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The American dream
An American fiend
It isn't always what it seems when you peel back the scene
Layer after layer
Cut after cut
It’s taken me a thousand and one cries
To realize
I put a blanket over my head to shut out the world.
A world that sees women as sex objects
A fetus is a person, a life yet to be born,
A precious soul waiting for its turn,
To enter this world and take its place,
In the loving arms of its family and grace.
Men should be able to make laws about women
Women should be able to make laws about men
We should all have the same respect for each other and try to understand each other
We march the street with dominant determination
in hopes of not only making a change, but curing a crisis.
Within each stride we ride our roar
amoung thousands of fighters who share that encore.
They don’t trust me with spray paint,
But trust they me with a life.
Can’t have anything too permanent,
But the permanent choice is made.
One pink line, and a second very faint
bus as I am at work; I must show restraint
thoughts of abortion, perhaps birth and adoption?
Swirl my mind as I search for options.
It doesn't make it less a war on women just because you think I'm wrong
Because you think we’re at fault
That this is the story of murders getting what they deserve, but for what
Disappointment is what I will bring
If they dare to find out
They will neglect that I am their daughter
I did wrong in accepting what I was not ready for
How can
Men control our bodies
They refuse to wear a condom
Even knows how a tampon works
Instead of sticking them
Up your nose
Why don't you educate yourself
Open your bible, pray for forgiveness, tell him your sins, the lord is your witness.
We are all children of God with free will; we are family, you know.
Then why in the definition of religion is the word control?
I discovered
The insignificant seed
Within my garden
I felt the weight of the world
When the fruit wasn’t even ripe
The sun was my witness
And he was replaced
I gave it one, two, to three
I, too, matter
I am the unborn daughter.
The one with the heartbeat.
The one without a life.
But my heart still beats,
Mama, why did this
Mama, i was to be your hope
Your happiness and life
It was not my fault
Mama, was i even there?
When grandma talked to you
Warned you of the bastard?
My unseen papa
Mama, why did this
Mama, i was to be your hope
Your happiness and life
It was not my fault
Mama, was i even there?
When grandma talked to you
Warned you of the bastard?
My unseen papa
Mid-January is the silent time.
This time all printed words have ignored.
This day the whole of them fall quiet.
They dare not to speak of the dead ones,
Or of poverty-stricken women,
Why? Can you tell me why?
My heart is crushed, sad, blue
My heart and arms are aching
To hold and be with you
I close my eyes and think of how
You brought such joy to me
I have these two friends...
In school, they both have goals and dream.
Both got pregnant at eighteen.
Sweet girls that fell victim to all of the lies-
Of “Love” they thought they had from other “Nice Guys.”
If heaven has a mailbox I would write a letter and this is what I would say.
Dear Giorno
To my dearest baby boy,
The day I found out
that clears all my doubts.
That you existed in me
in the midst of winter.
My life fell apart
with my confusing heart.
Dear people who think my body is theirs,
My body is a temple
A temple so beautiful and strong
but you choose to break in without my consent
and leave my temple broken and bruised.
Dear child,
Unravel me.
I am lost, a spider embedded in her own web.
Push, fidget, scratch, claw
Fingernails on their death bed.
Gnawed by fear, gargled by pain,
Spit out by forgiveness.
Girls are meant to be the assistant in a magic show
Better seen not heard
We should appear and disappear like the bunny out of your hat
or the dove from your cloak.
We have to change into whatever you want...
A first cry
Kick, scream, squirm
Pain for joy
Feather-weight in embrace
Delicate and fragile
Precious and treasured
Adoring eyes look up
Faded, glassy orb stare
Limbs twitch and collapse
Stolen from the sunrise
Whispered by the moonlight
Never remembered but by a
Steady heartache and the
Secret guilty thought
Somewhere faraway
They plead for your sake;
Tell me why I feel so down,
Or why I cannot hear a sound.
Why do everything feel woozy, as I feel I'm drifting away,
And the're pulling me but I still want to stay,
Since when did it matter who you love?
when did loving someone of the same sex become a crime?
since when did religion stop being included in the first amendment?
when did believing in something different cause mass panic?
I bet you’ll pull your gunwhen I speak upbut you won’t shootsimply because I look like you.
Picturing a beautiful, vibrant young girl crouching
Amongst a crowd of bellowing white men,
Who won’t put down the argument that doesn’t concern them.
This beautiful, vibrant young girl
Is the argument.
