Related Poems

What kind of woman is thisThat feels so attacked by her own geneticsThat she is convinced the worldIs run by long eyelashes...

So tell me that I’m “dark skin” and that I’m not considered cuteTell me that my hair is too kinky and not good enough for...

Why should I be her?
Why can't you love me for me?
Why do i have to fit in a zero?
Why should I be skinny?
What's wrong with...

A slight hum that esculates , transforms to a melody .
A rythem so sweet , it could wake your taste buds .
A song as soft...

I see to many people think that a mental disease can be fixed easily or that it's a joke. Depression, axiety, eating...

Disaster is written in the scars that are made from a blade.
Dark circles suffocate the light inside me, and create a...

I look in the mirror and what do I see?
Someone different, someone that is not me.
I look in the mirror and what do I see?...

Zit one, Zit two, Zit three...Pop.
No makeup to cover the little suckers up.
Fat chipmunk cheeks filled with seeds.
New year...

We as teens did not choose who we wanted to be, we as teens were created.
Who knew at such a young age we could hold such...

I look through the broken glass of my being
just a thing for people to scream at without really seeing
I shake my mane to...

Natural beauty is rare
The deep brown eyes of mine
Sparkle clear as ever
Without the mask I can see
I see the cute...

Society is blind not by the eye
Guys fall in love with what they see
Trying to be beautiful making one cry
He knows she...

This is for the ones
who stay up all night
This is the ones
who can't look in the mirror
This is for the ones
who hold in...

Staring at the expressionless reflection on the other side of the mirror
Searching for the hopes and dreams and aspirations...

I was broken.
I was nothing.
I had nothing.
I was alone, scared,
Afraid to face my biggest...

No one ever said life was gonna be easy
You learnt that way too early in life
You carry yourself in a way that says "I'm...

In these eyes
there misconception
But my conception is disguised by my bland affection
To try to cope with everyone's...

I miss the days where we could be carefree. No bills. No anger of any real sort. No stress. No money to worry about managing...

She screams at me
Without flaws
She shouts in my direction
That voice perching on my brain
This one in a million...

Products upon products
Days lost to adulation
Looking for beauty under rocks, in-between articles.
The funny thing is,
I buy...

I’m sorry for how much I hated you How I shattered glass to hide from your reflection For the pain I put you through The...

Dear Bulimia,
I thought that I loved you
Long ago
Without you, I'd have been
All alone
When no one else was there

To you, am I worth nothing and just another second that goes by
Or am I the all-moving power that is the center of all...

Modesty...What exactly is it?Is it covering yourself up like a nun?No!It is being confidentIt is being strongIt is being...

I am just a girl,
Invisible to the outside world,
I've lied, ive cheated, i've stole,
No one knows about my broken soul,...

I will not be defined by what size I wear
I am not fat I am thick
Thick as in a bowl of oatmeal
I don` t turn heads I break...

I Am Beautiful... by the way i walk by the way i talk... not by the color
of my skin but for my independance.

You say you're not hungry
It's an obvious lie
Don't ask me to go along with it
I can't sit back and watch you slowly die

Right now while you’re staring at this screen there’s a girl out there
A boy out there
And they are looking in the mirror...

Beat it
But you can't
So why killing us?
Because you're afraid of the truth, these are words against your wish.
Mere words...

It doesn't make sense to call ourselves ugly,
because we don't really see ourselves.
We don't watch ourselves sleeping in...

It ain't easy being Markweezy
and it's easy to tell 'cause this poem is cheesy.
But I will continue to keep on working,

i was told to write about my feelings.... fuck, my feelings twords what? Lamps? cats? my feelings in general? my feelings...

I have always been insecure about my appearance-
most specifically my stomach.
I distinctly remember being handed a pair...

Who am I really without a filter?
Because with it, I feel as if I have shelter
I don`t want them to see the real me
Yet, I...

Loving Myself
Loving yourself isn't the easiest thing to do.
It takes years to build your self confidence and seconds for it...

The reflection continues to change everyday
The days become longer and harder to handle
The voices in my head telling me to...

Beauty is not an hour-glass shape or a large bust with a tiny waste
Beauty is not a word that can only describe a face

Pretty little beauty
defiled by poisonous thoughts
Disintegrating smile
her time is running out
slaughtered by the envy...

