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Throughout the coldest days of the mighty winter
Think of a sweet spring and dream of a mild summer
During the harshest hours of the wintry night
No one can wholly understand love
Love is never what one thinks it is
Love often comes as a snippy surprise
As a starry shock stemming from above.
Love is a hieroglyphic puzzle
Spring came suddenly
with a crack of frozen water
Breaking the river
Roaring like a lion
Sliding like a snake
Flying like a bird
There is a haze of green
over the leaden earth
In the midst of Spring,Avenues are blossoming,Its a story of Within Warmth gentle capture,A Photo of wonder by air,A season's Splendor takes allure.
Haiku 2024 #1
A grey April day
Waiting for the sun to shine
So the earth will smile
Susan Maree Jeavons
In the quiet of winter's end,Where frost once claimed its reign,Emerges a tender, gentle trend—The beginning of spring's sweet refrain. Buds dare to push through the cold,A dance of life unfolds anew,Soft hues of green and gold,Paint the world in
The month of May
Exists so we can love
The beautiful flowers of nature
I have never seen an ugly flowerFlowers are always full of grandeurFlowers are known to be beautifulAll the time, that's stupendously wonderfulAll flowers speak a beautiful language
Keine Ratte steht tatsächlich über dem Gesetz
Gerechtigkeit muss blind, fair, gleich und roh sein
Für alle, in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft
I want to be known by one name
Like Dessalines, Christophe and Pétion
Like Pelé, Ali or a Great Champion
Mon amour, ma femme
Mon amie, mon âme
Quand je dis que je t’aime
Ce n’est pas une plaisanterie
Ce n’est pas une triste moquerie
My love, my all
My friend, my soul
When I say I love you
It is not a joke
It's not a sad laughingstock
I offer to you my sweet heart every day
In lieu of heaven and honey cakes
I offer to you bouquets of pretty flowers
Cheery as this beautiful bird of nature,Which can easily find its food.Cheerful as the bird of paradise,Which gives hope to the destitute.
Frau, du warst so schön. Du warst so hübsch
Du warst so höflich, so jung und voller Leben
Du warst so wunderschön. Du warst so nett
Du warst so zärtlich und fern von den Raupen.
Mulher, você era tão linda. Você era tão bonita
Você foi tão educada, tão jovem e cheia de vida
Você era tão linda. Você foi tão legal
Tears over death
Not because you’ve left
Without saying goodbye
Oh! I cannot tell a lie.
I have never really been a person to really enjoy when it was Spring,
Because I never really sat back and thought about all of the changes and the beauty that it can bring.
SeasonsFour seasons in a year.
summer is the best one .
in the winter it's cold .
The spring is wet and muddy
the spring is the best time to play spring aau.
Seasonsfour seasons in a year
summer is the best one
in the winter it's cold
The spring is wet and muddy
the spring is the best time to play spring aau
then comes the hot,sticky and, humid summer
Darling, you love me
And yet, I love you more
My angel, you like me
And, but I like you more.
I always used to say I hated summer
Something about the heat
Or the sun burns
Or the bugs flying around
No matter where you go
But it wasn’t entirely true
You see
It’s true that I hated summer
Today is a new spring’s first day
Today is the birth of a new season
Today is another blessed birthday
If you plant the seeds of loveYou'll reap gorgeous flowers of loveIf you spray the seeds of hateMany plants and treesWill blossom flowers of hateAnd you won't like the fateNobody enjoys death and miseries
Es una otra primavera
Es una nueva temporada
Un otro día de lluvia ligera cayendo
Un otro día medio soleado otra vez
It is another spring
It is a brand new season
Another day of light rain falling
Another semi-sunny day again
The thick grey clouds rise
revealing baby blue sky underneath
A new warmer breeze blows
spring scent
fresh, welcome, healing
I am filled with new promise
hope, courage, compassion for myself
Color is irrelevant
To me
It is the natural beauty
Which is absolutely
Dazzling and important
To me
Like a soft blanket with ruffles and weaves,The ground is coveredWhite, pristine, pure, she sleeps,In her, creation slumbers.
