw who do and ignored by those who don't
My body tells my story. Of struggling, fighting, thriving, life-saving glory. Thick, dark, curly hair,  Came from a father who was never there. A right eye that wanders, From a brain that was starved for,
A light A single light can mean so much in times of turmoil. But, I realize now it's not so much the light as the source from which it gleams from.  
He always says the right thing He is always considerate He is never wrong He never tolerates ignorant people When he ignores them, they always disappear He latches onto popular opinion
Falling in love is an act of magic Love can deceive you like an illusion It can be pleasant or very tragic Yet love can cause a lot of confusion You punctured my heart leaving me to die
This poem was written by my best friend, Deland Wheeler. He passed away in a motorcycle accident one month ago, and his mother made me promise that I publish his poetry, so that people will see Deland's inner light. Enjoy!  
To think or not to think-that is the question: Whether ‘tis worthy for the mind to wander The sullied and tarnished thoughts of destined fate, Or to kneel before a paradox of uncertainty
I'm not sick Mommy. Perhaps all the vomiting is my mind's plea, To escape this broken shell, body. The harder I heave, the greater chance of my mind's liberty. My mind is too strong to be contained by a human,
P O E T R Y  Edgar allen P O E  did write you see he had to T R Y  and captivate you and me.  He stepped away from the world and expressed his feelings in simple words.
This is me. I’m clumsy at times, And sometimes i can be a little rude. There are times when i doubt myself, Then there are times when i want to give myself,
When I walk, I see my friends When I stop, I see nothing Feeling alone as I lay Feeling only sadness for those I've lost As I think, I think of a song I've always loved
Nothing is here so we are waiting for something but what if something never comes? Because we have been waiting for a  very long time. But  we 
Heat. I love it. Heat. Does it love me? Dehydration, sunurns galore. It hurts. Sun, bright, burns out my eyes. Why, do I sit in it, do I fight for it, do I wish it into existence. For summer fun?
Poetry is to dance by using ones words, its artistic, beautiful, and powerful. It can encompass an entire world onto one page, the feelings and thoughts of millions into as little as 20 words.
In this crazy chaotic world, I can rest assured I am my momma's girl. Strong, capable, beautiful, smart, just like my mom. For a woman named Wendy nothing knocks her down, she's my rock.
I saw the world as black and grey, never as white.
Words roll and tumble through the air It’s funny, because those words hold the most possibility We either hate it or love it, but everyone uses it Some words flash their importance and stare you in the eye
Everyone runs and never walks. No one stops and looks at how they walk or run, how they stretch or shun the person beside them; the perseon next to them. There are papers they say
Poetry is an expression and release An outlet to the overflowing plugs of life- a place that listens when the world denies your existence. I write to be heard. To be understood and for my opinions to be considered
I'm sitting in this cold hard chair. Wondering where I went wrong. Unable to sit back because I keep feeling the splinters peirce my back.
Anxiety is irrational Nana, but you can't understand can you? I cool my impatience like an ice cube on my tongue, remembering she's no longer young.
I can tell from the look in your eyes that you've run out of life, you're not able to smile at the little things anymore, you don't know where your happiness has gone. I can tell from the look in your eyes
There liveth a song in mine heart-- I feel it; It beats at my breast For thee, my love, From the depths of my soul.
The things I experience will stay with me forever Growing up poor and lonely at school Seeing my mom fight with my dad Staying in the cornor Afriad   Entering a white building
 A dinosaur or two went downtown, 
I walk up to the window pane,Watch these eyes full of pain.This beauty- such a bane!I hear my name, Jane.Turn around and smile, in vain...I feel the tears swelling up again!
Coming in a country Without family Coming for searching For a life better For your future. Coming without money , And without clothes Going to church Praising the Holy Father To ask him
I believe, Sir, the matter of it all Is fondly oppressed by the time. You don't really think the busy we do rush is anything not to do with the day?  
