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I never needed your love,though it seemed like the thing to wantat the time,like everyone else was reaching for itas if it were some kind of fruiton a tree that only grew for others. But as it turns out,I never needed it at all.It was always mine
He was love
Love as a dove
He love sweetly from above.
He was the pleasure of every heart
Melodious beat every, in every beat
The song sung from afar which lit.
The earth stops spinning.
As if time paused, every breath ceases.
I am Alice in Wonderland, falling to the ends of the earth.
As if I might never see a human face again,
i want to write so much about you Ma,i just don't know where to begini don't want to wait till it's mother's day or women's day or even your birthdayso that i a acknowledge how much you mean to me,
I used to think no one was perfect. The idea of perfect being so distant from reality. Like the stars shining in the sky that continued on indefinitely, his love for me is shocking.
The stars spell your name in a thousand love letters,
as we're hand in hand whispering secrets in the dark.
You bring sunshine on a rainy day with your laughter,
drying my tears with a kiss.
Everyone tells me what I did wrong and how to fix it for next time.
Next time.
Next time there won’t be a next time.
There are too many holes and trysts and trails in my heart
I’m shutting it all down.
There was a castle.
In that castle was a princess.
By danger and imperfection.
I crave those moments
When my deepest senses
— of every corner,
and of every edge
of my entire being —
are touched and awakened.
I crave those moments
When my deepest senses
Because I love you
I became a better me
How can I love you properly
If I don't take care of myself
Because I love you
I prayed for you
So your spirit may be strong
Because I love you,
Your happiness is mine,
Your problems are mine.
Just like I am yours.
You my love, with all that you are,
encase me with sweet love and
care. You found me in the
worst time, but you
stayed with me
tried so
hard to put
me back together
You want me to go far, aim for where I cannot see
To see me happy with who I am and the direction I am headed
You understand what I contribute to this world while I cannot
You're so confusing
You go by so many different names, like me, that half the time I don't even know what to call you
So here's your label and I will call you by it forever, mine
You are mine
My number one bae,
My hair is beautiful.
I have the hair of a princess.
Long and flowy, and shines in sun;
perfect in every way
I deserve the hair of a princess.
100 brush strokes every night
He's getting closer
His lips graze mine
I feel a sensation
Burning deep inside
I grab his waist
Pulling him closer
Feeling his skin
Feeling the moisture
I always wanted to do this
there is a place that shadows do not cast themselves
where darkness has no residence
I find this place somewhere
where there is silence
and as I sit alone
I realize everything gray
no light without one
I keep thinking of him
Each time I see the crystals
They shine like the light in his eyes
They keep me wanting to whistle
Each little Jewel
Three of Purple, Four of White
Makes me think of him
He likes holding hands
He likes gentle kisses
He likes long romance
He likes simple wishes
He likes Brown hair
He likes brown eyes
He likes Palen skin
He likes a daily Suprise
T here's a name at the beginning
R eally, look close
O nly some will understand
Y et, I only need the one I love most
E ven though, his name, I won't outright boast.
Sometimes I just wanna sing
So loud it makes my ears ring
But it's not enough
It'll never be enough
I've got no better way to say
I love you, I need you, I want you, I miss you
His big brown eyes are what pull me in,
He thinks they’re dumb,But I think they’re beautiful.I look into his eyes and I find a story,
She has the name of a season.
My least favorite season, but she makes it adorable.
She has the most beautiful, mesmerizing eyes.
I lie
Surrounded by a pitch black world of bird cries that squeak and creak through these paper thin walls.
Sweat coats the inside of my thighs,
His gentle laughter
Heart-warming touch
Innocent smile
Eyes that dance
Wise beyond his years;
Yet childish as well
Growing up in a harsh world
Until we've met
I am what I was molded into
From the time I was born
I had people press their ideals
Into my skin
Until I had bruises they called
They imbued me with things
Regarding how I should act
When I was fourteen years old one of my best friends died.
I wandered the halls of my dreary middle school where
my anxiety levels rose and my confidence fell.
My heart raced as I ran from my classroom
I miss you like crazyI miss you for sureYou are my rockMy apple core
You took the badAnd you made it goodI try not to laughAlthough I should
To me baseball is more than a game,
Day in and day out i spend my constant time.
With work and effort I will earn my fame,
I feel as though my loss would be a crime.
Nothing in life has ever felt so sweet,
Eyeliner, masacara, eyeshadow,
Concealer, foundation;
All to take me away from me.
Which filter to choose?
How to cover up myself?
Maybe people will like me now.