After snowColors sproutFragrant air after sun showers departEverything green has a fresh startPlush treesBirds singemerging Spring
Today is Easter Sunday
The grass is a little greener
The flowers are beginning to say hello
The chill in the air seems less invasive
It’s time to wake up, get out of bed
Happy as a butterfly
Smart as a bee
The sugar to my tea
You were there for me
You watched me grow
And begged me to dance
As I jumped for the stars
From my heels to my tippy toes
Riches isn't
all about materialization.
Richness is
and divine.
valuable thangs are invisible to the naked eye.
Every now and then
I visit the park
It's beautiful in autumn
As if spring sleeps on the ground
But then there my lover is
Wearing her summer smile
Dancing in the autumn breeze
Beautiful cherry trees
glistening blossoms
pink petals dancing
Spring should be a delight
But my eyes are itching,
my nose is runny,
The sun came out for a moment today and, while I am fully aware that November has hardly begun, I couldn’t help but picture ice dripping on a late-April afternoon.
wind rattling weightless backyard furniture
wings buzzing near the pane
scampering lizard up the wall
scorpion families opening pincers into spring
even as I type the word
I wish a
On Easter, a day
thousands of years old,
traditions have changed
but the story’s retold.
From Eastern festivals
to Christian new life,
to bunnies and baskets
and fields with eggs rife.
As they looked out at the world
The Snow dancing around them
He looked over at her,
“What do you think happens when the Snow melts?”
She stood there for a moment
Pink petals and
Bright green leaves
Gold-brown pinestraw crunches underfoot;
It's spring.
The sun shines down on me,
Inhale the scent of fresh cut grass,
Smelling crisp in the morning dew.
The fighting hummingbirds begin their clash,
As the morning starts anew.
While Spring's lovely days
Are warm and sweet,
Time passes by and darkness begins to descend. But still the trees will not bend, the darkness creeps ever closer and brings the crisp cold air, yet the trees do not bend. The air gets colder as we all get older, here the first leaves fall.
laughing at nothing
feeling everything
our love a rose in spring
something has changed
we have changed
into something more
maybe it was how his hand felt right in mine
I love to watch you wind,
as you sway the trees and blow
across the fields in a gentle breeze,
but I wonder where you go.
You disappear sometimes
in a mischievous sort of way
Since blossoming from the florid queen of death herself,there has always been an exquisite beauty in aesthetic variance.The floral goth contrast, the inharmonious perennial dance with darkness
I looked out my window
On a dark April evening
And my heart lifted up.
Had bloomed,
As i fly throughr the wooded path,
their vivid colors catch my dazed eyes.
Penatrating my heart in depth.
Their brillenece brings warmth and joy
to my broken spirt.
The time us coming to an end too soon.
She wishes to travel around the world,Around she goes in graceful swirls,She closes her eyes.
it was blossom of spring
a spring in my step
a beautiful flower rising
up from the broken dirt
the blossoming of new
found and new born life
the life of a girl who used
as my feet shift heavily
lumbering forward
on this iceberg ground,
i cast my gaze on the
world above
as i approach an organized pile
of bricks and glass,
white teardrops of flecks
Spring sounds like ice cracking as it thaws.
It sounds of new beginnings, the soft chirps of baby birds.
The sound of wildlife returns after winter long silence.
Sweating and smiling in spaghetti straps
blowing bubblegum and peeling it off the edges of their lips,
pruned, stretched, flattening it against the backs of their teeth
and the corrugated roofs of their mouths.
The fall was harsh, the winter was bitter.
A frozen field failed to yield spring life
except for one flower. It was no quitter.
It pushed and pounded on the ice in strife
Cupid’s bow spoke to me
Its Honduran mahogany
Cut piece by piece
And carved into shape
Etched with a design
In Fall, there are orange leaves on all the trees. It's the season of my birthday and Halloween. It's very dandy to get all that candy.
I believe "deceitful" is a bit harsh, prone to believe she's "full of herself" with her frosty farthingale draping my mountainside.
The spring brings milk and honey
The season of love and birth
But we crave lust and money
And forget each moments worth
Treetops freckled the surrounding mountains
from the months of March through October.
The summer brought an art gallery of plants.