Your tiny hands rap around my throat.
They reach and grope like hangman's rope
to break a neck already broke.
snap crack and smash these sinews
That hold my head up in the sky.
We claim to be the best but we can't even love.
All I see when I walk down the street is hate.
When I see the bold red hat I am disgusted.
America is not so great.
While my heart does bleed
For new life never born
My mind does heed
The pain of a mother torn
The decision to forestall
Life's seed to full bloom
Is a powerful anguish
of hellish gloom
What mind enlightened of God
Could reconcile a forsaken entrustment...
To guardian the yet unborn?
What eye that sees by Light
Could blind itself this darkest deed?
supporting choice
supporting freedom rights
(but are you ever
choosing girls
fifteen sixteen eighteen
who deserve their high school
college years
I layed in this room, it recked of a blood-stained sheet, shattered dreams, and fear.
dont be too fat
dont be too thin
for gods sake dont be so loud
you are too quiet
dont be a tease
why are you such a prude
dont be a ditz
let me lecture you on your doctorate
Mounted on a flimsy cart
She ride
Clenching her fist, cascade of lies dripping down her cheeks
She cried
Fruit of dishonor created by lust
tiny little life
waiting in the womb
just waiting to be born
thinking it's no big deal
asked what they did today
oh i had an abortion
like it's nothing
Something that I can't live without is the idea that my child knows I love her, and that I'm sorry.
I was 23, too young to be
Your mother
Living a life
Wild and free
Reckless, like any other
The Dreams of Tomorrow
Contest entry for Payne County Youth Services 2015, 8th annual contest. As of 12/12/15, results and placements have not been released yet. When they are, I’ll post that in an edit if I placed.
Your aspirations hang onto me like wishes
Swelling the stalks of dandelions
They are carrying themselves on the hope
That silver frosted florets can make it to life
You offered up your dreams
Dust fills the sky of the blood red dying day,
Debris like swirling snowflakes fall.
The great society dies from quiet catastrophe
The gusts of wind remove its essence.
It is his fourth birthday today
He loves rocket ships and has traveled to the moon and back in his dreams
He has blue eyes like the ocean waves lapping at the shoreline
I had a baby.
I had an almost baby.
An almost life of diapers, bottles, little fingers and toes.
I almost chose that.
CRYING FOR SHAMEBy Mira Wilder8000 miles and 22 hoursflown East of Los AngelesEurope, and Greece...Mother was non stop talkingto strangers...While Girl stared out the window
Just another divorce
Just another teenage pregnancy
Just another death
Just another drop-out
Just another homocide
Just another war
It ended tonight,all the happieness has left my soul.
it is about time that you all left me alone.
Who am I?
I don't know.
What am I?
I don't know.
How old am I?
I don't know.
When will I die?
I know,
I will die today,
For my mother is giving me away.
You went to see a doctor
And you heard my heart beat.
Months later you saw another doctor --
You walked out crying.
You loved my father so much
But he was never ready.
It made it legal to kill creatures that we adore most.
Sucking their heads off.
I am the "unborn"
I wonder if I will ever see light.
I wonder if I will ever see the face of my mom and dad.
I wonder if they will like me.
I am the "unborn".
Why do you say I am not alive
I want to live and get a chancet to thrive
I depend on you so you can do what you want with me
but because I'm small is no reason to kill me
My heart is beating just like yours
I’m sitting in the waiting room with daddy and I’m filling out the formsEach minute that passes by my hearts being tornMaybe it’s not to late I could just walk away and never come back
I hear a cry.
A cry that does not belong to just one but to millions.
They are silent screamers that have no names, no faces, no identities.
Against their will they were sentenced to an eternity of cold silence.
Forget Me Not
Morning sickness brings the blues,
Monthly cycle is overdue.
She was drunk that night,
Flinging morals in the wind,
If someone moves in darkness
With no one there to see
Are they there at all?
Alone in naked starkness
Content as could be
Are they there at all?
A sudden pain disrupts
Mother, why did you to take my life away?
Why couldn’t I be allowed to live?
Why must I never see the world?
Was a grave all that you could give?
It’s one of the only businesses in the world that has no propaganda for the product
No flashy commercials, no ads in magazines
No pictures of fearful young girls in clinics with their legs agape
I don't like hate.
Judgement makes me irate.
Racism makes me want to scream.
Homophobia makes me angry.
