Poems from Nathan3259

I'm a Grad student now studying Biochemistry and Biophysics (not sure how I got there). I guess I've been using this site for nearly 8 years now though sometimes I went years without writing much of anything.
I write what I feel and I write what I need to let go of. Sometimes I write about a dream or a nightmare I had, If I can tell the difference. I fell in love for poetry in high school and continued to write in college. I hope to publish a book someday as well (leave a comment if a poem speaks to you).
P.S. My Instagram is @CottonCandyPoems
Who are we? you ask, well I tell you this we aren't the popular, we aren't the athletic, we aren't the tough, and we aren't the...
Many people will ask, "Who are you." Well the answer is simple who do you want to be? However who you want to be and who you are are...
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