This part of Oregon is beautiful year-round.
the gold and crimson spilled over the grass
flowers bloom through the
the sunset was one of the few beautiful things there
a rural area
The first sign of spring is like this should be
new year’s, not the era of the dead, icebox hand
of winter clutching Mother Nature,
like the fingers of the pastel, cotton-candy dawn
Dear spring,
Oh, the melodic goldfinch birds would flutter
Around the needles of the pine, a figure eight they would weave
Crisp air with nestlings of twigs, humans could perceive
As the weather changesAnd seasons passI take in the worldSpinning around meSlowly, quickly
Dear No One,
winter comes around, feelings of
warm and comfort completes me,
spring comes around, but the thought of being
scared and helpless fills me,
summer is right around the corner
Red, orange, yellow, brown.
A Technicolor, rainbow town.
Children go outside and play.
Even though the clouds are grey.
In this frigid winter I write
To you who reminds me of this unwelcome chill,
That comes not at my request but at the hand of nature
Like the wind, you envelop me in an unwanted embrace,
I see that everything is changing,
everything is falling into place.
And as I watch the seasons changing,
I know nothing will ever be the same.
I can see that Spring is on it's way,
Living in my skin
When daylight reaches past 8
And arises before 7
An axe splits open my shell
A familiar coffin of cobwebs
For the longest time, I told myself love wasn't for me.
Then you came along;
you and your sweet words that made everything okay.
The air tasted sweeter suddenly,
and there was a certain spring in my step.
A relationship must be like the spring
When I am free from feeling winter's breath
Which tears up my skin, leaving a burning sting.
A relationship must be like the cherry blossom tree
Sturdy and rare
It seems I only wrote of winter
And gloomy days of fall.
My words would sting like splinters,
And scratch me with their claws.
Now that I know this life,
With springtime on my skin,
Buzzing bees and blooming trees
have everyone aglow.
Sunny, cloudless skies give rise
to warmer days, I know.
Singing birds, and pretty words
about newly grassy greens,
Petals abud and puddles of mud
There was an earthquake at his core.
A warm, beautiful crack in his porcelain skin.
The fracture stretched from wilting lips
To the sultry caress of midnight breeze
Spring is a cheerful
And warm time
Flowers are blooming
Birds are singing
And having babies
The cold climate is going,
And spring is near
Alas spring, a season of love and sun and warmth,
where birds fly high in the sky, though rain is frequent too,
lots of storms, they make this agreeable season something torn:
Spring, it smells like dew-stained lilacs fair,
Of gardens with bloodred roses blooming there.
Spring, it sounds like songbirds chirping with glee,
And the plip-plop of raindrops sounds musical to me.
January – Just establishing new year resolutions, just dreaming about who I want to be, just looking back over the past year
The Beginning.
Weave flowers through your hair
while we sit in the garden.
To be alone with you,
not touching, never touching,
is a sublime torture,
an exercise in self-denial and gratification,
Welcoming warmth after months of harsh ice
all things once dead feeling alive again
regrowth, nourished by the sunglight
everything in greens, yellows, and bright blues.
Time for mattresses to turnFor leaves to fall and pick themselves up againThe dust collectsIn the far corners of the closetWhere my
It might just be the perfect day,
It could also be the worst.
But does it really, really matter?
Of happiness I constantly burst!
It comes from the warm cup of coffee
It all begins with a single song
Drifting, fluttering, singing along.
The sweet scents of a thousand flowers
As they mingle through the air,
It only lasts for what seems an hour,
Spring is golden like a long awaited sun
it is golden like the dying snow buried grass,
and it’s golden just as a young child’s innocence.
Spring is also red like a rose just beginning to bloom
He left me in March
buried beneath the dirt.
The showers poured in April
and cleaned away the hurt.
I will blossom in May,
for this is my rebirth.
Into her torn shoes fell the rocks.
She let them crumble, let herself bleed.
Trudging towards her tryst with trees,
under battered broken branches she
The morning sun kissed my cheek.
The starry night is alive and roams around the street.
My bones are getting chills
hearing the distant howls of the wind.
The lovely scent of greenery filled the air.
The springtime brings me joy
My brother plays with his favorite toy
My sisters sing a happy tune
My cousin just wants a balloon
Smiles are sunrises and spring flowers.
They rise and grow from the joys of life.
So smile.
And bring beauty into this world.
Bugs are everywhere
Plants smell nice, when you can smell
Fuck this season, spring
Green grass implies Spring, here in this statuesque creation,
With flowers escalating from the earth, softening its foundation.
