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Instead of spending time with tech, I’d rather
Take a blissful walk down the street,
Where near the end stands a young tree
Placed there like a living landmark,
We have it here
Where you appear
On Farcebook dear
U said
That A is B
But we’re all C
I hope you see warm sun
Because your skin is cold.
I hope you feel my rust
Because these gears have mold.
My heart was made from human hands.
It’s Really CRAZY How We Communicate Now... ?!?
From Behind A Mask To Simply Ask...
A Question About A Daily Task And That’s Just The Start... !!!
From DIFFERENT ROOMS We Now Claim To ZOOM... ?!?
So.... “Just How Far Ahead, Is All of This New Tech ?”...
Because It’s Now Become Something That STUNS Like... TASER Guns... !!!
That Tech Heads Suggest Is A Way To Progress Humanity’s Ends...
There was a time when popularity grew in an Encyclopedia
It was this new sensation, a growing fascination
Only now it's social media...
We hear vibrations rather than face-to-face conversations
Now When It Comes To MY VERSE...
I’ve Been Putting In Work For A LONG TIME Now... !!!
UNLIKE These JERKS Whose Verse Deserves...
To Walk With A Hearse And Be Left UNDERGROUND... !!!
Because It’s DEAD... !!!
......... " The Corona Wars " ..........
Have Become A Force And That's For SURE ... !!!
From Various Shores To People Indoors ...
They’re Being Waged All Over The Place ... !!!
Okay So Now They Say That It’s NOT 5G... !!!
That’s Part of The Spread of This Corona Disease... ?!?
So Who Exactly …
Are We Supposed To Believe... ?
The Likes of... David Icke... !?!
Okay Okay ...
So It’s Time For A Change ...
And A System Upgrade ...
ALL Because of This Corona Strain ...
That’s Causing People PAIN ... !!!
Okay So Now Everything’s... “ COOL “...
Because Now The Worlds People Are All Facing Curfews...
What a world we live in! Do we even live in this world?
Technology, constantly, overwhelming, misery,
what's left in the world to see?
Never joy, never light, never peace or hope or life.
Step outside,
Trees of autumn glancing down,
Skies of blue freely flowing,
a city skyline in the distance.
As the cars drive along the dirt road,
I long to contrinbute to the world.
and smile
The back catalog of L*** J******’s memory stores….
Folder: THINGS TOO AFRAID TO SAY ALOUD [last modified 10/19/19]
Television is like a broken world
Scattered people, lost in their own Mind
Like a dog chasing its tail,
Running In circles as they repeat again,
In the days of old, humans worshiped art
while the gods watched from above.
Poets opened their veins and bled out rivers of red desire
His eyes are disks,
His teeth are jacks.
His arms sinewed with cables
With gold along his back.
A spark of electricity
Coded Numbers, flashing light,
Keep me up all through the night.
My eyes grow tired,
and same for my brain.
Is a.i. helpful or am I insane?
They say it's a breakthrough.
There's no need to fuss.
I walk these lonely streets filled with those that pass me by.
Dont try to speak, wont catch my eye.
Am I really walking here? Or can it be I've disappeared!
Hello Mr. mustang, please don’t text while you drive
Unless of course you are ready to die
In that case please don’t do it here
When children and innocent people are near
For not everyone is prepared for their death
We walk: heads down, minds consumed
By the ever-growing social haven
That we seize in grasp.
Its palpable exterior draws us in;
no you can’t see my shackles,
no ball, no chain.
that doesn’t mean I am free,
for you I’m a slave.
addicted to your touch,
you light up my nights.
give me company when im alone,
Tap Tap Tappity Tap
Tapity Tip Ta-
Wait, what?
Is that even...?
Click Click
Tap Tap Tap
No no no no no no pleaaaase no
We live in a generation filled with annihilations of miscommunication and mistakes when the thing that we see most is a little device that takes us coast to coast. We think that if we see it then its close to a reality, we wont to boast becaus
The click of a button bottoming out, fans whirring from lifelessness with the rush of pixels illuminating darkness.
Images of information reflecting within eyes revealing unknowns at the press of a key.
