The Best Minds of My Generation
I saw the best minds of my generation go to waste when technology took over like a windstorm in the night grabbing hold of everything and everyone forever changing the lives and minds of the people who fell victim to it,
Victims who don’t realize they’re victims not only victims but slaves to the constructs society wants them to fit,
Never realizing that they let go of the simple joys of life like sending and receiving a letter that took time to write rather than a text that says “ily” instead of hearing the voice of the person that means the most say it ever so softly with meaning behind it that lifts the weight of the world off your shoulders,
But instead we praise and glorify technology! Our actions say, “I love you technology! You’re the best thing that has happened to me!”
We buy these things as if our life depended on it, never questioning our conscience as to whether we really need it as bad as we need our next breath
Never realizing that we lose a piece of one of the best minds of my generation every time we update or make a new purchase
Never realizing that we’re addicted to the vibration that happens when we receive a text or phone call but ignoring the vibrations of happiness and joy our parents once experienced when these little satanic devices didn’t exist in their generation
Change is good, but this change? We must question if it’s good just as milk is for the body or like a warm kiss and hug is for a heavy heart
One question we must ask with vengeance, with certainty just as our names are ours…
What good are the little devils we all seem to possess? They’re good for nothing except destroying the best minds of my generation