There is a time in person’s life
That each one of us must conquer
With no way around it
Where we must lay down to rest
Knowing we may never rise again
But each person
Does not cease to exist
At this one very point in time
But has made an impact
Be it a change in the heart of one little boy
Who loved so dearly the tales
His grandpa had never refrained to tell him
Or the softly spoken words of a mother
Who teaches her daughters to laugh
As if showing her how to survive
Through the bad days
And enjoy the good
The smile that is brought to a father’s face
As he thinks of his newborn’s hand
Wrapped strongly around his finger
And even though it may not have lasted long
He will be glad it had lasted at all
In these small moments are the ways
The ways in which each person molds the world
Though they may not have changed it all
It is like the flow of a river
Cutting away at the rocks over a vast expanse of time
Shifting one small detail at a time
The ways a person changes the world
Continues to flow through the earth
Like a whisper in the wind
Carrying knowledge, music, laughter
All those things that make us human
This is what keeps us going
Trying to make us whole again
These kind of moments are the ones
The ones that keep us going
The ones that keep us growing
And the ones that I couldn’t live without