I see a lot of us stuck in routines
Allergic to humans but loyal to things
Driven by instructions and not allowed to dream
Are we now robots or still human beings?
We follow trends that pop in our screens
Here we are
Once again
Just you, me,
And Twitter
And look here
Someone retweeted by pic
Let me us send a quick thx,
Oh wait
This person used it negatively
They posted this
what is life without technology?
how would we live with not our phones
or computers
or electricity?
are we so large that it is we who controls it?
A woman's mouth approaches the screen
so zoomed in
Red lines of blood
chapped lips let out a dry whisper
"everything looks so bright"
A cool breeze dances on your neck's back
Your inception was a wave of the future,
Taking by storm the time of a nation,
But what was once a complement to memories and friendships,
Has replaced communication.
Now we “like” or “repost” or “retweet”
To the person struggling to find herself in our digitalized world:
In all its beauty and beguilement
Is forcibly condensed
Dear Cellphone,
I’m addicted to your blue light,
That keeps me wide awake at night.
The comforting glow that I’m sure you all know
Dear Robot Wars,
Here’s to you, Robot Wars!
Here’s to your hosts, house robots, hazards, judges, and competitors.
Here’s to your specials and your special place in my heart.
In this world we inhabitseconds move quick as a rabbit and all humans grow obliviouscaring only for what is frivolous Oblivious to the birdsmoving in herds Oblivious to trees dancingand leaves lively prancing All humans grow oldstaring into a the
I create things behind a screen.
It's important for me to make sure that my work looks nice and clean.
Sitting behind a screen, I'm a digital lover.
It feels like being a God forever.
She had one job.
One simple job.
She must've went back for the basket.
... And her Fitbit.
Kids these days.
Steps don't count themselves,
You know.
If you don't get 10,000
Once upon a time used to begin old fairy tales,
In a land far far away set the scene,
But today the advancement in technology never fails,
To begin a love story from a meme.
We left our hearts
to live in our heads.
It was supposed to get easier
but compassion is dead.
Driven by money
and heavy with pain;
The blood on the ground
runs in each of our veins.
The wheel never stops turning,
From the moment we take our first breath
To the moment we take out last.
Once we open our eyes
We must begin the cycle of life.
But it is not how it was before.
Human beings or robots?
Social skills, we have forgot
Connected to our phones
Lying next to our headstones
Soon we will be forgot, always in distraught
You know I think it's kind of funny
How we say, almost excessively,
that are now a more connected humanity
in this, the "amazing" 21st century.
I mean, "We're more connected than ever!", right?
Hundreds of Millions of
Messanger birds
Soaring across the world.
It sure is a miracle
That none of them crash
Into each other.
Social Media, feeding the
Obsession. Expression
which switches
Depression to Repression.
Lies disguise
our devotion to true emotion.
Self-Hatred, the secret sacred
Entity for a hurting Identity.
I comprehend
my own actions,
and these feelings in which I'm penned.
You never really know how it is,
to be in this body in which I spend
my time, but then
I don't comprehend
I comprehend
my own actions,
and these feelings in which I'm penned.
You never really know how it is,
to be in this body in which I spend
my time, but then
I don't comprehend
"Wake Up Neo.
"The Matrix has you."
Digital Mind Control.
Green codes align with the receptors of our brain.
These are my words.
Listen to my words.
For the technological advances
have taken you elsewhere.
Entrenched in such lair.
All you want is fame and notoriety.
And we can tell that it's somewhat unfair
Raised by ads on MTV
faces on CNN
words on screens
and people without depth
I am the product of pixels and vectors-
There was a looming sadness cast over the age of men, a shadow of the greatness to come.
They said, "let's go to the teahouse for a drink"
presumably to have some social time
but it's as if reality gave me a wink
since conversing face to face is known as a crime.
Not a day goes by when I think of how boring my life could get. How social media swallows an individual's soul. As my mother bickers to me as she tells my phone to leave me alone.
cell phone
portable, useful
texting, calling, messaging
iphone, android, blackberry
distracting, ringing, buzzing
awesome, impressive
I crave it everyday
I do not "want" I need
The feel, the touch, the way it makes me feel
It brings me calmness and a sense of security
I am lost without it; it defines me as a person
iCan't liveWithout love.IGSCFBu kno meiNeed3G 4G LTEHOW ELSE WILL I SEE WHO REALLY LOVES ME?!Who watched my story,Liked my latest selfie.Facebook message me.My besties. My family.Thank God for technology.iCant be mewithout the love from social MEd
On this island it's just me and you.