The first of the month brings light to our lives, birds in their nests and bees in beehives. We know that summertime is coming up soon so were hustling and bustling and stressing about school.
I love the spring mornings, when the warm breeze kisses me as the stars are going to sleep I get lost in the many melodies that the birds sing I laugh at the way that the sun has to shine so brightly because it loves to be the center of attentio
Sometimes the birds will sing on Sunday
Sometimes the birds won't sing
Sometimes the flowers bloom early
Sometimes it snows in Spring
Sometimes the sun sleeps at twilight
Leaving a painted sky
It's crisp and clear on a wonderful day
I wanna take a step outside and play
The weatherman says its just the right temperature
I could go chill and relax all my worries away
Shoot! I forgot I had to work today
For months it has been cold; stuck inside our lukewarm homes and off-brand fur coats
Either taking the bus to school in the windy snow or the trains on the tracks, people with their schoolbags and totes
The air currents swirled
like water in the ocean,
swift and calming.
The air reminded me of fall,
though life blossomed like spring,
new and refreshing.
A garden green,
Silky, soft, snow white skin
Glowing red, a hinting grin
Locks of blazing fire trickle near
Graceful life soon shall begin
Twinkling blue eve so clear,
Framing brazen green, so sincere
a november leaf,
you turn it over anew.
lying in wait,
you murmur and coo.
dead grass beneath,
it’s just outside of your reach.
Love fulfills the air
Excitment rushes the animals
After pain and hardship, newborns are here
Curiosity is our energy
For Spring is full of happiness
Walking in summer
is swimming,
legs cutting strokes
through mid-afternoon heat and humidity.
Dappled shade on the sidewalk
I see a little girl,
About the age of seven.
She's with her older brother,
Who's age looks eleven.
They're all by themselves,
Playing on the swing.
I can smell the apple blossoms,
Spring lives in many places
It lives in hearts, eyes, and minds.
One must know where to find spring.
If one looks close enough, she is anywhere.
She dances with an icy heart,
cold, unyielding to rays of light.
She creeps up, plants a kiss upon your cheek,
A forgotten lover
leaving traces of frostbite in her wake.
There is no beating in her chest;
Today, I awoke, with one thought in my mind,
Which was to give my love one, a flower of a kind.
Never do I truly get to tell her, how much she means to me,
Hummingbirds give me hope
I see them buzz, they rarely mope.
When I’m tired and blue
Few creatures point directly back to you.
Those Hummingbirds that do not sing
Winter,why wont you go.
I am cold.
There is to much snow.
It is suppose to be spring.
Your time is over. GO!
Were is spring?
Why isnt spring here?
You know what GO winter!
The cold winter breezes are turning warm,
fading into the wet spring that I've always known.
A weight presses on my chest, lifting somewhat but always
Where the cherry shall drop into the pink oceans
And he lamb’s ear shall hear the wind’s whisperings
The undefeated sun shall shine forth into the fourth of darkness
Yet the grounds are of pearl
Limbs are lengthy like a tree.
The smile is blossoms for all to see.
Voice of syrup sweetly flows,
Kind despite all the highs and lows.
Through each winter the life persists,
Spring is in the air
I can feel it everywhere
I can see it in the birds flying here and there.
I can see it in the flowers, blooming everywhere.
I can feel it in the breeze, blowing softly across my face.
Now it is March,And thus begins the feudWinter or Spring? Warm or cold?Will the earth be renewed?Sick and tired of bitter wind,Most are ready for Spring.Winter gathers her few supporters
Floral prints and straw hats
Sips of lemonade and a gentle scent of daisies
Mix nicely with the cool spring breeze
It has just rained
So grass sticks to the bottom of our feet
A day recedes, I'll chase down one more nightA lamed and hobbling Spring tries to outrun the tideof all the misspent monthsand all this wasted time
Hello my Sky!
Up so high, so blue!
We run in green,
white clouds beam, ah fun!
We skip along, bounce on
Under trees in apple dress,
Up a hill we flew,
Soft toes on dew.
The tulips
--Red Yellow Purple White--
Raise sleepy heads
Above their bed of grass
As they nod softly
Still on the cusp of sleep
The breeze filling dreams
With spring and summer scent
She’s the rainbow at the end of an autumn storm,
I’m the mud that seeps through your shoes.
