Basket Case
I’m mental.
I’m losing what’s left of my rapidly
deteriorating mind.
Its hard to understand a basket
No one really does.
Not even the shrinks who
devote their entire lives to that kind of stuff.
I’m on my own.
I’m a lost cause.
I’m chasing my mind in circles.
Desperately grasping for
that one last shred of sanity.
I crave escape.
I want to pull my hair out.
Scratch my skin.
Scream at the top of my lungs.
This depression. This monster.
It preys upon my soul.
I feel it inside.
A heavy darkness
weighing on my chest.
Its pulling and tugging me down,
and down still.
Dragging me into the dark depths
of insanity.
And I let it.
I let it take over.
I let it win.
I lose.
I’m lost.
I’m mental.