Bigotry And Kakistocracy
These days when one googles: bigotry; One face shows up, not by hypocrisy, Not by accident. This is a darn travesty.The leader of such a wonderful countryShould not be carrying this ugly baggageOf bigotry, racism, and hate. This is a new age, Human race relations should be improved, Not deteriorated to the point, where too manyOf us mistrust each other, where great manyOf us, relatively decent individuals want to move. These days when one googles: racism; One name appears. The ugly kakistocratsAre now in power, not for long though. FascismWill not last forever, and ever. The coco ratsHave short lives. Hitler, the despicable, Died in hiding. Tyrants have two things in common: Power and money. Our world is in a deplorableCondition. Good people must voice their opinion.This is not business as usual. We must annihilate bigotry, Xenophobia, hate, fear, ignorance, racism, and complacency. Copyright© January 2017 Logerie Hebert, all rights reservedHebert Logerie is the author of several books of poems.