As Merry As A Yellow Swallow
Cheery as this beautiful bird of nature,
Which can easily find its food.
Cheerful as the bird of paradise,
Which gives hope to the destitute.
Darling, spring comes once a year,
Your beauty is sublime and inexplicable.
Come to my window before sunset,
Come visit me at the old barn.
Cheery as a yellow swallow of the meadow,
The one who knows how to enjoy life,
And who can sing the heroic odes of yesteryear.
You, the bird of freedom and of a perpetual spring,
My heart and my soul crave for you, you are my happiness,
My luck lady, and the sincere friend of my pretty flowers.
Copyright © June 5,2014 Logerie Hébert, All Rights Reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems