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Joan of Arc
Flies as a phoenix
With fire spewing
From the mouth
Which opens the
Scroll of the Lamb
And Sodom and Gomorrah
Plea for mercy
But Joan had been
Gracious for
Time and time again I gave her chances to make it right
Having her in denial or putting up an argumentative fight
Every time that she would hurt me
Looking past it I would to do naturally
A smile is illicit in this city
Where policemen hang their hats
On the beaten bodies of little boys
And bribes
And just not giving a shit about whoever
It's not their problem
Hunting down pictures of racial
divides the colors into flesh pantones
royalty free shots watermarked
with logos of the man whipping across
eyes and mouths of models making
The least racist person is a racistThe least fascist person is a fascistThe least criminal is a murdererThe least sinner is a big sinner.
Blaming the white men
Is the idea, the insane ideas
That many of you have in your eyes
America is beautiful, great and wonderfulEadem opera, she is ugly, pitiful and dreadfulIn regards to the mistreatments of the Native AmericansThe African Americans and other minorities
I am angryI am angry because my life doesn’t matter
I am angry because my struggles don’t matterI am angry because when I get attacked in a mosque or at school it’s my fault
These are not events that took place very far in the past
These are obviously ongoing racial gaffes and contrasts
Where human beings are bombarded and mistreated
They say our generation tries to grow up too fast
But we live in a world where we are to live to others’ expectations and grow up.
These days when one googles: bigotry; One face shows up, not by hypocrisy, Not by accident. This is a darn travesty.The leader of such a wonderful countryShould not be carrying this ugly baggageOf bigotry, racism, and hate.
Created for a family bond
After mass incarceration broke the family bond
Needing a sense of love and protection
For many Gangs took on those wanting affections
People arrested on non-violent crimes
This is no dream to me
It was not my ancestors dream
It was not something we wanted to achieve
Kidnapping and capturing brought us here
Where we built on once sacred Native lands
Do you care
Do you give a damn
Look around at all this bloodshed
We're not making this up
It's time to wisen up
The evidence has always been here
People are dying
Hot topic time, what about race?
It’s a great moment to talk about the issue staring us in our face.
You see, during the Great Depression Black people had it the worst.
Well It Seems It's... OPEN SEASON...
For... MURDEROUS Policing... !?!
NO MORE Will Blacks Take Beatings... !!!
Senses breach the land 'fore dawn
Those hands, they shake, they quiver, so sore
Placed in forever, standing tower with brawn
Now left all alone, there's justice no more
She weeps of a babe, its name unknown
"Akonadi, the people’s activist."
Akonadi is an oracular goddess of justice and a guardian deity for
women. Inspired by a Ghananian goddess.
Frustrated!Frustrated at the actions of the people who's supposed to protect/Frustrated that right now my skin makes me a logical suspect/
Alone in the dark, yet brave
Given the power, you've adapted and slaved.
to the hateful men, and the judgemental stares.
They've taken your innocence
And turned you into tears,
Tripping over wires of
The mental lies
Society tells us to hide
Behind a disguise
He had trouble hopping in the currents. His usual flexible fins seemed stubby in the water. He splashed and swished, flexing and relaxing his long muscles. He got no where no matter the angle.
I bought a shotgun at a flea market without knowing that it was used to commit a horrible crime.The former owner used the shotgun to kill an entire family and I was about to have to do hard time.
A letter to humanity,
With every new opening eye, I cry
A new sigh, a new eye
Born into this world
Into the flames of splendor do we find ourselves to be
Back bent carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders,
Shirt soaked as open wounds ooze oppression,
There is something
That few know of
But is transparent to many
Kept in the dark and loyal to no one
Hoping that no one can find it
It is a silent killer
Pouncing on the slightest sense of innocence
Injustice is everywhere
Sylvan Simon, Pittsburgh
Hannah Ahlers, Las Vegas
Oh how joyful would it be…
If America stayed true to its promise and everyone was truly free.
Oh how joyful would it be…
If you weren’t already in jail,
Have to get his picture
don’t know his name
never seen him before today
He needs to be punished
They won’t put in the effort without a name
Again and again and again and again.
