Fire and Wind
Once upon a time there was a young man
He lived with his wife, daughter, and son
He never cared about family or love
He only listened to his children's screams
As his wife once again hit them with force
He only wanted his wife in the house
He threw his offspring into the woods
So they would not bother him anymore
Hansel and Gretel alone in the woods
Now had no home, they had only themselves
With a father no more and a mother long dead
Left was the grandma as rescue at last
Who knew where she was, she left years ago
No longer willing to look at her son
Ruin his life and treat her like no one
She fled in the woods and lived there instead
After long days and nights and bleeding feet
They reached a hut that seemed friendly and warm
The children knocked twice and the door opened
There stood the grandma who looked at the strangers
Her face turned from curious to sad to angry
As the children told her the whole story
Without another word, she grabbed their arms
Marched through the woods with a match in her hands
They came to the house where cruelty lived
Where demons housed and where darkness played tricks
"Where evil exists," the grandmother spoke,
"The house must be cleansed with fire and wind."
She lit the match that she held in her hands
And threw it through the door of the father's house
It lit up in flames that danced on the roof
No screams where to hear only sighs from the ghosts
Now freed from the evil it carried so long
The house seemed inviting, not scary, but calm
The house found its peace and so did the three
That lived in the house, now joyful and free
As the kids grew older, grandma told them
To only live with pure love in their hearts
And as fairytales always end with these words
They lived happily ever after