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Rising with the sun starts my everyday
Look out to the arena and see a mere
Horses and boots are my life
Ride everyday with no fear
I am constantly throwing hay
Year after year
Addicted. Insecure.
Lonely. Boring.
My curtain hides me
keeps me from being hurt again.
It hides how lonely I am
How much I crave touch
But I'm too afraid to reach out for it.
"I'm fine." I smile as I reply,But really on the inside I am screaming, what a liar.I'm so unhappy I can barely breatheI numbly live my life, I can't feel anything.
I write this now in the mist of darkness, captivated by the thoughts that have been longing to erupt.
A structure alone
Of jointed bones
With a thin layer
Of mortal beauty
Fair skin and dark eyes
Fair heart and dark mind
Oh I pray that this
Is all there's to me
Inside of me, there is somebody.
It is me mentally, me behind the physical me.
He/She runs a circus. An affair of all kinds.
He/She often comes out to play, when someone on the outside catches his/her eye.
A child hides behind his mother’s strength,
It seems his fear has grown to impossible lengths.
Day after day, the strangers keep passing,
The face in the mirror
The face in my mind
The face they all see
and the face that I hide
none of them real
but none of them fake
Society is the door
and I should be the window
A cloak, a hat, a mask, a belt, a vest—This costume that resignedly I woreWas tailored to delight my friends with poorReflections showing things that they liked best.
There is a road that I know.
A road that none have traveled with me
a road that dosen't seem to exist to Them.
If someone is in need,
their guardian I will be.
Need a hand?
Your wish is my command.
Is everything all right?
You can tell me, do not be in fright.
This smile I wear,
From the outside
Just another robot
Going through the motions
Stuck behind this curtain
Afraid to pull it back
I take a look around
At all the other robots
Going through the motions
Something won't let me open up.
Maybe it's the looks of judgement from others that are really looks of envy.
That feeling of curiosity
The girl who others knew always smiles and laughs
I've learned to see my vices as my virtues.
It prevents me from conforming to living the status quo.
My brutal honesty is not liked by many,
Hello and goodbye
the same each day
waiting for something new
something different
a sign that life can get better
I'll smile at you
but inside I'm screaming
I'm not fine
Do I fancy myself as more of a Marvell
when I watch her delicate hands search
for the rubies in her mind’s Ganges?
No potential. Loser. Ugh, what a drama queen.
These words are released, fatal as missiles.
They aren’t meant for me, at least none that can be seen.
The launchers have previously accepted my denials.
Once upon a time
Innocence existed
Love caused clarity
Kindness was a personal trait
Magic fulflled our everyday desires
And knights in shining armor slayed dragons
People often wonder,
About the quiet girl sitting in the corner,
Who hides her face behind a book,
As she laughs something,
But little do they know,
She’s laughing at them.
I wake up
and the messages are all around me
they swirl and contradict
"Be yourself"
one says.
Another tells me
"thin is in"
but I thought
"big is beautiful"?
In the end
I walk through the crowded city.
A swirl of reds, blues, greens
surround me. Yet I remain alone.
They put on their masks and look
for a mate – someone to complete them -
Gaze into my stormy, cloudy eyes
And you will see that I am crying
The tears of loss
Sitting behind the curtain of lashes
Trapped behind a perfect facade
Of happy smiles
If you knew the person behind the curtain,
You would know the real me.
If you knew the person behind the curtain,
You may not be so wiling to share.
The person you see is open-minded.
This face is not merely cheek bones, and a pretty smile
This face holds a mind whose knowledge runs for miles
This face is much more than the impressions of time
This face holds the eyes that have witnessed the climb
What do you look like? Where are you?
How do I know it's you? Did I do it right?
When do I show you off? Who do I show you off to?
What's the reason for all this madness
All these pensive thoughts
And there's no reason for this sadness
I feel as if the world is turning in my thoughts and my brain is the axis
I’m the type of womanWho wants to be lovedYet, turns away the friendWho would surrender everything.I’m the type of woman