The Birth of a Nation
It’s one of the only businesses in the world that has no propaganda for the product
No flashy commercials, no ads in magazines
No pictures of fearful young girls in clinics with their legs agape
What dictates what makes a baby a real baby at the time of conception?
Do we simply deny heartbeat, blood cells, breath that fills lungs?
The death of the innocent fertilized by the mentality of the weak
Comes together to conceive a corrupt nation with no moral basis
Make a life
Take a life
It's nobody's business
'Cause it's YOUR life
But when is the life of someone else in OUR hands?
When did we all of a sudden become God?
When we lose all dignity and respect for those who cannot think for themselves
We become dirtier than the tools we use to pry out our mistakes
Nastier than the blood-stains forever in-grained in our consciences
Uglier than the guilt we feel in the aftermath
What makes a baby a real baby at the time is conception is the soul
And until we realize that, we will continue to produce children of corruption
Until we come to the realization that this thing is more than flesh and tissue,
That we are not God and we cannot simply get rid of our decisions at our disposal,
And until we stop simply being bystanders to this bloodbath of the blameless
… This second Holocaust will never cease.