I'm sick of people being mean,
bullying because of their own insecurities,
The weed, my love,
Pushes through the dirt,
Rumbling, blistering,
But doesn't really hurt,
She sprouts up,
Without permissions,
Just to find,
That no one listens.
Because it is vulnerable, an option, you might see.
Wide out in the open, entire visibility.
Kindness, is it only but a word?
A person who hears people's needs.
But oddly, sadly, is never ever heard.
You try your best to see the light.
In a blinding sheet of darkness.
You ignore and try to forget.
What did I do to deserve this?
Why should I pay for your mistake?
Will this decision bring you bliss?
Why is it my life you have to take?
For every little babe that looks at a babe of its own,
A footnote is attached to both of their minds.
Whether or not the younger babe is wanted by the older will forever imprint a little phrase on that footnote;
White empty walls surrounded me,
The sound of whispers disturbed me,
I sat on a cold hard table, afraid and alone…
I was told to lie back and relax as they put a mask over my nose and mouth.
What I Hate
Do you know what I absolutely hate?
What makes me so sick to my stomach?
And my skin crawl with repulsion?
I’ll tell you what I hate:
Just know that everything will be alright
because I am gathering nutrients;
Like your intelligence, I will be bright
Like star lullabies of insouciance.
I down another bottle
To wash the pain away.
For a brief moment,
I feel a bit okay.
Only seven weeks ago
You were just a dream
A figure of my imagination
With it bursting at the seams
Buttons pop off seam by seamNo baby this is not a dream
Chest bearing chestHe is trying to make sure that is is the best
Belt unbuckles , pants hit the groundOh now you must know its going down
If I could change just one thing
What could possibly suffice?
Could I break the bonds of hatred,and save an unborn life?
Could I pause the hands of time for just one reason, a reason
To cling?
If I could change something
what would I do?
Would I make a new building
or create a zoo?
No I would change something more important
The life of a child
One who is unspoken
A Life Never Lived
I hear them quarrel
About my life
So cold and immorel
Words like a knife
The truth is ungloved
Little blessing
Blessing little blessing from God above
Blessing little blessings to nurture and love
God Almighty Creator of all
Sitting here 2 years after
I still feel empty without your laughter,
We werent ready, we were just kids,
But if i could go back, id want you to live
You deserved life, and all that this world has in store
Stand up and hear the cries
With anguish they cry,
With despair they suffer,
With hope they hold on,
Hear them cry.
In haven, she is broken,
Stop the silent killing,
everyday thousands are dead.
Mass genocide,
no one even cares.
Spirits are unsettled,
lying in purgatory.
Some mothers are left unwell,
others take it as "oh well".
My child,
You are tiny and unseen,
No more than a handful of breathing, a handful of heartbeats.
Or you were,
For now you lie broken,
Ah the land of the free, the brave,
The tolerant
Tolerant of cheating and divorce, of lies and scandals,
Of murder
Murder of those who can not defend themselves
Who have not yet had a chance
Little blossom waiting to bloom, yearning for love.
A tiny piece of a gargantuan-sized tree, important part of a greater whole.
Although unborn it's our secret saviour....
Would you do it?
Kill a friend?
If you killed a child,
Would it end?
An elderly man
Wheelchair bound,
Would you knock him
To the ground?
What of a dog
Battered and beaten?
Shivering nights follow me as my stomach grows
I feel her inside me
I can picture her face, smile, personality
Worth such a huge future
But I couldn’t give it to her
It all started one day
just an ordinary day
the first time they got together
the first of their new forever
Their love was expressed
as they got undressed
Still just another ordinary day
Look at the child
so sweet and small
will it be wild
or here at all
Look at the toddler
so precious and sweet
a little waddler
such a treat
A child to never experience the snow or the rain,
A child never to know the difference between joy or pain.
A child left behind, forgotten and faded,
A life taken so quickly, and so forcefully invaded.
Why should I respect you?
When you feed me propaganda- I don’t react pleasantly.
Oh credit cards are the devil and fracking is great- REALLY?
I didnt get a chance to take my first step
To own my first toy
To breathe my first breath
I didn't get a chance to be a big sister or brother
Father or mother
Son or daughter
You can never forget.
In everything you see,
Every where you look,
You'll always see me.
Every day, every hour,
Every minute, every second,
I am there, more haunting
Then you reckoned.
