I remember growing up,
Hoping to be Sixteen.
Thinking I'd receive all the Success,
Romance, and more Respect than
when I was Fifteen.
But by the time I came to age
It was like someone else was the main character
and I was offstage.
I was in the audience searching for that one day
It'd be me.
Then I turned Seventeen.
Getting more recognition for my art,
It gave me pride for what could be in store for
when I turned Eighteen.
But I was just an underground artist, a nobody
Never really sharing what I could do, or
who I was to more than just the student body.
Now I'm Eighteen,
And I feel like I'm just apart of the "everybody"
But what I could change is to rearrange my expectations
for when I grow older.
What I could be versus who I should be
depend on what I will be
to achieve instead of receive
when I learn Responsibility, The Real Definition of Love, and Trust.
And maybe then I'll obtain what I wanted
than what I expected to have
when I turn Nineteen.