If the yearning has passed and I am no longer aghast in the rooms of my heart, I’ll be going now.   If desire has ceased dripping from solicitous lips, the future is a yawning abyss,
Breeze gently blowing   Flowers Sway from side to side   Sweet scents twirl on by
You are the reason I am here You are the reason why I push myself You are the reason why I enjoy life Other children won't understand my joy you bring to me You are the reason I love you mom Don't forget that.
Life It is a joke that is unheard Until the punchline is delivered It either amuses Confuses Or conflicts The mind and heart
the things we learn is fair and cold but it feels like an over load the times we have is share and care but we use it for our battling fair Th kind and trust we have inside of us We used it for lust
The night the rain came down I was inside with a book In my hands clutched tight was a pen The night the rain came down I heard the screams I turned the music up so I couldn’t
You ask me this question    and I fire back, Why? If you knew me    you'd know this So don't ask me to lie. I'm not like other kids    who want friends or family. I'm not like other kids
My soul has found a mistress, and a loyal wife to match. But after birth my sweet love found the scratches on my back. So for now she leaves me lonely, waiting to return to black. 
The feeling of being alone, is one that I embrace Nobody to disrupt the peace, my heart has taken place If I was deserted on an island, there is only two things I would bring
Farewell, old friend. “Friend”, a term I hated to be called by you. A naïve conclusion on my part, looking in retrospect.
I am stuck on a island everyday   From the unaccessible sidewalks   To the bigoted words you say   Yes I may be handicapped   But aren't we all in our own way  
 This silence is literally killing me.Afraid I’ll be caught up,in the words of others,comparing every syllable to theirs.Beginning to dread the next conversation,preparing,you plan what you will say to your supposedly reliable friend.There’s a bar
With the break of day approaching.. a young boy strugles in his deep sleep... tormented by his folks past misfortunes...the demons they thought they had gotten rid of..
I shall always remember my first real kiss;  It was long awaited on expectant lips.  He drew me in for a hug so dear,  I was filled with passion being so near.   He made me feel so nice and warm
Alone, in the dark I try to sleep Beneath all the stars I beg to dream Without you, my love Rest eludes me I think of your eyes As tears fill mine Like black in the night
My life isn't the greatest But who's really is? I have a boyfriend who cares So much that he's scared. I have friends who are with me But not actually here.
Get out of bed!  Hurry up!  Don't be late!  Turn it in!  Pass that test!  Get that car!  Don't be a slob!  Go to college!  Don't drink too much!  Make a change! 
My drenched hydrangea colored shirt began to dry As my eyes crystallized and I tripped beneath bits of sand   I was alone   As I stumbled into some reality of the trees
First I learn how to become nothing Over time my words become slurs Then mumbles And silence I stop talking My words mean nothing No ears in my vicinity to hear The lonely wind
On this gloomy foggy day we cry for the dead We have gold horns to cover our heads He laughs in the dawn of the day to remind us of all the dismay and the outsider of the rest 
He calls me an "old soul" 
How you look into my eyes I can see no lies  just the truth. I need no proof.   Your touch  is a crutch; that electricty  composes our history. A spark
I am drawing the line. This is it. I have kept quiet long enough. I did everything I could do to please you. Mommy, don't you see that you are killing me inside when you say those words?
There is a time in person’s life That each one of us must conquer With no way around it Where we must lay down to rest Knowing we may never rise again   But each person Does not cease to exist
The feeling of loneliness, and abandonment. Feeling like everything is a loss. The feeling of walking around inside not knowing where you are or why you're there, you just are.
In the hunt as few may call it ..for peace,happiness,the reason of life. Day by day restless nights; due too reminsing chapters from back it time.
We live in a New Era. Where appearance is your new identification, Where you no longer held on to your faith's testification, Instead you turn to idol adoration, Where clothes become your top priority,
A child of sadness One who seemed so sweet But behind closed doors How could you do this to me? Darkness and pain  But scars still remain Promised myself I will never remember your name
Why o why does bullying exist? Is it enjoyable to see a person in pain calling them lies which hurts like venom, Or enjoyable when the person has scars, cuts, self-hatred and depression into their bodies and already putting more?
