Poems from Nathan3259

I'm a Grad student now studying Biochemistry and Biophysics (not sure how I got there). I guess I've been using this site for nearly 8 years now though sometimes I went years without writing much of anything.
I write what I feel and I write what I need to let go of. Sometimes I write about a dream or a nightmare I had, If I can tell the difference. I fell in love for poetry in high school and continued to write in college. I hope to publish a book someday as well (leave a comment if a poem speaks to you).
P.S. My Instagram is @CottonCandyPoems
Lover, you were a hurricane
A tornado
The typhoon to explain why some sailors never made it home
And I used to call you mine
And I used to...
I am a terrible texter
A shitty snap-chatter
A flop on Facebook
And all around awful at any form of virtual communication
I blame it on my...
My first ex and I only lasted long enough to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
And my next ex was there for my birthday, but didn’t want the...
This could be the darkest poem I will ever write
So I will make it a short one
So now it could be the darkest short poem I will ever write...
I had a boy come up to me once
When he heard I’d be singing at our high school’s senior award ceremony.
To ask “what will you be singing? a...