My eyes say it all
They tether and beckon,
Billow, shake, disrupt and push
My eyes are more eloqent than their empty novella
They say I need to change
to be more
More what?
I say I'm already as good as can be
From my mind
to my waisteline
and even feet- Yes!
I say I'm already
as good as can be
I awoke with a fright in the middle of the night. The light was gone; the light I saw with my eye that was missing it’s sight.
You held me
You held me when I was strong
You held me
You looked at my face and told me how beautiful my smile was
"Me"Free me, tempt me, I dare you to steal me;Sudden as the wind, let this heart mend.Treat me with your sweet kisses of embrace;
You want to love me?
Prove to me your ability.
I'm stronger than most men,
You think you can handle me?
Ha, prove it to me.
Push me against the wall,
Rub you rough hands
Against my soft skin.
America “ Land of the Free”
But what does that mean to me.
Orphans, and poverty
Opposition to authority
Gangs and disrespect to minorities
So really how free are we?
The stars shine down,Bathing the windows here.That sleepy frown,Something I hold dear. Those soft brown eyes,The way they shine at night.
Why is it that you can’t see
Your own beauty?
I wish I had a million words to
Describe you.
What is it that makes you
Quietly doubt my love?
I wish I had a million words to describe it.
My Words
The space before me is blank
Bound by nothing but the edge of the page.
Skilled fingers move the pencil across the page
Leaving a trail of grey marks,
By magic they connect together
Illuminated minds
And related kinds
Elated to find gold
In the mind that's my mind
Unrefined, unaligned
With mainstream views
As I daydream of good news
Brighter days, righter ways
He calls out to me.
I hear His voice.
"My child, you are mine!"
He loves my soul.
I delight in His presence.
"My child, you are mine!"
The waves rise.
The Earth trembles.
Can you see my love
Im right in front of you
Right here! right here!
Tell me you see my love
Show me you still care
Can you give me a sign other than playing with her hair
A poet, so determined, to write his first line,
He wanted to make it his own; he would call it “Mine.”
His intentions were incomplex;
The pen would do the talking,
Scribbling what was next,
You may not know, you may not notice. You may not care, you may not think this. Fore I am a Shadow, behind and infront all of you. I get stepped on, ignored, walked past, but never show the pain.
Everyone's looking for their someone,
The one to make them whole.
Everyone keeps wishing,
To be a less lonely soul.
You hope that person's out there,
With all the love you need.
“Anything war can do, peace can do better.”
Then why have we been stuck in this war forever?
A war against each other, a war against ourselves.
When I see you, my heart singsWhen we talk, the rest of the world melts awayWhen we laugh, my spirit soarsWhen we touch, it is as if heaven and earth meetWhen we kiss, my life turns into a fairytale.
I use to stay up
until quarter after 2
in the morning
just to make sure
you made it home
I use to hold
your hand
during the scary part of the movie
so you would know
When you tell me that you hate the way your thighs come together,
I will cover them in kisses until you remember to be glad that they are attached to your body.
The first time you meet a boy
Hold his hand, kiss his cheek, and fall in love.
When he tells you that you are the only reason he has not killed himself,
Do not stay.
They are covered in the dirt, Covered in the soot of a firepit,Covered with grit, Covered with potting soil,With flower petals,With gloves, With dirt under the nails. Hands that know housework, Know the vibration of the vacuum,Smells like the furn
She can see it,
See your heart glowing.
You think you hide it well,
But babe, it's showing.
And you know, it's just a bit obvious,
That her heart's glowing back at yours.
So tell her more... Tell her more.
The passing street signs slow as my
Hopeless gazing locks to the shine
Of the moon on the water
And I’ve made my mind
It is time for change, a brand new game,
A different set of lines
Would you stay? Just a little while longer.
Must you leave me right now?
Would you let me feel your gentle touch
Before I can feel it no more.
And your beautiful lullaby voice.
A beautiful soul
time takes a toll
waiting waiting waiting
My love, my hearts truest
Where are you? Why do you hide?
I can't bide my time forever, and soon
you'll be a faint line on my inner thigh.
You don't where I come from
You don't know what I've been through
You don't know how many nights I
Stayed up crying for you
You just think this is a game
But you're the one to realy blame
Running down a dirt street
With my bare feet
Holding on your hand
As tight as I can
And never letting go
Running from my past
And going to the future
Running through time ain't a bad crime
When we first met
It was a dream come true
Which i could never forget
Because it was only you
Who was there for me
When i was down
There i could see
It was you i found
To be