You have everthing I need all in one.
Without you it's like I'm missing what is important to me.
On this island it's just you and me.
A burden becomes a bond
With four neglected words, but
“Can I help you ma’am/sir”
Were lost in this fast paced world
We don’t take the time to ask because
They say slavery was abolished years ago. That every man, is now his own. But look around at what surrounds you. No I don’t mean on your phone. Stop tapping at your screens, Halt the scrolling through your feeds. This isn’t about race this time
There is no time for talks and whispersnot anymore in this time we live in,and it gets more deterious every day.Human life into parlors prospersnot allowing knowledge to grow within,and to get ignorant we pay.
When I look around me I no longer see faces
All I see are people whose minds are in other places
No one speaks; no one tries to be heard
Just keep your head down, and immerse yourself in another world
It’s funny
There comes a day when you can’t get enough likes
Like how so many people could care less about your day and pretty face
And in that day it hits you clear and blank
Prescribed with sentience, a mind is furled.
The node, like synapse, encased from Deep Blue,
Employs emotion, though no form is curled.
On flesh, a chain of plugs will here subdue.
Flip phones took a beating.
Now the smart phones record what we're eating.
Kids ran all day long and felt as though they could fly.
Now kids spend all day chained to a charger so the phone doesn't die.
Blind Destruction
Most people just talk about how
the human race is so great.
How we’re so advanced that previous generations
would hardly recognize the world we live in today.
When I was a child, energetic and happy, outside, I would play with pals, underneath the trees as they shed their leaves and reach our tiny nose as we sleep under them.
Gratitute towards life overwhelms me
I go about my day in optimism and curiousity
Productivity is the fuel
begin to see
this aching earth
and its meager tenants
as what they once were
as what they have become
most importantly
as what they could
I like to watch people in the park, not in a creepy way but just to see how others do things.
A rectangular object that fits into my hand,
An object which contains information from all around the world
No one has time,
But there's always time
To complain.
No one sees,
But they do.
No one cares
In this world
We once called home.
I only know
What I've been told,
Someone tell me why im having a mental breakdown.
its 10:56 and im numb.
not too long ago i got my phone taken away,
and just let me something about that.
The night has crept in but our skies remain lit
what is the world in which we live
The lamps are all off but windows remain bright
what is the world in which we live
Love Letters
Nobody writes love letters anymore,
Whatever happened to holding hands and opening her door,
If I tell you that I don't like your selfie,
will you go off and hate me?
If I don't have an Instagram,
Does that make me a loser, man?
I will not hold a lie against my face,
a pixellated mask, heavy on my conscience.
The sound of youth constructing barriers of separation
is thunderous and inescapable.
Their tiny, rough hands
Every store, show, event-- everytime anything exciting appears
Let me take a selfie.
When did these words become such a despreate part of life?
When did engaging in social time become selfie time?
What if life had it’s own Google search bar
Or some sort of how to app
That explained all that needed explanation
And filled in all of the gaps
What if life had a backspace key
The playgrounds are empty longing the children's presence
Disaster is written in the scars that are made from a blade.
Dark circles suffocate the light inside me, and create a darkness that doesn't fade.
Imperfections party hard with their dance along my sensitive winter skin.
99 cents is all it costs
To order a pizza or watch the next episode of Lost
But tell me,
What does it cost to keep a heart beating?
You can say "I love you" over a text
Oh, if only I could go
I'd walk towards a meadow
My screen of glass would stay astray
Divorced from me.
I'd settle among the tranquil trees,
and open my mind to new possibilities.
your animalistic programming
can get in the way
of reason and just saying
what you really meant to say
this is true for you
it is a struggle for me
we have to have the will to do
Hidden faces, secret thoughts, and unseen emotions
Building a superficial wall of counterfeit endeavors
Masking internal desires and devotions
Disguising each fault from past friends and lovers
Notice all the old folks, hear them say
What happened to the kids nowadays?
