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Broken pieces of hearts and souls all across the world
Ladies, we never thought we would be "that girl"
With tears in our eyes and marks on our skin
Fighting everyday to beat the demons within
Why did you stay so long
when we begged you to leave?
Do you wish you had listened
to us years ago when we told you
he scares us?
You stayed for your kids is what you
said in June,
There are days when I wonder why I try at all
Most things will end up fruitless
all that hard work gone to waste
Dreams don’t often come true for those who work hard
Life becomes pointless at one point in time
there was a sort of wailing in the street.the type that only mothers could hear in darkened rooms as daughters faced their brothers heat.the type that crashlanded onto to jetpads and showed no mercy when the reigns of endeavors held tight until th
All I want is to be free.
free of the demons that haunt my nights
Laughing in glee as my eyes droop down.
His face fades into place like the cheshire cat.
I’m not okay.
I’m sitting on the bathroom tiles,
The blade glides merrily across my arm,
I hear myself say it too often.
I probably just fucked up again.
Maybe you broke me,
Perhaps it's my astonishment, quite possible since I'm great.
Until you tell me I'm not.
Dear divinity.
I have many questions for you
That I'm not sure you'll ever answer
Because over the last few years of my life
My fealty to you
Has grown less and less steadfast.
Warmth. Drowsy. Burrowing into your chest, arms around my back.
And then, like a gunshot, shaking. And tears. And disassociation.
Because I Love You,
Please Eat.
it's been three days and
you are so shakey
it's like you could crumble
at any second.
in and out,
it seems impossible in the moment
Cut me open like you do those scars on your wrists.
You use to hate the sight of blood,
But now the sting and crimson oozing from your wrist has become your favorite addiction.
“Sorry.” One word, her life upon a page.
Glinting barbed wire wrapped around thin arms;
The suit of armor was also a cage,
And words inside her head did much more harm.
When people ask me why it looks like I play tic-tac-toe on my wrists,
I tell 'em it's because that's where I can feel my body insisting
Over, and over, and over again,
That it's alive.
Pour my feelings into a jar and seal it
That is how I feel inside
I can't breathe
Gasping for air
Reaching out for someone to unseal this jar
The jar is about to fall and shatter
swing the blade and bring it down
hit the neck and free the cord
let it wriggle
and bleed a little
bag the rest and bury the sword
I always loved to help.
So when I woke up for work,
At four in the morning,
And got socks from my sister's room,
I wondered why she didn't ask to talk,
Before taking 3 bottles of prozac and pills.
Please Note: There is a trigger warning for this poem.
When I was 8 years old
I felt you become so cold.
Still, I tried to crawl in your lap for warmth
Please Note: There is a trigger warning for this poem.
As she covers her arms, she covers her whole world.
A world rooted in pain
With no gain
Of freedom from The Blade.
I sit in my room staring at the wall,
trying to quiet my mind
from its own chaos.
I picture in my memory a beautiful color red,
darker than a cardinal’s breast
spilling onto the floor.
it’s the one four-letter word that doesn’t get censored in newspapers
but instead gets thrown around in Call of Duty victories,
“haha, dude i ****ed you!”,
it’s not lust