Did you know that the third leading cause of death for teens is suicide? If you want to get the word out, your poetry can bring attention to the issue--and maybe save a life.
- Get the word out. Aside from telling your life story, poetry can be used to teach others important facts and information about serious issues. Write a simple poem using information and statistics about suicide to show the world that teen suicide is an issue that needs to be addressed more often.
- This Time It’s Personal. If you’ve been affected by suicide in any way, then you know how difficult the aftermath is. One of the best ways to cope is to write a poem about how you felt after this occurred. It’s possible that someone thinking about committing suicide will read your poem and realize how much their life is worth.
- Get Support. Often, teens commit suicide because they can’t find enough support. This is especially true for GLBTQI youth, who are 4 times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight-identified peers. Remembering to tell your friends and family how much you love and support them every day may seem simple, but it will help create a supportive environment, especially when they do the same for you! And what better way to tell someone how much you care than with poetry?
- Don’t Let Yourself or Anyone You Know Cut Their Life Story Short. Enjoy life, and tell everyone you know that they should enjoy it too. Of course, one of the best ways to live life is to spend it writing poetry! Write poetry for yourself and exchange poetry with your friends for fun, even if it is just an emotional pick-me-up. Keep writing your life story- and make it a long one.
- Power Poetry. Your poem about suicide awareness and prevention will help inform others about this issue, and maybe even save a life. Be sure to share your poem at PowerPoetry.org so that everyone can read it and be informed.
If you or someone you know needs help dealing with Depression & Suicide please contact:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (24/7)
National Hopeline: 800-442-4673 (24/7)
The Trevor Project: 866-488-7386 (24/7) (GLBTQ Focus)
Live Chat with the Trevor Project:12-6 Pacific/3-9 Eastern - MTWFS (GLBTQ Focus)