I was alive, yet you abandoned me
I was remembered, yet you try to forget me
I was created, yet you destroyed me
Now lately Daddy's been counting days
Mommy’s wishing she could count sheep
She's saying "let's reconsider", he's saying he's not going to keep
Not caring if she weeps, this is the part where it gets deep
My mother always asks me,
Why I can never seem to sit still.
My muscles tighten and an excuse is quickly constructed,
You planned their form in the days of Creation,
And You'll be with them 'til their final destination.
You knit them together in the darkness of night.
You made each part special; everything is right.
My life was short
My life was cruel.
Winston was my brother
But he hardly felt as one.
I never was a child
I never lived my life.
I was robbed of a past
I was robbed of a future.
Dear Mommy,
Quietly I lay here undetected and unknown
Eager to meet my creator
Within you I lay in fetal position growing rapidly as my love for you amplifies
it's dark in here, but its warm, and i feel your love everyday. you rub me.sing to me.and tell me that you love me.
You told me your secret,
I told you it was wrong.
You acted like nothing had happened,
I acted like my world had stopped.
You said you had an appointment, but didn't go,
I said you should have.
Tell me how can you die
When you've never ever
Had a soul to be alive
How can you cry
When you may not have
A big heart inside
And how can you fall
When you've never
Hear the laughter and not the end
Past mistakes in my head
Break the tip of my pencil lead
The end of the end is only the beginning
When I listen to those words
I only hope that you're kidding
I am not used to this pain that my body has gained. My comfortability has come to an end.My sin is the sin of a seed that was sent to destroy me before I even began.I would rather that I returned back to the old me.
The greatest fall of modern civilization,
was abandoing the philosophy that kept us from the coffin.
Aristotle and Aquinas held the keys,
to western civilizations victory.
In his metaphysics they lay,
Poor baby, broken and torn
Your fate was decided before you were born
From your mother's lips, your death was sworn
Poor baby, because of a mistake
A mistake like any other, that you didn't make
What is this feeling
So strange and alone
My fingers cannot move
And my heart has turned to stone.
The aching in my head
The darkness full of pain
The weakness in my lungs
Thousands are never given the chanceTo feel the cool breeze on their cheek,Or to smell grass freshly cut on a warm summer day;They will never experience the pain of heartbreak Or laugh until their sides ache.
My stomach is growing
Like a bulging balloon.
It inflates with each month-
Ignoring my protests.
I watch my own body
With increasing disgust.
Each day I pray for blood emerge
As they begin in the womb You go ahead and put them in their tomb. If you didn't want them in the first place Then why did you go to his place? That night when he wanted you to share, You could have stopped it right then and there.
Will she pass the test?
Become just like the rest?
Nothing but a statistic.
Why did she risk it?
Now she's full of fears,
Trying to hold back the tears.
How will her parents respond?
Born with sorrow,
Will I survive for another tomorrow.
Am I your child or just a charity award,
Unwanted, abandoned, and ignored.
You threw me out like a unwanted reward.
My herity never to be known,
The bubbly laugh of a baby boy,
A beautiful smile of a toddling two year old.
The innocence of a child is something we take for granted.
To think someone could decide to end the budding life within themselves..
Shavano Steadman
You turn your head to fight
Back the tears that cloud your sight
Kiss her lips goodnight
Eyes without vision:
the reflection unbearable.
Life must take an intermission.
My undoing, irreparable.
Conception - orgasms and smiles,
he made a pastime of your flesh.
To my anonymous adolescent,
I’m sorry.
Sorry for suppressing your existence and never giving you the chance to clock in and serve your time here on this earth.
Abortion is alright they all say.
Killing innocent babies is okay.
The baby could find a cure for cancer or be a president.
But no, their soon to be mother isn't hesitant.
I made a mistake; I can't give it good care.
Abort that little seed
That didn’t even live its life.
Mama and daddy what is was
waiting upon.
Little seed that would have been running around in
the backyard,
5 a.m throwing up in this routine
Thinking to myself I'm only 16
Family screaming in my ears
You can have kids just wait ten years
Then there's you
With your eyes of blue
from fertilization to conception
i was 2 living cells
but since we have been joined
we're on living being now
I left the birthing house
a while ago.
A haven of mournful mothers
and cries of new breaths pierced the air—
absent the slap of fathers.
I think of a day when women had no rights
And of places where this still somehow occurs.
Not too long ago, women had no say at all.
And women fought, and fight.
Women are amazing.
Warning: Content may be a little too graphic and contains controversial views. If you are offended, just simply exit the page. Simple as that, don't read it.