You do not have to shimmer to be gold
Look at Frida Kahlo, in all of her glory
People look at her, unibrow and all
And she...

We all strive to be such a thing,Beautiful.
But we look in the mirror,
We study our image,
It becomes more flawed,
We are...

She lays down to watch him as he sleeps.
His stomach rises a little as he breathes.
An angel he looks like in his sleep,

Some bad bug strangers in stealth eat most miserable good bugs in like beautiful butterflies and busy bees everyday, and...

You saw me before I saw you.I was tugging at the ends of my sweaterTrying to cover my fingertips to stay warmAnd you were...

My skin is imperfect
Blemishes, scars, and marks
Make up the fabric
Of my features
These imperfetions
Make up who I am

I can only ask for you to take me as I am,
I know I am not perfect.
I'm a work of art still being worked on,
A complicated...

Dark skin, dark eyes, dark hair.
Brown skin, dark skin, dark brown skin.
How I wish I had your snow white complexion....
My crooked smile and loud laugh
Are things that make me flawless
My hyperactive crave for change
Are things that make me...

Open a magazine and what do you see?
You see two models tying to be
something they're not
because society tells them so....

God knew we were all going to be created one of those 7 days Looking at Adam and Eve,as the first,made the world changeMaybe...

There was a flower
Not yet bloomed, still a bud
Closed off from everything and everyone
Waiting to bloom
Every minute...

Am I?
Who am I,
To want these things unattainable?
Who am I,
To crave for you,
As if I’ve been starved,
And you were a...

Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter
why do they all have filters?
To help hide our natural beauty
turning on filters is a daily...

She's not tall and She's not Short.
She's not perfect, what did you expect?
She's simple and plain. She's also very...

I am the master of dressing room photoshoots.The queen of Macy mirror pics,The goddess of target twitter selfies I have a...

I know the guys always say the same old line.
"The makeup compliments your eyes"
Honestly your personality compliments your...

My therapist once asked me what I thought when I heard the word “beautiful”
I cringed and sank back into my seat and...

B- big or small
E- either way is gorgeous
A- amazing self confidence
U-unaffected by critics
T- thin is not the only pretty...

end of story
you say word but you know not what mean
end of story
those words you say hurt an individual
end of story

Love Isn't real so why do people say it
It's only in fairytales that's why they call it happy endings
I hate the word love...

I can't live without...YOU
You're amazing, you're beautiful, and you are lovely
Being around you makes me weak
Makes me...

My skin isn't pretty.
Painted, ruined like graffiti.
Peel back the skin,
And all I find is more melanin.
It's dark and...

You look at me and say "I want that'
I look at you and say "I want that"
But why can't we look in the mirror and say "I like...

The Doctor comes in and says:
That's all You hear
From his deploring plee
To stop this madness

Her joints are the dark brown of knots in wood
Body like a tree, stiff
Yet rolling and soft, like how the guardians look...

I walk outside my door and the rain pours.
No one can hear me
No one can see me.
And, the rain pours.
I fall to my knees, my...

My flaws make me flawless.
My freckles, usually covered by makeup, are beautiful.
My natural hair, a genetic mutation, is...

Never be afraid to live
Do not be afraird of what you have never did
Be an adult but laugh as a kid
Go On.
Never let other...

We Arethe generation of the "self-obessessed,"the ruinment of our timethe kids who know it allbut know nothingof...

Every morning she stood in front of the mirror and was ashamed of what she saw
She hated the kinks in her hair
the sea...

Looking upon the surface of the waters,
You see beauty, you see grace
Mystery, and depth of the mezmerizing sea
It is...

Looks are deceiving
you look at a beautiful girl walk down the halls yet,
you don't see her insecurities masked behind her...

They say if I want to fit in
Than I should
Walk like them
Talk like them
Dress Like them
They say that beauty
Is in...

These curves are not a commodity
They’re not served for your pleasure
Nor carved with a measure
I am tired of the hyper-...

I don’t know how it could be different?
We were close as close as friends could get,
we shared everything from
Please dont get tired of me. Cliff jumping, sky diving, and scuba diving can keep you on your toes. I need to try...