Every two steps forward is one step back
People fight until they’re no longer standing,
And no one stops to help them up.
I’ve heard of guys like you my entire life
The type to dumpster dive
Instead of revive
There were times I wished I’d died
If I died, you would’ve taken everything
Including my voice
america the free, that's what they say
i am free, that's what they say
you're free they say
i am free
The injustice,
The stupidity,
The sadness,
The rage.
This year has shown,
The world's a big stage.
The villains on one side,
Good versus bad.
That empty-headed smell lingers in the house chanting his name as it swims through the chilling breeze. His name. His name spits out of mouths and into my ears.
"I don't want you to linger around" he says.
"Right after the bell, come to the bus."
Confused I ask him why I shouldn't.
"Because I love you, without me,
you can't have fun"
The last of the warriors in me died today.
They put up a good fight
against fear, hate, and depression.
But they threw their hands up in defeat today
and the captain hung himself.
Long exposure trees
and shadows
Freaky black things
diamonds against red and blue
Sometimes, I can not feel myself amid the glass.
Blue ribbons neatly fold around my neck;
It seems to be hotter than fire.
I live another day of horror
Or so they are led to think.
In a world built by the blood, sweat, and tears of people who look like meFrom the fields to front officesFrom the streets to street prophetsThey look at us and still see the whips and chainsThey owned us
Living under the 50 stars,
Hoping and searching for the American Dream,
A nice family with a nice house with a nice car,
Walking down the street with a soda and some change,
Stop there!
America the Lost
When people say “America the Great”
They are almost unwaveringly supporting
An America of Hate.
Whoever came up with the name America the Great, I would like to ask you what makes it so great?
The fact that it’s full of hate?
The environment, it is our sacred right;
We live it, we breathe it, but we don’t acknowledge its might.
Burning ourselves alive, we don’t see who’s deprived.
In a world where children are obliteratedBy chemical weaponsWhere strikes rattle the brains and deafenThe sleeping innocent are threatenedA man faces ArmageddonYet, He claims tears of joy for his twins are in heaven
Born in 1999,
a Northwest city.
Three sisters and three brothers,
parents with no college degree
and one income.
But what do I know,
of the riots,
police brutality,
I. a map blooms above our heads
with ships ablaze and compass wide
uncharted land still beckoning
killer whales dive under tide
America the beautiful,
built on the blood,
and tears
of those who did not survive
to see the country they helped build,
sweeping some coast to coast, sea to shining sea.
Fade up lights 2 and 3!
We want to have a general wash on the poverty,
So the audience can see but not truly see the details of
The decaying clothes and caved in stomachs and
Words such as herion and addiction,
not often would you assume stem from a prescription.
We curse the dealers flipping dime bags to survive
yet we assume doctors only intent is to save lives.
I'm angry
I have no idea why the fuck why, but if I did, I'd do something about it
I'm angry
If I knew why the hell I was angry I'd tell you. But I don't, so I won't, because I can't
I'm angry
He claims to commit crimes,
of only the teenage kind.
"It was just lust",
he wanted to feel up her bust.
How innocent, how mature,
he wanted to take his supposed date behind a dumpster.
poured over like a liquid fountain, rain
these words are constant but vanishes weak
for it goes through the ears; the mind never taints
as heard but never listened, conscious faint
To be black is to carry a burden To be black is to carry the world on your shouldersTo be black is to be so magical they can't fathom the fact that you're real
Lifes of newstruggling to live inthis world of oldliving between the black and whiteto be thrown in the grey tobe torn apart as they see colorsof green,yellow,and blueto see the hatred
Black lives matterAll lives matterBoth are true, but who's killing who? Not just murderSilent murderOf hopes, dreams, crushed by circumstance. From povertyMore povertyThe cycle pulls people back in. Arrived as slavesRemained as slavesTo blind, sup
We asked for quiet
You gave us the hell
We tried to sell to you.
