I am a Child
The Lord sent me to
Earth so I can
laugh and play.
He sent me into your life
hoping you'd love me
and take care of me everyday.
But you decided to end
my life before I had a chance to live it.
You thought of yourself instead of me.
I screamed as they took me away from you.
I writhed in pain as they tore me away.
I cried realizing you don't love me.
I was hoping to one day call you Mommy.
I was so happy to finally be on this Earth.
But I was then heartbroken to know you don't feel the same.
So I sit alongside Jesus, still wishing I was yours.
I hold onto His hands, along with those not precious enough.
I stand with those whose lives were torn away.
I am a child, not a situation to get rid of.
I have a life to live, not one to end early.
I have a heart that wants to feel love, not feel pain.
I have beautiful eyes that want to see you.
I have a soul worth caring about, not one to toss away.
I am a child.
I have a life.
I have a heart.
I have beautiful eyes.
And I have a soul.
Isn't that enough??