Poems from Nathan3259

I'm a Grad student now studying Biochemistry and Biophysics (not sure how I got there). I guess I've been using this site for nearly 8 years now though sometimes I went years without writing much of anything.
I write what I feel and I write what I need to let go of. Sometimes I write about a dream or a nightmare I had, If I can tell the difference. I fell in love for poetry in high school and continued to write in college. I hope to publish a book someday as well (leave a comment if a poem speaks to you).
P.S. My Instagram is @CottonCandyPoems
I was 16 years old when I finally realized that I was gay.
When I finally understood why I had so many girlfriends,
But could barely speak...
I don’t want to fade away
I don’t want my poems to become a reflection of my worst days
I don’t want my obituary to say how I was sad
Today you will wake up again
Today you will stretch and yawn
And put on your clothes again
To keep trying to move on
Today you will laugh...
My senior year of high school I joined the school’s swim team
Not because I particularly liked the idea of spending my afternoons...
I love when a man is nervous to talk to me for the first time
Not in a masochistic way
Or a rude way
I just love the way they blush