I like to watch people in the park, not in a creepy way but just to see how others do things. When I was younger I would see people running or jogging, seeing kid play on swing sets and playing tag and everyone smiling and having fun and enjoying nature.
But now, all that’s changed because of technology
The streets that were crowded with children playing are now inside watching TV or on their cell phones
The signs that say children playing isn't relevant anymore
When people go to social gatherings all they do is taking pictures and post status updates on social networking sites
Every experience we partake in is followed by the snap of a camera or the click of a button. All the experiences and places are boiled down to pixels and distant memories.
Instead of taking a picture to prove we made it, we did this, we met this person
Why don’t we just experience that moment, enjoy a conversation or look at that wonderful view.
The world has so much to offer yet we hide it behind screens and flashes.
We are given this wonderful world that started as a completely clean environment
And is now changed to landfills and global warming
We don’t appreciate what we have until its gone they say
Well I don’t believe that
I believe that if we all realized what we were doing it would stop
The litter and problems would stop and the world would be restored
But that is a lie, a fairytale they say
Unlike some people
I want to prove them wrong