I discovered
The insignificant seed
Within my garden
I felt the weight of the world
When the fruit wasn’t even ripe
The sun was my witness
And he was replaced
I gave it one, two, to three
To cerebrate,
Then I stopped
Have our hearts synced?
No, yes, I couldn’t hear
After all, you are just a seed
But what of all things could you be
A beautiful flower
Ambrosially sweet
Perhaps a tree
Or the recrudescence
Of just weeds
you resided
One, two, to
Three full moons
Then my thoughts gathered
The solicitude of my garden
Tantalized the transpired course
The small seed could take
I realized that when you were whelmed
The sun had gone, there was a drought,
And the horse of winter came
For you
It was too soon
But after all you were just a seed