False FOMO
To the person struggling to find herself in our digitalized world:
In all its beauty and beguilement
Is forcibly condensed
Into pictures and pixels
A poor replication of the original
Reality now lives
In megabytes and hearts
That are broken everyday
By lies
You are an inherent actor
But life is not a stage
You don’t live
In pages
But what’s really
Is that with every click
Every swipe
Every tap
And every like
You are losing
You want so badly
For people to like
What you do
And what you say
Because you think no one loves who you
Really are
Shooting stars
Speeding across the sky
Only to fall to earth
In an explosion
Of disappointment, disengagement,
And discontent
All the while
Never knowing that you were meant
For more
Connection ceases to exist
You can’t smell the roses
Because your nose
Is buried so deep
In someone else’s
You can’t see people for who they are
Because if eyes are the windows
To the soul
Then Venetian blinds
Custom made by Steve Jobs
Obstruct your view
What you need
Is tunnel vision
Make a conscious decision
To live your life for yourself
And no one else
Be here
Be here now
And wow
Look at what you can do