What right do we have to take a life?
I heard his heart beat once,
But that was long ago
Back when I didn’t know the miseries that life would hold
Before the dreams and mysteries of life grew cold
Just like the hole that I carry in my soul
Cursed by biology
Burdened by my family
Screwed by talk of teenage dreams
With the aid of government funding
I turned to drugstore chemistry
For results that I could read
Lo and behold the test agreed
It was all fun at first,
Every kiss, every touch.
Expressing your "love"
With kisses and such.
But he wanted more
And who were you to deny?
You gave into temptation
Life is short, they say
Live it to the fullest.
Life is a gift, they say
Treasure every minute.
He said I think we better head back
To that place we call paradise
He wrapped a sweater around her shoulders
Seeing how her arms were cold and bloodless.
He says, “We can’t afford it.”
Please don’t listen to him.
They say I’m just a piece of tissue,
But I am living and breathing within.
You will make a life changing choice,
If only you can hear my voice.
Hello Mommy, I'm here waiting.
You found me yesterday; this is exciting.
You don't know me yet, but I know you.
I can feel your love so strong and true.
One day I’ll have hands and feet
With ten fingers and ten toes
One day I’ll have a face that is complete
With eyes, ears, mouth, and a nose
One day my body will grow big strong
I loved you.
I still do.
Did you feel me,
When I moved within you?
When I kicked and twitched my tiny feet,
Flexed my small fingers,
To the sounds of your heartbeat.
when we're in the mood
when we're in this place
when the temperature rises
and our hearts start to race
and in between heavy breathing
accompanied by low moans
The only thing I'm good at is being banged in bed sheets over the head
Bodies touch emotions would rush but there's none
No passion
no good reason or ration
Just for money to blow, a high rate hoe
A life is a life
No matter the size
No matter the age
Abortions are legal
They happen everyday
A man kidnaps women
Impregnates them
Kills her unborn babies
It's considered murder
To end a life so early and so soon,
Does it seem right to offer such a way?
Life is still life in the morning before noon.
We chase the means as if it were a coon,
To have the right legally--we say--
the thoughts at night of me committing a murder
the word of the crime alone makes me shudder
i hoped that God understood my plan
on the other hand
It's not where your from-
It's where your life's at....
I lived by this saying, but my past always brought me back!
Years ago when I was 18
I fell for a guy who told me he 'loved me'.
"The answer's contraception"
That's all you hear today.
Or "Just get an abortion -
This thing is in the way"
They act like they're our saviors,
And everyone's best friend.
But they sanction poor behavior
No Beat
twenty one days, new beat,
dark,warm, happy
small so very small and undistinguished
but that'll change, I'll get bigger,
my clay-like features won't be so undistinguished.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I look right and left.
To find my surroundings sky high of bodies, and I wonder why.
Far off into the distance, I can see it, The Resistance.
It rained last night and I swear i saw your face in the distance
But you looked away did not say a word to me
I knew you would be very shy
But i really did not know the reason why
Mommy are you there? Can you hear me? ‘Cause I can hear you.
Are you waiting tables? ‘Cause I’m hungry too.
You’re throwing up again I know, soon it’ll all pass over though.
A doctor,
A lawyer,
A wife
She could've been there,
If she had only survived.
If her silent voice had been heard while asleep in womb,
She may not have died far too soon.
In my belly lies a body
A body that breathes
Every breath
A breath that yearns for life
A life that yearns to breathe
What kind of person will I be?
The world is on fire
Amongst all the lies
should we give into desire?
For what do they yearn
leaders so greedy
can they not see us burn?
Welcome to this place
Where judgment is our game
We'll chew you up and spit you out
You'll never be the same.
I was thinking of you today,
Of who you might have been
About your laugh and smile
And rocking you in the den
Inside me there's a life
I may not give
the chance
To live nor
To be a kid
Nor To grow big
I feel you baby
Mommy is here
Yet please my child
This world is evil
water runs down her face
refecting on the green grass
feeling the growing of the circle of life
aging so quickly yet yanked from the ground
roots ripped from the fertile soil
I dream.
Not just to dream,
But to imagine the world
How I wish it would seem.
I speak.
Not just to speak,
But to show how I am
Far from weak.
A table prepared
A meal for two
A King and His guest
He pours the red wine
The guest indulges
Laughing out loud
Not seeing his King
Not seeing His frown