We hoped you wouldn’t notice
The repackaged present
The bricks of this house are all red
Scarlet blood dripping from their mouths
Into my ears and pooling on my tongue
I spit up red, paint the walls in tongue lashings
What an interesting time to live in
Where what’s right is deemed wrong
Where freedom of decision is now disregarded and we are subjugated into having a forced position
Alisha, how are you?
Did you cross under the rainbow?
What the Afghan storytellers tell thier children,
So they can become who they want to be..
Thought about writing a song for you,
The earth quaked in Northridge, California.
Winds of death struck Alabama
President Nixon took his last breath.
My memories of these events are overshadowed.
In 1668 silence sailed from Spain
and invaded the shores of Guam
The Spanish hushed the Chamorro culture with rifles
and the sounds of extinction were deafening
They say he is a product
Of his environment.
Stastics show he will
He will be regurgitated
By the prison digestive system,
Come in as ground beef,
Shit out, repeat.
The “racist” men in blue, known for committing hate crimes
But no worries, it’s fine
We live in a society where people blame the ones who put their lives on the line everyday
I wake up in the middle of the night
My lungs seem to convulse,
and each inhalation of air seems not to be
enough for each exhalation too quickly
We're living in a world filled with injustice,
where we don't have to be doing anything and the cops think they can touch us,
another man down, now that really starts to touch us,
I'd give my life to see those in evil power to fall. Why is our generation so sucked into the ways of the world. Everyone knows this world is living backwards "But shame on me for pointing it out. I'm not going to sit back &watch .
The color of my skin is just another part of me… so what?
My gender does not define me… so what?
I am not restrained by my religion… so what?
My sexuality does not dictate my individuality… so what?
"You see I'm different,"
She said, "because
I'm just like the rest
As I walked down the street
They yell and they holler
Even as I turn and hide my breasts
At the bank she said
My identity is being erased
Slowly dissolved until all that’s left,
Is social debate and controversy
I am dismantled, disfigured, disgraced
You stomp on my dignity
And make jokes of my body
A Droplet - A Concoction of BrineFlows from the Foreboding;A Hansel of DistressA Signal of Fear.Swivels and SwervesCreeping and CrawlingClink Clank against each StrandDripping from Down Under;
Your existence is never trivialYour sins are always forgivableYour crimes are all permissibleNo matter how despicableYou’ll never be held accountable
Two begin, one no greater than the other
Life begins, and one man is called a brother
No longer like kin, the other joins a fraternity
Enforcing the ladder of social hierarchy
The rich are rich.
The poor are poor.
Those in between
Aren't there anymore.
The land of the free
Isn't free without money,
Which, unfortunately,
Why is there more hatred than love
Why do I not see help from above
Why are we viewed as despicable punks
Why do they only put us in cuffs?
Why do I see a racial divide
My bones were feeble
My breath had weathered
My voice can be heard as a bare, cracked whisper
And I listen at how fragile we are...
For which my lungs, they were thirsty for air
Click Clack! Sweat was sliding down my face
Bang! I was reflecting about the actions taken that wiped me without a trace.
Now, I am looking down from these white cloud skies
I think I'm tired of taking a stand
It seems like it doesn't matter
Everyone's up in arms
But no one will ever change
It's time we all take a seat
Maybe watch what we eat
Maybe we get off the street
Crowds going wild yet I'm laying in bed,
People being murdered but I was snoaring they said,
Cherries petals and whipcream all over the bed,
Blood and bodies mangled, rest in peace to the dead
You captured kings and warriors and now our bloodline fights back
You underestimated the mystery and power behind those of us who are black
You saw our strength and resilience and said “They’ll be fine to do our work”
i am who i am because i do what i say and what i feel. the question isnt where am i stopping but who is going to stop me .
Criticize me. Brother.
For we are not the same.
Keep that hatred pouring outward,
Because, you are not to blame.
You see things in black and white,
For you know not much more.
Oscar was on a train
Another year had passed
He was celebrating with family, friends
He was just having fun
A new year
That tar that you spit, embellishes oppression
Not uncovering another beauty only truly shielding it, no resting
Constant stressing about the matters of geography
You wanna know what makes me tick?
A world that doesn't care for the sick.
You wanna know what angers me more?
A world that elevates the rich
and completgely ignores the poor.
