My first ex and I only lasted long enough to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
And my next ex was there for my birthday, but didn’t want the commitment.
So I didn’t let him stick around long enough to take Halloween too
And my next ex will take thanksgiving
And the next will take Christmas
And so on and so on
Until I finally learn to treat every day like a celebration.
Until I learn to stop holding on until Fridays
And treat every day like a weekend
And my exes can’t take those too
And I used to hate Tuesdays til I met you
And I don’t hate them anymore
But now they make me sad
And I saw you on New Years and I heard you wanted to talk again
That you missed me
But I guess it didn’t feel sincere
Since I was hearing it from your BOYFRIEND.
You know the one in introduced you to near labor day
The friend I met near Memorial Day
And he says you miss my friendship
He says you miss the friend that I was to you
But it’s hard to be friends with the eyes you used to wake up looking into
And I am writing this poem on Easter
Because none of my exes have taken it yet
The poem or the holiday
For now they are mine
And someday I will have a family to share them with
But not until I meet a man who’s eyes shine like Diwali
Who makes my heart explode like the Fourth of July
Who kisses me for every day of Hanukkah
Who holds my hand through the whole month of Ramadan
If it takes me that long to be ok again
And who will make every day feel like Christmas
And I know he is out there somewhere
Or at least I hope
But I haven’t met him yet
Not yet
And I won’t for many more holidays
And Halloween is still my favorite one
So I will protect it until the day my children can inherit it from me
And even if they are not of my blood
They will still be mine
And when they have their first birthdays
I will not take them from them
Instead I will teach them to love
To cherish themselves
And every other person they will
learn to celebrate with
And to treat every day
Like a fucking holiday.