Dear Buddhist girl,     You are so perfect.        You are kind, and you are wise.     Others may not understand you like I do,        But i will always be here to pick you up when you need me.
So um I like wrote a poem because like I'm sick of people telling me I need to like talk with confidence.Maybe if you actually paid attention to what I said and  stopped degrading women for everything I would have this confidence you speak of. 
When you look inside of me you can see the person I am. What I can see is 40 percent is creativity, The part of me that always making something. 25 percent is generosity,
I’d keep my promise I can be your hero   but I won’t be   most suitable for  
Brick tiles skin in imprints.   Bloody and raw knuckles left behind, refreshing anger stops and long sorrow christens.
A friend told me once of l’appel du vide: a phenomenon in which a perfectly sane man can stand on the edge of a cliff--  
Not My Past   I am not anger I am not forgiving But I am not my past.   I am not hurt I am not resolved
There's darkness -then  a flash As two parts of me suddenly clash   An angels heart - polluted by a devils mind Cause my heaven, and hell to grind   Feel my agony
Music. I ____ music. It surrounds me, hugging me, moving me, comforting me. I use it to tell people I love them, miss them, am glad to be with them. It knows how I feel: sad, excited, angry, sentimental
I am anxious. Scared of the future, scared of failure change. For the past three years, I have gone to a college- where my dad has worked for over a decade—for free, basically.
I am motivated educated complex ordinary
I know nothing of love. I am void I am untouched by the brilliantly burning flames of passion the glowing embers of a rupture  the continuity of a sentence  the most beautiful of fragments
I am the future. The new generation. The only one that can save our generation. I am hip hop. Trying to reach the ears of a black youth. And help a boy that's struggling through the headphones .
Who am I?? What have I become?? How am I going to succeed in life?  These are frequent questions that I have asked myself.   In the past I have not had an answer for those question
My name is not Becky, Amanda, or Brittney. It is not Sarah, Ciara or Sandy. My name is M-E-L-Y-N-N-E, and that spells Melynne. My skin is tan and my hair is dark brown and curly.
Upon the rotation we experience in which humans depend on,
I am a stereotypical positive young girlWith a smile that everyone seems to adore.But deep down, there is bloody warContemplating which reflection am I supposed to be,Unable to decide and expose the absolute me.
Hey Fat boy , Hey Fat boy ,
Who said poetry had to be pretty?
I am a mother a wife a veteran an artist a daughter But none of those words really describe WHO I am.
I am forlorn
Outside forces create texture
I am Disappointment.   I’m the feeling you get when ice cream slowly tumbles to the ground, sad enough to be sad, but unimportant enough to not cry.  
Here's clean and green where reign Rains of brain drain.
It’s strange, isn’t it? Its warmth is needed for survival But as soon as you reach toward it As soon as you try to look at it a little more closely You get burned You're blinded
I can be what i want,I can be in painI can be insaneI can make senseI can be incredibly dense  What I am is fluid, so alternantWho i am is questionable For a man is the sum of his memories
(Not part of the poem, but this poem is from May and I am only just uploading it now)
Super-Virgin of the 21st  Century I'm not one of those who till the land Before it`s due Even if its fertile My energy is not to prey on it  
I`m Sorry Humans forgets Like a wild warthog When they go yonder Forget days of yore Become wont of the silence   Nay, The `ebb and flow of time
Divine…The imagery of euphoria sits beyond this window’s pain.For this is what has us running in place in hope it prepares us for an escape.Fear…The singular emotion that drives hopes behind said barrier.
There’s something glorious about being a woman Like the feel of Saturday mornings when you don’t have to go anywhere And the sky is painted with lilacs and periwinkle and you wonder “Why do I ever go to Sunday school
Sun-damaged hair bouncing between my tired eyes, the flapping of my stretched skin with every stride,
"Good morning", I get at the sound of a ring. My phone wakes me up, To my favorite song that it sings.