Sitting on their ass, shorts way too high
Lying, cheating with pants down to their thighs
This is the age of the young, wild, and free
I am the boy named Koid
The boy who loves the world around him
the tv he watches,
the video games he plays,
the family he loves,
the boy goes online a lot, he finds a whole universe.
Always on
In our hands we look
Lighting up our face
Words flash
color bash
technology hold us
And we can let go
We talk and talk
yet I hear no voice
We laugh and laugh
yet I see no smile
We love and love
yet I feel nothing
Nothing can grow here
Get to walking
Not a lot of talking
Around these students, education roams
The most connected of all domes
Emory aren't we saying we are connected as a community
We are creatures of information,
And so, we are creatures of communication.
I realize this.
So I write my message, read over it, and fix a few typos.
I roll it up and put it in a little bottle,
I write to everyone in the future
That is, everyone alive now
Because it is the future right now
It has been the future for a while now
Nobody sees it though
It’s raining outside,
Let’s have some fun.
Won’t you jump in the puddles with me, Mama.
Please get off the computer,
You’ve been on all day.
A haiku...
Robots rule the world
Making decisions for us
Capturing our brains
No longer can we
Live freely and humanely
Prisoners on Earth
What we created
Edges of this world must be mended
Creases of these old fabrics smoothed
Smuggled letters rewritten
And torn pieces sown
With old methods and home-made remedies
Nail by nail and thread by thread
I’m inundated, like being stuck under a waterfall
Relentless flow of application information
Why can’t this deluge be money?
Applications for colleges, scholarships, volunteering, jobs
I have to tell you about the language of
My generation: prodigies of telecommunication
They gave into cars
And now they hardly walk
They gave into TVs
And now they hardly exercise
I've got you in my bare hands.
Yet it's as if I am at your command.
It's no wonder you have a reputation for being so witty.
You know my secrets and at times they're for you to keep.
A life of a cell without a living cellis not much of a happy life at all.You humans make my life a living hellEvery time you slip and make me fall.
Can anyone save our minds?
Now like a sieve in the sand
Soon there will be none left to find
Instead, we are kept busy with our hands
The base of knowledge, smoldering in flames
He's on his cellphone while his 2 year old child is running around,
Through the window I see a family eating dinner and their all separated by their own entertainment,
"When was the last time you stepped out of that cramped space?"
Oh, I'd say it's been ages
Since I could freely walk the forest trails and sniff the pine air
It's been forever. I've been busy.
Beep, Beep—Sorry\\ you said—system failed—What?
No, no
This can’t be happening
lifeless, lurid, and LED
where are you, friend?
A world once driven by its people and their will to overcome
this thing we call life
is now undone.
A world now driven by the need for the newest and greatest technology
when we already have it.
Man vs. machine, machine vs. man. How can one understand such struggle in this bubble we call the world. Airstrikes strike the air with such force, and now it's up to only us of course.
To take away from humanity,
and to be stolen from nature.
We have yet to decide which should be mandatory.
Technology is all around us that we must understand
In order for the human race to leap forward and advance
Whenever I think about it, it's like my brain is in a trance
All this science and math is making me dance
The fire is the world
The smoke sits
Can it always be?--
Smoke back to fire
We envision the imposible
I let the shadows speak
I let the mind grow
But never let it be weak,
To discover the things I need to know.
A beginning of a moment must come to an end
The end of a moment must come to a beginning.
I’d change the way Americans communicate.
But let me change you before I hyperventilate
Your social sites, your smartphone, your online games
Have given you bloodshot eyes and a liquid brain
Money first tangible, now pay day first typed.
The workplace is not flat
No more walls, but barriers
Information overload, overcharged, overstimulated
Sorry this is more than 140 characters
The hands do smack
Over keyboards of our Macs
Tweeting our bros back.
Shorts up ya butt.
Praised is the slut.
The preppies want the purebreds,
The fllwing poem is two Elizabethan sonnets placed back-to-back.
Evolution favors those most adept.
It favors those with knowledge to move on.
