The Girls
This is to the girls who grew up with the barbies
Who grew up idolizing Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Wonderwoman
The girls who grew up reading J-14, Seventeen, and Teen Vogue
To the girls who ever felt too big or too ugly because they arent a size 2
The girls who listened to what they read
This is to the girls who suffer from being proud they went from a size 26 to a size 13
The girls who suffer from bullying whether they are big or they are skinny
These girls are conditioned while they are little that beauty is all on appearance
You have a girl who feels like she is hideous. Going into hiding over bullying for her looks
Her skin aint perfect. She isnt the "perfect" size. Her breasts are too small. Waist too big
Where she should see a image of beauty. Of perfection cause she is her size.
She sees what the media portrays as ugly.
Watching a show called UGLY betty
Bushy hair, kind of awkward, braces, and glasses is apparently ugly when I see human and real
This is to the girls who starve themselves to be skinny
1 meal missed
2 meals skipped
3 workouts an hour
This girl is getting too skinny
Whoops mustve lost too much weight now she is considered too skinny
"Bones is for the dogs, meat are for men"
Yet when a girl has meat and is proud is chastised bout her health
Is chastised about her size. She may be healthy just not skinny.
A mac desktop can run as much as a mac laptop. Two different looks
Beauty isnt on the outside. Beauty is the heart of the girl.
This is to the girl who laughs at negative comments of her size
The girl who strives to learn more and help others
The girls who strive to make a difference
The girls who love everyone for their hearts not their looks