Throughout the incandescent film,
I see your body.
Your true self running through,
The streams of light.
When you illuminate...

Have you ever,
Taken a step back for the gratitude of your own work.
Taken a step back,
For the appreciation of the piers....

With so much to think about
It barely rests
As time goes on, it thinks about moving on
Should animals go extinct,
This mind...

Almost there…
Just a little further
With upmost care
Being the conqueror
Eyes of dedication
Like those of a tiger
Listen, sister, for this talk unsettles me. Stop here. Because
You are not the sum of things you have made.
You are not the...

(In the structure of The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe)
Here lie my bleak reflection, which had caught a great infection...

I was givin a certain way to dress, look, hell even feel before I was born
so when I was told " Your not doing it right" it ...

Filters make beauty
in the same way makeup does;
it’s not permanent.
I have insecurities,
which are covered by filters.

I used to look in a mirror and see nothing more than a pale, meaningless skeleton
Encompassed by pasty, white flesh with...

Flaws do I have any?
I have many.
Honestly, I am mentioning none already.
What does it take to be flawless?
Trying not to...

I used to think she was selfish
People are starving and she rejects food?
Food that is offered to her
Is body image that...

This is our society,
Where beauty is seen so differently.
The thing we idealize,
the qualities that hypnotize
bodies that...
When I look into a mirror I see a girl that is
Broken, both inside and out
Lost, unable to shout
Unconfident, hiding behind...

When will we realize that love is the answer?
The lack of reality is growing faster.
Media telling women they have to be a...

Hello my Sky!
Up so high, so blue!
We run in green,
white clouds beam, ah fun!
We skip along, bounce on
Under trees in...

In the beginning, there was nothing.
There were only dreams.
The first day, God made darkness.
It likes to fill your...

While we tore our life,
my soul struggled between morality and lust.
Our analogous blood burst into cries,
your recognized...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
But behold the truth
Constant influences to change
Change or stay...

Proverbs 31:30~"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
My beauty of what...
You can find me in between the words
soul scout
in the Merriam Dictionay,
but the definition you seek
is only...

Your braces are like magnets that attract my love.They are the first thing I notice and the last thing I say goodbye to.Your...

In the event
That I don't make it to my graduation
I will have these horrible events to remember
Girls stolen form their...

Some bad bug strangers in stealth eat most miserable good bugs in like beautiful butterflies and busy bees everyday, and...

Different I am,but well I can't be like you coz am unique.
My physique defines me and only me,
Short cute decent and with a...

Do you lie to me?
Do you tell me I am too
tell me.
What you see
tell me who I am...

I am not sorry that I'm not a 36-24-36
But I do have a body size that leaves me with confidence
I love my rich dark brown...

Ask the girl in the glass how she survives on just air.
Ask her, how does she last when she devours nothing but despair?

Peep the scene. I see you standing on the corner looking all mean. Trying to make a quick dollar so you can live that ghetto...

It is often easy to forget what I am
Media, music, and the white man
All telling me that for what I stand
Has no purpose...

When can you be yourself? lifes like a book on a shelf it has its main plot and events with nothing more to share no...

A infatuated boy once told me-
“I've never seen a girl like you before.”
That was a lie because
Beneath my summer dress

The Butterfly,is so vibrant, so enchanting, and so pretty!The Moth,is so dull, dreary, and deaden.To most who never noticed,...

Maybe something good
will come from all this
slicing on my smooth skin,
heavy bleeding out of my aching soul,
and opening of...

I look in the mirror
Seeing the sad imperfection
Seeing me
Seeing the acne on my skin
Seeing my nose that seems too big...

Sometimes I wish I was skinny and pretty. Sometimes when I look in the mirror I want to cut the fat off! I hate how being...

They say you need to be a certain way. They say you need to have courage. They say you need to be successful. They all say...

Every day I retrospect on that little kid who often lost her breathe.
She thinks and cries while wondering why she has been...

I may be fat.
I may be ugly.
I may be slow.
I may be weak.
I may be stupid.
But some people in this world likes me just the...

This is to the girls who grew up with the barbies
Who grew up idolizing Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Wonderwoman...

Acceptance is one of hurdles I have yet to conquer.
Acceptance became my hurdle that every day I try to overcome by...

