Welcome to Society
Welcome to society.
We’ll tell you to love yourself.
But if you do, we'll call you self-absorbed.
Welcome to society.
We’ll tell you to believe in yourself
But we’ll mistake your confidence for cockiness.
Welcome to society.
We’ll tell you anything is possible,
but we won't let you do it.
Welcome to society.
We’ll tell you you're too fat.
But if you lose weight, we'll tell you you're too thin.
Welcome to society,
We’ll tell you to eat less,
But if you eat too little, we’ll tell you you’re sick.
Welcome to society, we’ll tell you to eat more
But if you eat too much, we’ll call you a pig.
Welcome to society.
We’ll tell you everyone is beautiful
But we’ll airbrush our models to resemble twigs.
Welcome to society.
We’ll tell you to be healthy.
But we’ll watch people starve themselves,
To attain our impossible thin.
Welcome to society.
We’ll create government scandals
That don’t even exist.
Welcome to society.
We’ll call ourselves an equal nation
But gaps between the rich and the poor are present.
Welcome to society,
We’ll claim to be a non-discriminating body,
But we’ve only voted in one black president.
Welcome to society.
We’ll tell you not to have sex.
But we'll broadcast it all over tv.
Welcome to society.
We’ll tell you not to kill your baby.
But if you don't, we'll judge you as a teen mother.
Welcome to Society
We’ll tell you at 18 you’re too young to drink,
But old enough to die for our country.
Welcome to society.
We’ll bribe you into our army,
But we won’t always follow through with our promises.
Welcome to society.
We’ll have banks quickly loan you money,
But if you ever miss a payment,
We’ll gladly take your home away.
Welcome to society.
We’ll tell claim you’re innocent until proven guilty
But we have guilty men on the streets today
And innocent one’s convicted.
Welcome to society.
We’ll tell you straight is the only sexuality.
But we know that it isn't.
Welcome to society.
We’ll tell you to marry the one you love.
But if it isn’t the opposite sex, the law abides it.
Welcome to society.
We’ll tell you, you have freedom of speech.
But if you say the wrong thing we'll arrest you.
Welcome to society.
We’ll enforce laws upon you
That our own police officers feel they’re above.
Welcome to society.
We’ll tell you not to judge.
But our judgments will define you.
Welcome to society
We’ll point our finger at you
But we're afraid to look in the mirror.
Welcome to society.
We’ll call you wrong.
Even when we know you’re right.