My head has risen up, curiosity is at it's peak How do I get out of this? What even is this? this barrier that's holding me captive.. I want to get out, But How?  I know.
The future is far The destination is there But the waiting is long For a future with despair But hope will shine  In the present, today As I smile with friends  When I go out to play
Dear Time, Tick tock tick tock tick Is all you ever will do But why? all it does is make me sick Enough already I'm fed up with you Either you tick too fast or tick too slow
Them. A kiss, theirs. Furious-mad'n young. White ouch, my eyes. Hurt. Mommy. Good.   Not them. A scream, mine. Delirious-sad'n hung. Light crouch, my cries. Inert. Mommy gone.
Her exceptional beauty; astonished many Her graceful elegance; pleased the elders Tall, strong she stood Encouraging nature to flourish within Streams and across valleys
From the first breath here To the darkest times of life
Everytime I hear this word, I automatically come back to earth. I feel like I am about put my earphones in and adjust the volume so that it can be as loud as possible.
What would a phone do without a battery? A phone is lonely without a battery It's useless without power running through What use will it be without a battery? It's nothing without a battery
Holding each other, never letting go Knowing you will always be there Through the darkest of days And the greatest of times I know you will always be by my side From the womb I knew our connection would grow
Life becomes rather monochromatic when you become very melodramatic, because your friends aren't really estatic to talk to the self fanatic, and social interation becomes problematic,
Her words were never heard they were never spoken. She created her own language through her eyes, her vibrant sapphire eyes. We grew up together, her and I... and yet she never really grew up,
Glum Glum is like soldiers fighting in the war  Sad when they pass away 
Do you see beautiful? Do you... Well... Do you see beautiful in me? Sorry for asking. It's just, Maybe beautiful is A choice, not a birthright.
Everything is awesome Until you reaize that it's not The wold is ugly With vitiation it is wrought The sky will always rain, and the world is filled with pain Pessimim reminds us why we must refrain  
How can you walk a line full of hate so long? How can you look in ones eyes and not see pain in my heart? Blinded by ignorance that its hard to clear my eyes to see
This is what I know That you are one in a million That you are charming and beautiful Others say gorgeous, stunning, pretty, striking The list is long Your eyes would make the bravest man shy off
-To be perfectly honest, I believe every part of our life and lives are “awesome.” Not awesome in the modern usage, to say, “Hey, that’s awesome!”
Racing, pulsing, Charging, surging, Expanding, demanding, Supplying, not dying, Speeding, relieving,   It goes on and I wonder if it might Stop soon Suddenly End  
  Pain is an inevitable part of life. Pain is your body, mind or spirit way of telling you it hurts.
When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.
My job isn't to make you feel comfortable To show that I care about how you feel about me Everyone repeat after me: MY worth is not diminished by what others think or say about me. ALL TOGETHER NOW. 
It started with an L followed by and O then came V and ended with an E An international, over used, multi meaning word Leads and misleads the people who want to believe Hopes up and disappointments follow
Is it fair for me to love you? Me, a young soul, tender at heart, but man everywhere else.   Because as I cling to this love for you my dear, Someone else, in the unconsciousness, the unawareness,
I jotted down a message to myself in my phone: “Write a poem about watches and bicycles and poetry.”   Is that all he really left me with?
Whisper it slowly Just one more time
Wisdom   Education, understanding, Knowledge, it’s full extent,  
I take it all off.   No one sees anything different, since my makeup is nonexistent. It's all rubbish anyways, does no one know what natural beauty is?  
Quiet. Or am I?
I once made a choiceWhen a choice made meConsider the soulWhich I would solely beI could've gone rightTo just fitting inLeft all that was leftOf me, quitting again
have courage to love yourself and to love other in the world because love is from god above, because the courage to love will make you brave. we must have the courage to love and show the love of god above.
have courage to love yourself and to love other in the world because love is from god above, because the courage to love will make you brave. we must have the courage to love and show the love of god above.
