I am... soul-searching?
You can find me in between the words
soul scout
in the Merriam Dictionay,
but the definition you seek
is only of society's criterion of me.
Not my true soul.
You see,
it's been that way all my life,
casted out,
punched and kicked
all because I wanted to be me.
For many years I wore society as a shield
to keep my true self concealed
but all this facade did was give me
social anxiety.
I suffered a great deal
and what did it yield?;
A lot of stress
No friends
No social life
A dead end
I was depressed
but I had to pretend
that everything was alright with me.
I knew something had to change
because it started to effect my future career
it caused me to drop out of high school,
so now how can I become an engineer?
How can I get into Spelman?
Georgia Tech?
Emory University?
I must change my life,
I must set myself entirely free.
I'm now a soul seeker,
and I make desicions that are true to me.
I rebel against society's rules,
and after 5 years I can genuinely say I'm happy.
I have a high school equivalency,
and in college majoring in chemical technology.
To serve my community,
I help kids who were just like me,
be the best "them" they can be.
So if you was to find me
in the dictionary,
I am the term soul-searching.
Being who I'm supposed to be.