Whats the real problem.
We live in a generation filled with annihilations of miscommunication and mistakes when the thing that we see most is a little device that takes us coast to coast. We think that if we see it then its close to a reality, we wont to boast because the toast of an explanation is a lot more complicated than just staring and being aggravated and using caps as a way of frustration. Oh but when a new device pops into creation we all take a vacation from the cussing and agitation of being better than the person behind us in line. I can't really speak for the whole nation but I can say without hesitation that when my sisters' fascination for technology at such a young location gave me a realization. These little kids treat technology as a medication and it shouldn't be such an accommodation because were turn them into monsters and use technology as a justification. That shouldn't be the case let's give them real gratification so our future generation won't be filled with a heartless population.