Our Poor Forsaken Generation
Our poor forsaken generation
Man if I don't blow this it's like I can't focus
Feeling like I'm choking....but I know if I'm not blowing this
I'd be choking on the stacks of problems that resonate within my life
Causing endless pain and continuous strife
I probably have more problems than the average teen and by any means I'm looking to please me
I don't really care about adolescence, I care more about having sex and...
Forsaking protection cause what's sex with protection, all lubricated and less pleasurable
Swimming deep in that ocean without my life jacket is the way I'd rather have it
Just as long as I'm putting it down, making her moan....cause I'm in love with that sound
Corrupted thoughts, breaking laws, and perfected flaws
Seem to remain as my comfort because I'm nothing less than a wanderer
Forget direction cause I'm living yolo and if you ain't with it then you might as well say you're yoyo . You're on your own
Because regardless if I'm wrong I wouldn't care or admit it but instead prolong
The longevity of my sins cause it's all buried within and what so ever in a man heart will come forth
So as long as I'm filling it with "Wayne, nicki, juicy, and wiz" I can expect failed relationships and many unexpected kids
But they tell me it's alright as Long as my b**ches love me
and i gotta show out every time I go out
So I'm stuck in between seeking affection and fearing rejection
Bringing me to a surreal reality, where I have to fake the happy me
Cause I'd rather be .... A covered up tragedy
Than to acknowledge my mistakes and try to re-establish the
Real me, the real personality
Forget school, be cool
Or MOB , right?
But how can I be MOB when my money is funny
No job, cause I do poorly, so I embrace a "poor me"
Attitude, with no type of gratitude for the freedom to educate yourself
Without being held back by segregation or societies limitations
See but my concern about what people think of me, really shapes perception of reality
Superficial individuals with conflicted personalities
Teaching people that it's okay to live in life's God forsaken tragedies
See ... and this is a travesty
Because every youth around me seems to count on the
Media, music, & trends
To dictate the type of person they should form within
It's sickening...
How can you be tuned out even when God is ministering
In a church service, where the word is
Made available to those who
Are weak and In need of Jesus
And his love
So you'd rather forsake your salvation all for some faulty validation
From potential delinquents and potential statistics
Kids raising kids, friends faking friends, girls dating men
What is really going on in the minds of youth
When all you do is become engulfed In your twitter
Expressing your bitter
thoughts and feelings about the opposite gender
It's as if we don't remember
How to verbalize our feelings
But instead we bask in our emotions
And become critical and controlling of our boyfriends and girlfriends
Engaging in relationships with no prosper dating tips
Like...number 1
Get to know the person!
Better yet get to know yourself
Because there is a great deal of wealth stored up in a man who knows himself
I could continue to point out the many wrongs
But I believe it's time for society to change it's song
Cause it's been stuck on this played out station for way too long