Poems from Nathan3259

I'm a Grad student now studying Biochemistry and Biophysics (not sure how I got there). I guess I've been using this site for nearly 8 years now though sometimes I went years without writing much of anything.
I write what I feel and I write what I need to let go of. Sometimes I write about a dream or a nightmare I had, If I can tell the difference. I fell in love for poetry in high school and continued to write in college. I hope to publish a book someday as well (leave a comment if a poem speaks to you).
P.S. My Instagram is @CottonCandyPoems
It took 10 years to teach myself how to breathe again
How to live without pretending that’s what I was doing
To stop allowing myself to die...
God give me the serenity I do not deserve.
A luxury bought with the blood of those who came before me.
Give me the peace that comes from a...
First: Jesus loves you. Even if he is the only man who does at the moment.
Two: your sexuality and your religion are not mutually...
When we met you told me that your heart was a broken song
So I hope you were able to fix it with the pieces you took after shattering mine...
Every time a candle burns
I think of a field in the middle of June
Campfires in the hills of Pennsylvania
Where we watched the glow of a...