Lover, you were a hurricane
A tornado
The typhoon to explain why some sailors never made it home
And I used to call you mine
And I used to call you after work
And I used to hold your hand
Like I was guiding the wind on by
I used to kiss you
I used to look into your eyes and get swept off my feet every time
But now I’m just afraid of the breeze
Of the one gust that will blow me away
Because sometimes when you get knocked off your feet,
The wind doesn’t catch you
More often than not you will fall
You will fall so hard
And so fast
And no amount of raindrops on your cheek
Will save you from this
And the world can feel so big
And can make you feel so small
Like the planet is an empty vase without your smile
And no amount of tears can fill it up again
And the cracks creeping up the sides
Will drain it before you ever get close
But lover, I was a tree
Holding onto the earth
Afraid you might burn me
Afraid of your lightening flash temper
And so afraid of losing you
Hoping your heart would find root next to mine
Hoping all of our winters would be spent waiting til summer
And together is such a tragic word
Since it’s the promise most often broken
Right after “forever”
And both of those promises you made to me
Or said to me
And maybe words don’t mean as much to you as they do to me
But lover, I am a poet
I am a writer of the winds
Of hurricane and tornadoes
And all the things they can destroy
So when I write your name in a poem someday
That’s when you will know
I have finally stopped loving you.