Poems about gender

America. Land of the free.
Our poor forsaken generation Focus...focus....focus Man if I don't blow this it's like I can't focus
And suddenly it hits me like a punch in the gut that I can BE all these beautiful things I read:
Where could I get sympathy? For my nationality? For my Race? My Hair color? Eye Color? My religion?
Beyond Walls
I was judged before I even came out my mother's womb I was counted out and scorned despite my inner beauty
The country rolls on to its Republic Day, Its youth feels the pinch, the pain, Screams, cries, shouts and the anger,
Well, it seems we have a bit of a problem We've stuck ourselves in the exact same situation
I am disappointed. Disappointed in America. Disappointed in American citizens.
Who am I with no filter. with no color. with no sex  gender, or orientaion. with no reglious affiliantions. with no makeup.