Behind the filter
Lies a face
It is a face of madness
Of love
Of caring
The face belongs to a person
A person with acne

They call me 2 chairs
Alls i get is deep stares
Feelin like im commonly confused
I sit here in my 2 chairs that are fused...

I am not bright as the sun in the sky
Yet, I am bright as the moon
Lively and colorful
From an animated cartoon.
I smile...

I've got two miniature Chewbaccas under my arms.
Sometimes I shave them,
Most times I don't
And somehow lifting my arms is a...

First grade
There is a pretty girl inside
New to school with nobody
Hurting her is funny
Tear stains and mud hide ...

You stare in the mirror.
The white glow of the sun,
peaks through the windows as if they are a spotlight,
trying to spot out...

Mirrors tell the truth, you see
They are blunt and honest, the worst but best kind too
It's hard trying to see yourself when...

Do you know what goes into the selfie life?
Depression and lies
To live on approval
Dangerous beauty distorted

I am a woman who hides behind a curtain
A woman who fears of being exposed
A woman who hides behind sarcasm and faulty...

I feel her
after every meal, every snack, every tratorious look at anything sweet
Sometimes she can get to angry
Her hand...

Who am I?
That seems to be the million dollar question on every teenager's mind.
Who am I without my filters and glam...

When you're a child
all you think and dream about
is whether or not
your parents are gonna surprise you
with the unicorn...

Tired of imaginingTired of actingOh, how I wish that was meCat-fishingIs now existingMirror, mirrorWhat is my birth error?Is...

Pink eye shadow was not the only thing that laid heavy on my eyelids
At 8 years old the distorted image of myself did

What makes us doubt?
Causes the mind to burn-out?
Why do we hesitate?
Assume by now it’s already too late.
Passing chances...

Dear nine yr old me You are a Nubian princess Wear your hair Dark and lovely A crown of curly wool On top of your head Do...
I was taking a long walk one day, letting my mind run free. As I was walking I thought about my goals and dreams, and then...

Love me, for me
Love me for being me
Love me for who I am
Love me for what I do
Love me for being strong
Love me for being...

She takes flight.
All the light in those babydoll eyes.
Soars away from these hardships.
Tender hands burned.

Vigorous motion increases stature
Growth quite unlike cancer
Sinews stretch,
Contract and repair
Labored intakes fight back...

Only One!
Ectomorph= Tall and gangly
Mesomorph= Average
Endomorph= Short and fat
Fast metabolism
Normal metabolism

I look through the broken glass of my being
just a thing for people to scream at without really seeing
I shake my mane to...

You are more than this.Than glamour magazines.Than women on the runway.Than girls at the makeup counter.
You are more than...

I am beautiful?
See I am in between, medium, in the middle.
I am not light I am not dark, they call me brown skin.
with the...

For a long time, I hid in silence.
Hoodies and oversized sweaters
Comforted me.
Self esteem? Nonexistent
I didn’t know who I...

Yes I know I'm flawless
Wow look at that confidence
I look at others so pretty and petite
But only wonder why they do not...

There was a child who went forth everyday,
and the first object he looked upon,
that object he became,
and that object he...

My best face, my perfect size
Showing only my softest side
A feminine glow, a princess inside
Gleaming like morning

They say to act your age.
They say to be strong.
They say to always be lady like.
They say to be skinny to be pretty....

Who am I?
I'm me,
Just me
Crazy at times
Always smiling even when it gets rough
Just me
Who am I?
I'm caring

What's nice about me?
What do I see?
Hell, wouldn't I like to know.
The words beauty, flawless, and pretty
those aren't...

I fucking hate my body.
Let that sink in:
How much I hate myself.
How much I want to disappear.
How much...

Beatuiful girl,
who sits up high in the sky.
Your more than your beatuiful cures and thighs.
Beatuiful girl,
who sits up...

Stand up straight, suck your stomach in
Make sure to wear makeup
Make sure you have clear skin.
Keep your eyes forward, keep...

dear self: accept who you are for you. be confiendent and strive to love yourself even at your weakest moments, love your...

I’m always complimented on
my perfectly golden skin.
My bronze hue holds
the Flawless’ secret
in an imperfect world
of snow...