She’s a cup of hot chocolate in front of the fireplace on Christmas Eve,
I’m a snow blizzard that you see on the news.
If Winter only taught me one thing,
it would be how to not respond
when life calls for me.
Winter told me to ignore it,
when my best friend called
and pleaded for my involvement
whatever I think
becomes what I do
yet those things which I wish
never come true.
the sun on this morning
lies bright on the faces
It seems to me, I long forgot how the warmth felt like
How beautiful flowers bloom or how wild trees blush
Forgetting how beautiful the birds sing into the breezing sky on a summer day, don't you wish it was just today?
If you think of Spring, what do you see?Flowers, eggs, bunnies, or bees?I see the grass, green and lush;The streams filled with a serene gush.The sky is a blanket, infinite and blue;
"No more snow," they say.
'We are finished with that part of day.
We are past that portion of year.
We are done with that hour of drear!"
"No more snow?" I say.
"We have past all pf the array
He sits alone
Staring out the window
Watching the cold flakes float down
To add to the ever-growing piles
Bitter cold wind whistles by
But he still hopes for brighter days
And Spring
The world was an icy place until you shone upon the land.
Your smile was the sun that thawed the spring.
The sweet scent of you brought the flora to life.
Our passionate stares burned like the long days of summer.
I heard that you’re doing not-so-well these daysWell, how could you possibly live in this maze?I remember we both used to moan and groanWe would talk about life and the dark unknown.
A whispering breeze rolls through
a quiet neighbourhood.
A chord giggles from the rooftops
of a busy downtown.
All is gone...
All is vacant...
With nothing but a Blank canvas
left to paint.
There is a certain lullaby
that floats through the air in spring
with its bright, vibrant colors
and cool, gentle bliss
the lullaby is the song
that Mother Nature sings
in her warm, breathy way
rose scented tea
wafting from the cup
placed so gently
on the maple table top
porcelain pot
and sloping sides
of a gentry type
delicate and prim
the amber brown
and tinted gold
She yells when she wantsRather, when seen fit.She treads on the flame that has just been lit.
She soothes in time,Never loosing her tune.The tides retreat, but seldom the moon.
Snowflakes unwillingly brighten the day
They drop silently; so blissfully
Through these gloves
And frozen fingers
They slip away
Leaves and bright flowers
Along a path
They start their way
you know its spring when,a chalky finger points the wayon the face of broken pavement too,a tulip gardens bed and,a splash of color grows.
The leaves awake and turn over. The flowers open up to get every possible drop. The rain begins. Kids start running outside with yellow coats and boots. The air smells fresh. The ground and everything around is wet and replinished.
Rippling, warm spring breezes
Melting across my face,
I’m rocking on a heal in the dirt
Slouching against the chains of Reason.
Chasing after the thought, not now,
But basking in a golden abyss between
Give me Spring in her finest
Dressed in dandelions galore
Today’s hazy sunset wearing
Winter’s breeze
Take it all away
Save the sun on my shoulders
As I run through the hills
Tightly Closed,
She waits for sunrise.
Then she blooms.
Her petals burst into various shades;
Buds that endured the rain and the drought,
But never wasted their time
To grow.
After the lion roared a boastful growl, the baby's cries started to whimper out.
The drizzling tears of the angel's eyes cleared as they encountered the mother's rosy cheeks
And the sweaty dew running over her brow.
Spring rain makes puddles of my love
upon the grass.
We tumble and roll
and let go of any fucks given
about ideas of dry, huddled
in clumps under awnings and umbrellas.
Wind howled through the trees, making them shake uncontrollably.
The air shot through everyone's skin, it had been cold for so long.
Yet there was an end in sight, the winter weather was gone.
The green grass hides the
Living creatures in springs’ meadows,
Dancing, frolicking, swaying
In the wind that makes the flowers
Love lost like rain in the summer
gone to lands elsewhere.
The land must survive without it,
living off the fake rains of the garden hose.
Sweltering summer heat brings remembrance of spring,
O dandelions dancing in the sun,
You frolic and sway under the bright sky,
But only rise up once spring has begun.
I hope that winter passes quickly by
So we can witness your great elegance:
Snow falls on the ground
Blanketing the land in white
Bright, cold, uniform.
Snow melts and flowers
Rise up tentatively from
The newly freed earth.
Flowers fall and leaves
It’s when the animals come out of hiding,
And the plants poke through the ground.