Without a filter
Going to the other side of the mirror without sacrifiing yourself.  
The darkness calls to me,  All of the time. But I try to ignore it. Sometimes, though, I cant help but think,  Is that decision mine? Do I really have the power,  Or the will?
Love Myself Evermore  
High School was easy but college is not I came into college thinking i would not fail   But to my luck  I faced my worst fear I ended the year  with not one A  
Glittery makeup, Skimpy uniforms,
I hear the voices calling to me. Through the deepening shadows. Through the pouring rain. Through the ever-thickening dark. I listen to them screaming in my ears. Causing my blood to boil
Is it all vanity? Grasping for wind? The frivolities of happiness, the needless binding of melancholy
Long mellow strides carry him along the shiny tile floors, with the bright warming sun burning through the slits of the curtains.  A new day is brought upon us.
A mantra of marigolds suffuse
Today I am gazing at my periwinkle skies,Eyes like telescopes searching,AnticipatingEvery aviation instrument
I walk on a lawn speckled with mud Beneath a thick layer of grass and Below that lies the dead: The old, the young, all those who have Died, some without truly living.  
I am not the first to fight this legacy war, passed down from my mother. I have been drafted unwillingly, underage.   My dad’s friends used to tell him, “Oh, Rich, you’ll have
It was on their clothes In the buzzing noise they made as they gathered together In the words they spoke In the ambitions they had. It was everywhere.
they're beyond addiction, 
F.l.a.w.l.e.s.s Unlike the rest I'm not flawless in my face But flawless in my ways My body shape may not be the Same But that doesn't subtract from my beauty nor my good grades F.l.a.w.l.e.s.s
Flawless, Wanted but unattainable,
You are perfect, In your own ways of course. But if everyone is perfect, Nobody can be. That's why some flaws are wonderful Because they make us different from each other
The Greatest fight I've ever seen, Never gave up, his mind was keen twenty eight days he went, and did not eat, Cancer had struck, but he will not take defeat For he would lay on that bed and talk aloud,
For better never worst, Whatever to see a new year. Maybe another hurst.   Children always come first. Facing your biggest fears. For better never worst.   Dinner followed by dessert
I'm falling further from myself,  Down into the depths that threatens, To swallow me whole. The water rushes about my face, It fills in the space left by my body. This is where I die.
Explain causes of deformation, Well, Families and friends Are painful
Quadrant I avouches positivityNo matter what angle you gaze fromEvery daybreak, we wake up in the origin
Fearless is the absence of the fear Fearing less is a message held dear Bravery or neccessity, the motive unclear Tongueless or eyeless, his silence impure A road less tread, a story unread
He walks like any other day, Through the streets' sidewalks, and When necessary, crosses them to  Become part of traffic and peoples' Minute seconds of consciousness.   Ragged patents from his pants,
To wish upon a star Is to latch your dreams onto the insubstantial To meld fantasy into reality And believe in something magical The tiny pinpricks of light Each the capital of its own nation
I am reading this book, but this book has no text. Why did I even get this book? It was titled Life by this amazing author and it was said to have 5 stars. But was it just 5 stars starring down the blank pages too?
  Take Flight
Lying down “Get up, Get up” I say But, still, I stay   I lift myself, yet Always a step away   A blank strip of paper “create, create” and I try  
Alone and lost, the hearts of small innocent children. Pain lay in thier tear-filled eyes. What did they ever do to deserve this? Cruel was the man who abused them, Cold was his heart, and bullied was his mind.
My Skin is black, but
    “You’re your worst critic, you know that?” my mother always tells me.
As wind blows a drift I lay in the wake Waiting for the moment The moment for end The moment for feast   With the barrel a point I hold my breath With the sound of thunder
In the truth that is the existence of the world, We are the instigators of change; Of the Future. As we march forward into this new age, we are evolving into gods. The gods that we had once worshipped.
