Confessions of the Child in me
I never really understood who I was
Now more than even I still wonder who I am
Yet I think before I had an idea or I thought I did
Just in one short year I lost that part of me
Who was I going to be now that I lost sight of that part of me
No longer filled with the same driven passions that kept me awoke
Now filled with self hatred for the skin that made me well me
Questioning my being and state of purpose
Wishing for devilish things to happen to me
So that oblivion and the sweet abyss would accept me
Then it happened just of the blue
I found my new self in someone
I thought to could be the purpose of me
No one ever explained I need to be that new person
Giving pieces of myself away hoping to get some in return
Instead I lost all of me with an added bonus of heartache
I wanted to feel that high to be needed
As quick as the high came it went
Yet again I was going down in a spiral
Trying to salvage the pieces I had left of me
I had thrown myself into a worse situation
Questions that started whisper to me from within the darkness
Secret that wanted to be relieved
Put burdens on my body mind and soul
How do I love thy self
Constant comparison pushing limits and boundaries
Who was this new me
This me that went through hell and back
She has not fallen or even dropped her crown
She was just asleep waiting on me to find her
We depend on no man nor woman only taking it one day at a time