They ask me why I write the words that I do,
What are my intentions?
To be heard
In the seemingly inescapable noise of societies chaos and noise pollution,
I am fine,
we say,
Why would I ever want
to change the way
I see myself everyday?
We say.
It's supposed to work like that,
we say.
I'm supposed to act like that,
we say.
now is the time
they say
that women
have more liberties
more chances
more power
more more more
but the attitude remains the same
we are still second-class citizens
Is this what it's come to
a world where war is all we've been through
United States of America "together we stand"
When we rise in anyway, everything around us rise as if, the sun shine around us, saying we are the ligth, which one day, will ligth it our path to succes, just following those deligthful colors which have infinity gloriness.
Hey Zimmerman, are you happy with your life right now? Do you think you go off free? Even if the courts say you are free, you will never be.
I'm more than test.
at best,
our education's a mess.
Poorly designed,
leaves kids behind,
instills the grind of "working life."
I have to take action,
no satisfaction,
My dialect is catastrophic. Viciously it consumes the minds of those who surround me. To catch only a whisper would reveal the sadistic sense of my nature. At least to some. Those who merge opinions with facts. Bellowing assessments of "this gen
We live in a world filled with hate unseen by the naked eye but it stills hits you in the face
Am I living in the right place?
You have a degree
That says you can tell me
If I'm right
Or if I'm wrong.
You have a certificate
And even when I'm sick of it
You possess
Carte-Blanche martial law.
You say no child
What is justice?
Is it the beating of the bat or behind the bars?
Our ideas concealed, hidden from the world
the thought from us, thrown down... forgotten about us.
Arm uswith the warpaint of ourgenerational struggle
Remind usthat we are strong(stronger than our parentsstronger than we ever should have been)
Hello world it's a beautiful day yes it is, young man livin' in america can't get much
better than this. 8:00am. "We have suddenly recieved news reports that a plane
Another war in the name of peace
The rehearsed lie that you speak
Your deceptive words are at a peak
If you try to steal Liberty, she will make a creak
You are selected, not elected
Black out BY: Nashon Kemp Nate Kemp Natawéj Azgrot (where all the same people stop the panic) cold like ice was his heart as the rounds went off...shots fired shots fired ...he killed him but what the man didn't know was that he had killed himself
It's the year 2013 and I thought the system worked differently,
I was killed over a year ago and my killer is still free.
As I walk this dark graveyard, I am filled with rage!
I know it's a bit much to ask for,
a little shameless, and a little rude to some, but
would you mind doing a little digging for me?
Would you mind pulling up the images of 9/11 you have stashed and locked up in your mind?
I lie alone on the grass
under a grey sky
in the dead heat of summer
and I see before me
the future
stretching out as far and as gloomily as the sky
and I wonder:
Up ahead, amid the dirt lies the fence.
Tall and wide, black and tied
it stands. It's forbidden, it's inhumane.
For it separates people,
and people's pain.
How could you not understand?
How badly the rich has the upper-hand
When everybody is chasing the dollar
They will always have us under their collar
And under their commands we holler
Did you know?
Did you know that right now, in this very second, there are people crossing?
This very second, people running, walking, stumbling, falling…
maybe never to get up again,
all the water, all the life,
In the past there was sorrow.
In the past there was hatred.
In the past there was racism.
And the negroes couldn’t take it.
In the past there was grief.
In the past there was pain.
I find peaceful solitude in stereotypical places white people deem fit for me because civilized Pavements in this world mark danger for any Negro that reaches into their pockets for a pack of a gum, candy, cell phone or whatever.
Can I provide you with a rhyme to
Help you vibe with me on this ride through my mind?
May I coerce you into working with me to get to
A special place where I can get to know you beyond the letters that form you're name
We are perpetually, habitually
tip-toeing through life
always struggling and grappling with
is this wrong or is this right?
They all force us to whisper
when our instinct is to cry,
to cry out at Injustice
To have humility is to think less
Of ourselves ‘cause we are God’s creation
Red, yellow, black, white, tell that to the press
For the races received much damnation.
Injustice is still there we need prayers