*/ /*-->*/ A bump on my face
I'm the one who always lie the one who always try to go and get the girl but I'm never that guy I'm always tongue tied half high one time when we were chilling at that party it felt like last night
We all want to be special in some way in the world, but what holds us back? Is it the failures, mistakes, or misfortunes of our past? It's the scars that pose as the three.
As I walk through this house This house of mirrors Some reflections are vague And some, are clearer   As I pass them by one by one The reflections vary The images are fun
Sadness is dark like a dark winter's night Sadness taste like salty tears falling down your face Sadness smells like dead rose  Sadness looks like glass being broken Sadness sounds like your last breath
What if smiles were traded like currency? Service with a smile is a requisite Not a nicety Government bailouts Would nevermore distribute unevenly Vibes are consistent Zeal is flourishing
We can't judge others it down... NOW!!!
As I sit and embrace the meaning of the written word, I have no choice but to conform to your hidden agenda, your idolatry to hurt the ways that I feel and I write these poems, when I
Some flash exotic colors of Baby Lips Others puff out with dominance
  Jokingly, at himself, “Idiot.”  All too dramatic, “Can’t you do anything right?”  Laughter. “You. Are. Worthless.”  They don't mean it,
I was made to believe that life was a Thing to be enjoyed But in a flash of 17 years that vision Of life was easily destroyed Although unemployed and rather Spoiled On the inside i feel less than royal
A Drone, I've become Resistance, it's futile Assimilation   -Haiku by Esha  
Honey it takes miles to smile with a mouth like yours if you let it run it’ll never stop salivating all the tears you’ve let cultivate at the shriveled root of your unused tongue if you ever had one
Who Am I? You ask Well if you must know, I am part-time, I am all cold. There's a part of me that beckons, Beckons for warmth, And a part of me that beckons Beckons for reform. I am who I am
It hurts , it lies it steals, it crys it breaks, it aches Why does it take so much pain with alot of joy? does it put a smile on your face to see me like this? why do i love?
Mom, Dad, I have a confession to make
The human hear
Alexis. That is my name.  Many know it. Few get to know me past it.  Shy, quiet, smart is all they see.  Though one cannot blame them. Those three are all they are allowed to percieve. 
I may seem tall, pensive or just,
As we walk the streets are we watching whats in front of us or are we just walking We never notices the people that we see because of this thing called a mask We live in a world the provids freedom but is that all talk
People are like flowers, really. Some are fragile,  some have thorns some look broken, some look torn. We all need care, and rely on many things the warmth of the sun, and the colors of spring.
Who is this girl in the mirror? Everyone seems to know her but me.  I stare in the mirror and who do I see? A friend or my darkest enemy? A beautiful gal or nobody's pal?
Waiting. My good friend Silence is here His company is comforing in my travels Tunnels of purple and yellow hint of joy Iridescent light spots in the sole of the  Iris Green eyes and a bleeding spirit
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”                                                                           -Albert Einstein
High as the rent can beSky is where life is freeFly, now I believe
I wish i could write about nothing at all. wouldnt it be interesting to describe nothing? we couldnt say a color, How would we know what color it would be? We couldnt say a shape,
These Battle Scars                                                                  
My curtain is a wall, a masquerade imprint of my face.
On your special day I hope that's how you feel. You're the glue that holds this family together, a mother's love, a wife's support, and your newest title Grandma!
Love Millions of people looking for you
My love for fashion wildly grows, For everytime I walk into a store I cannot help, but buy more clothes; I shop, and shop until I snore. Blouses, skirts, and pants alike,
BY MARK BIBBINS He can say it was a painting He can say we were the painting Or that the painting wasn’t painting And that we only happen to ourselves   We can say we kept things running
Suppression and subjugation On our conscienous fully operating Grating Against the grains of our humanity.   Leaving scars the hierarchy booms; blooming Soothing none whom it's consuming
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