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We want all Democrats to behave
As though they truly and genuinely believe
In a True Democracy
Democracy is about freedom of speechAnarchy is, without a doubt, the oppositeOf democracy, liberty and freedom to wishTo hope, to dream and to confront defeat.
Liberty has been taken hostage, abducted in many parts
Of the world
Freedom is often smothered, suffocated in many hearts
In this world
Myriads of Haitian-Americans will vote in the next US election
We are sending stern warnings to the current administration
We will vote for one party and we will rock the boat
Media, the virtual fourth pillar of democracy
Celebrated for her impartial and true description
Of facts, figures, truth, stats and data
Keeping check on govt that often went ashtray
The poem "Bastard" is about an alienated child born out of wedlock. S/he suffers rejection anywhere s/he goes; to mother, father and even grandparents. S/he gets neglected by everyone so much that not even school or Xmas parties are accessible.
The poem "Bastard" is about an alienated child born out of wedlock. S/he suffers rejection anywhere s/he goes; to mother, father and even grandparents. S/he gets neglected by everyone so much that not even school or Xmas parties are accessible.
There is something I know now that I didn't know then...
Back when recess existed and kids ran
To play games of tag or house or kick-ball
Back when I thought there was only right or wrong
Red flower,
Red flower,
Do not Rise against with Roses
Reincarnate the nation
Here you’ll find no carnage
We are not living under the third Reich,I march in stride with cogent sign in hand.
This is what a Democracy looks like.
We finger through causes, plug holes in the dike,
The pursuit of dreams is fucking bullshit
Unless you dream of becoming exactly what the colleges can give you
Or capitalistic America
Or anyone
On the Day of the Sun,
I heard Democracy talk about
Shapes and sizes,
Spite and spleen,
Color and cologne
Word and litter
Hair and lip.
Ready! Aim! Fire!
Nigeria is ready!
Nigeria can Aim!
But is Nigeria ready to FIRE?
My land is called the “home for the free”
But I must be blind for I can’t see
Behind the ignorance and bigotry
The golden fruit we have called democracy
Can we truly be called the strong and brave
For all the lives lost and the wars won you would think America would stand by its national anthem where we are all equal.
All’ hail the Star-Spangled Banner,
A piece of cloth that’s hit the slammer,
This American Flag- freedom flying proud,
This tapestry of idealism, disavowed,
Where Red and Blue stripes should stream in solidarity,
Freedom for you or freedom for me,
To die for you, or for country?
Is this not a choice, but instead a goal,
what does it mean for us to truly be free?
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." -Statue of Liberty. New York. Independence Day, 1776.
Walls, rules.
All raised to keep out a refugee, an immigrant.
Obstacles, hoops.
These words that were written so long ago
They cease to shine. They cease to grow.
They mock me now, day in and day out.
For tis nothing but a puppet show,
I wonder why we ignore the past
Have you heard, have you heard,
Of this feather-shedding bird,
The eagle, our freedom, our country, our cause?
It’s sick, it is, sick as a dog,
With dried up eyes and ears and tongues for laws.
Twenty score years ago, and some
The evil merchants crossed the waves
Gleeful as they raped and pillaged
Their cargoes of dark-skinned slaves
We, the young
aged by hate,
torn by lonesome longing for days
hidden in future history,
Stalked by a past twisted and turned by beliefs and
banter... ugly.
We, the few
jaded and new,
they say we're voting
in a dem-
-ocracy but what's
democratic about
choosing a pres-
-ident from two
candidates we
hate almost equally?
I left this one blank. There is no freedom. It doesn't stop.
If I could change one thing I would change everything.
Politicians wouldn't lie and innocent people wouldn't die.
I would change the way this democracy runs, where the people, not the corporations are number one.
And so upon her shoulders rest,
The uncertainty of her toughest test,
In her the many strands of life unite,
To work against an evil might.
A pair of wars and a breach of security,
Dear Mr. American History:
Your tie: red white and blue,
representing the noose of oppression you pledge yourself to.
Roses are red and I am not a poet and I am not an artist and I’m not the glue that sticks to your shoes andYou should choose your friends more carefully and
Demo-, people, cracy-, government
A society for, by, and of the people,
But without education, democracy cannot exist,
A society endowed with intellectuals provides the true key,
i am
disenchanted i don’t
care about your world
of illusions
with its love that
isn’t; it’s just
Men killed in battle on a sweltering day
Fighting for our freedoms, no matter what we say
Killing ruthless terrorists
There is no such thing as rest
For our men and for our leader.