As I am
I can only ask for you to take me as I am,
I know I am not perfect.
I'm a work of art still being worked on,
A complicated puzzle, with a few pieces mising.
I am undone, partial, incomplete.
Those are all words that describe me.
I can only ask for you to take me a I am.
For I don't know how to live any other way.
I live a life of planned out confusion,
I know what I want yet, I'm unsure...
I know how to get what I want yet, I don't think I can do it
Confusing? I know.
I can only ask for you to take me as I am
Please love me for who I will become,
for who I am right now is not who I was.
And who I am now is not who I will be in the future.
I can only ask for you to take me as I am.
I may not be the prettiest, or the peppiest.
I may get mad and withdraw, but you must understand.
I'm begging you to please take me as I am
For my heart is raw, it's been through it all.
It's been torn, scratched, cut, and broken many times,
but pushing that aside I hope you see my inner beauty still shines.
I guess I'm just trying to underline...
I can only ask for you to take me as I am