So while the giraffes with the short necks slept,
It's great to see technology increase for the better good.It's great to see people control manual robots for precise surgeries.It's great that deaf people can hear, and soon blind people will see.
Technology has rendered me alone.Amidst the chaos of a stressful time,I find myself attached to what I findto be what helps me feel the most at home.
Since a young age I came to be
A computer geek with technology always around
It was not long before I could see
This was the direction in which I was bound
As the years flew by
I've never really sat down to write a poem
Just sat to write thoughts from my head
Never really thought to write a poem
Maybe I'll write one by the time I'm dead
But now I sit facing a window
If I could change anything about the world
I would change the media
The society we live in is largely consisted of the latest tech inventions-
Smart phones, computers, tablets, galore.
What most fail to realize is that these gadgets seep deceptions.
Fire, Ash, and Wind,Leave us with a world of sin.
Hate, Crime, Rape,Who's to blame for heaven's sake?
Heaven. Up. The sky,God will help, right?
Friends, Facebook
Hashtag, Twitter
Instagram Moments
Social networking a must
iPad, iPhone, Smartphone
Internet in hand
Click and search
Everything Instant
So many things could change,Only to change one,How can you choose?I would change the way people see time.People are so caught up in tomorrow or yesterday,They watch the minutes tick by on technology,
Wires and networks
Cricling around
The world is connecting
Data of sight and sound
Families apart
Together on the web
Talent so raw
In laptops on a bed
Sharing the world
No more clicks,
Just touch screen tips.
Detached from reality,
Virtual scenic.
Heads nod, but only
Like sorrow--
One direction.
"It is cool that I borrow...
Your wifi, bro?"
Here to tell you all that we’re all computerized,
Screens are friends, cameras eyes,
My whole generations so syn-chro-nized,
Never lived a day without computers in our lives,
The day we were born, we watched tv,
“Can I have that to go?
But why do I ask?
Time doesn’t go slow,
And I have no better task.
But we are always running,
Away to better things.
Our aversion is stunning,
What are we missing in class you ask?
No more pencils, no more books
Bring on the nooks
Paint a picture of a perfect place
A place where the grass is greener,
A place where we’ve got it made
Through technology, sex, war, terror, fame, money, drugs
We think the perfect picture is things
World is changing. Never the same.
Please don't yell. I can't take this blame.
Each day is new. It's mind more complex.
From pencils to keys, Let's our mind run free.
I remember being a little girl
Sitting on the sidewalk with my bucket of sidewalk chalk
Drawing pictures of fish and of flowers
That really just looked like scribbles on the cement
In high school I was smart, confident, but quiet
Never was one to propose a riot
But now I'm in college and I've seen it through
What time-worn technology does to you
I can hear your sweet voice at HOME.
You sing to me to make me feel free.
but do you know how much you mean to me.
For to my heart, you are the key.
I love your TOUCH on my skin.
Pen, Pencil, Paper
Do you even know what a word document can do?
Chalk, Eraser, Blackboard
Have you even heard of a SMARTboard?
VCR, VHS tape, CRT television
As the earth advances along its path
New technologies come and go.
With bold discoveries in science and math
People can help the world to grow.
School is mean't to teach
What is being taught?
Math problems, history
What about the future?
Technology, communication, work ethic
Teach things that will push us far in life.
Accepted. “In the loop”.
Everyone wants to feel that way
That’s why people look at their phones 34 times a day
They never put their headphones away
It feels so nice to have something to say
That’s why . . .
So, I'm perched atop my study stool,
removed from social interactions.
I've become a slave to post-secondary school.
I derive equations, not satisfactions.
I've been solving for x longer than I can recall,
Technology has revolutionized
It is no longer in disguise
With its canny ability to explore
Who knows what is in store
Who would have thought of internet and portable phones
It seems to me like we don’t have time for each other.
Technology’s supposed to keep us more connected,
But somehow we’re becoming more distant.
Sending texts of meaningless conversation,
Disconnected Welcome to the proud planet of EarthWhere human interaction is a clear as dirt.The same flourishes of skin on skinHave become virtual keys and clicksNames don’t matter anymore,Hash tags and @ signs have taken form,As the new fingerpri
The stylus I grip in my palm is a stylist. I can create tears of joy, as I can create tears of pain. A grin, or a sharp smirk on another person's face.