Birds are chirping throughout the day,
As the weather begins to warm.
Babies are born, flowers are blooming.
A walk in the park would be nice
the trees blowing, swaying to the winds rhythm
It's where the birds sing.
Watching as all the humans speak.
all the beautiful women flash in the latest and hottest fashion.
I fell in love with you outside
in the spring
when the ground was soft and the
colors around us were dull but
beginning to brighten slowly.
The blooming flowers sadly
represent us in a sense.
And yet the flowers still push their heads out each year, out of the frozen ground.
Yet they still bloom,
Yet they still survive the frost.
Yet it is the flower that embodies the brilliance and resilience of life.
It's cold tonight,
Here in this soundless, white-canvased neighborhood.
Tiny scratch marks are to be found barely notched into the surface of the snow.
A shiver passes over us,
Playful, tricking
Never listens to reason
Cold, distant
Causing misfortune
Warm, caring
On those rare days
Short, fleating
Missed once its gone
Long, hopeful
For life to come along
I've driven this road roughly 52 times. I've seen the landscape draped in snow. I've seen the landscape grey and barren But never like this. The sky is being overcrowded with dark clouds All the green stands out in utter brilliance.
Yellow over Green
What auras you bring,
The gentle breeze creates a soulful melody
As Maraca leaves shuffle to their fertile dance
The harmonious birds take center stage
Ah, Spring, I do not know how. You let all become plated with gold, yet (instead) feign a sheet of green.
The auburn sunset rings against
My eyes
The smell of fresh-fried
shrimp wafting in through rectangular
canals of a bus
a cool breeze lifts
the heat and fatigue and worries
Skipping down a sunny
Leaping into the welcoming
Of daisies tightly interlaced
With grasses that bend to face
The laughing spray from the
That quickly spills into
A sapling restrained from its dirt prison
Wanting to sail across the vast seas
Yearning for liberation
Its anger crashing on the sodden land
To darken innocence and turn it gray
The mighty power of the Sky god's hand
His blackest soul that blocks the light of day
Its wails, so full of bitter resent
Day one: fall.
Orange leaves that crumple under shoes
Crazy loud thunderstorms.
Is it hot out or is it cold?
The ever-falling leaves, like sand in an hour glass
My days falling to the ground.
Encircled by an icy perfection
desiring spring to rise and thaw
yearning strictly buckled down
our passions mustn’t gain control
‘Twas a cold and blistering Monday afternoon
Seventy nine miles of pavement separated us from our destination
The winter had came with full brute force
Snow drifts alongside the road completely covered the property fences
When winter storms bring snow and ice and springs face hides beneath
And life is draped in cold regret where jealousy sinks its teeth
The road is dark and rough, though often traversed by those
In the Spring time most people feel happy.
But not me.
I get lost.
I want to avoid the impeding summer
I know a place where all is still
It's by a lake behind a hill
And though to find, it's quite a trek
It's a lighthouse when you're about to wreck
Curiousity Reins,
Adventure, My best friend forever
Dare I explore the basement?
The beautiful time of spring
Grass is green
All around the cherry blossom trees
Hear baby birds singing
Flowers start to bloom
Rivers and streans flow
Flip flops come out of the closet
As the seasons change,
drops of dust pour from the looming clouds
of asbestos
The transitional breeze from winter to spring holds
that certain smell and weight to it;
the ozone gets excited, too
Spring is beautiful, alluring, and fine
Everywhere you go you see flowers bloom
With wonderful petals that brightly shine
Oh what a scene they provide for our gloom
Looking up
through the bones
of trees that stretch
into a purple sky that
darkens steadily as the sun lays its head to sleep.
The first star peeps out;
a frightened child peeping
For my loving heart began to open just as the petals
Awaiting for a bee to come and find me
Alas, the buzzing ceased but a
lonely caterpillar came to thee
Just another flower dancing in the wind,
enjoying the break in the weather.
Friends gathering to celebrate summer getting closer.
dancing out of reach
she twirls away, elated
just to be alive
color on the wind,
the children cannot catch her
try as though they might
Spring must be the season of poetry. When Shakespeare yearned for a comparison to a summer's day whispering it's coming arrival in the winds of May poppy fields. It seems as if all the love poems bloom after basking in April showers.