We all love technology,
I however, do not approve of it in schools.
Take them out.
I prefer textbooks over ebooks.
You can mark them up, add notes,
in an ebook all you can do is swipe to the next page.
Everything we are,
our heart, our soul, our mind
is being deprived
Because our friends are those we dont recognize.
A group so vast in size,
but a friendship that can only be surmised.
Attention young people of the world, my peers!
It is not the end of the world if you forget your phone at home
or your device refuses to connect to the free Wi-Fi
Before the computer
Before the cell phone
Before the Internet
Before texting and email
There was face to face connection
Talking, visiting, laughing with a family member
I don't like to be ignored.
Actually I HATE to be ignored.
And fuck those of you who immediately think that I am an attention whore.
I'm not, I just don't like to be ignored.
I turn to the square.
It’s light immense, mesmerizing, captivating.
And there’s color.
So much color. I can’t stop myself from looking.
Let me paint you a picture
Of a world gone blind from hours untallied
Peering into a window of light so blinding
It consumes our thoughts every moment
Step into the door, my friend
Are all calling out,
Hear us singing?
Are traveling about,
Hear us ringing?
Vibrating through
many miles of wires,
The other day my guidance counselor Mrs. SolovayCalled me into her officeInto a crossed out corner of thisOutdated newspaper clippingIn that prison cellWhere nobody usually goesBecause like me,
everything is here, all this power at our fingertips
some shy from it, scared of the glow, the crackle of electricity
those not scared away, their lips curve up as they move forward
Oh, computers, how I adore you
Your blocky, boxy body
And chaotic crossing keyboard
Are always there for me
Through thick and thin
I can always count on you
To delete my work
I saw the best minds of my generation go to waste when technology took over like a windstorm in the night grabbing hold of everything and everyone forever changing the lives and minds of the people who fell victim to it,
Rows and rows of wandering minds,
not zombies,
not the definition
of a human as represented in
Huckleberry Finn.
Not flamboyant like Kerouac.
Not mindless like Orwell warned.
(poems go here)
First Period-
I’m busy running a T-test,
Juggling sample means
And standard deviations;
But then-
Buzzing so hard against my leg;
My phone asks, pleads, begs
Standing absolutely still,
big, and tall in their dull surroundings
they wait patiently
for their next victim
(slow): bee boo bee bop bee bee boop..
*internet connecting noises*
(slow): connected...
What do I want?
My days are limitless
What do I do now?
My days are limited
I desire my wants
And want my needs
Yet when they approach me
I am afraid, indeed
I see a space where no great thought floats among stray feathers where loud sound chases g
The swaying of the trees
Puts me at ease
In the midst of anger
The strong wind against my face
Brings me to reality
Realities of the world
Scroll to get the latest gossip
Scroll to laugh at pictures of cats
Scroll to find out how to get to Olive Garden
Scroll to stalk your ex lover
Scroll to go on a virtual shopping spree
I am the quad core intel i7 chip in the beautiful aluminum unibody MacBook Pro.
I am the retina display in the iPhone 5.
I am the 4g LTE in the all new iPad.
I am the 32 gb of storage in an iPod touch.
So many days in that black swivel chair
Clicking on clues, who needs fresh air?
Staring at the screen with its curve like the earth
You’d think I’d been doing this from at least birth
The black mother could only shed one solitary tear.
To see her only son locked up for having no fear.
For being proud of his color, character, and his dream;
After all she planted the seed.
How is it possible to never have to think at all?
Easy, use Google.
How then will we prosper?
Easy, follow the ones who created Google.
Well what about the ozone and global warming?
In a world full of technology and communication
we all end up in a seemingly endless situation
in a world full of thinkers
and hopeless drinkers
the endless lovers
and overbearing mothers
Hunger, starvation
What I wouldn’t give for the sensation
Good, bad, any feeling would suffice
Or, better yet, to sleep forever would be nice
For longer than I care to remember I have been numb
All gathered around
Our curse the plasma bright screen
Our entertainment has changed
All from Satellite
From one network to more
The H.D. black box