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The American dream An American fiend It isn't always what it seems when you peel back the scene Layer after layer Cut after cut
You don’t miss me And me neither Missy Life is full of shocks and surprises To the foodies, everything is about business
Ya Know The Poetry Circuit’s SURE GOT Some... EGOS... !!! Or Maybe Some Poets Shuv’ COC’ UP Their Nose... !?! DAMN That ISN’T Your AVERAGE PROSE... !!!!! Oops I’m NOT Britney...
Well It’s Quite CLEAR That... ... “ The Inside Track “... Is Where You Find BIG CASH... !!!
I Was Told Yesterday..... That CERTAIN Things WILL NEVER Change... !!!!! Well I Guess That Is TRUE From CERTAIN Points of View... Like Saying Girls Will Get LOOSE For These OLD WEALTHY Dudes... !!!
So... Why Do So MANY CHASE What People Call... FAME... ??? To Have Their Face Become A... “ Household Name “... !?! Or To Earn That Pay That Makes Others Say... ... "I wish I could be like them one day !"
I Now KNOW What It Is To Be A FRUSTRATED ARTIST... !!!! I May Not Be The FASTEST With Lyrics That I Kick... Or Deemed To Be The HARDEST Because of Scripts I FLIP... !!!
So Is It... " Your Dream "... To Become MAINSTREAM... ?!?
These Days I Have To Say... That When It Comes To Wordplay... That I Now Put To Page....
Ya Know I Pride Myself in Being... WAY ABOVE The... " Average "... The... " Average Joe "... With... " Average Flows "... The... " Average Bloke "... Who SNIFFS That Coc'... !!!
It’s True Like Ra’ Said... You NEED To... " KNOW THE LEDGE "... !!! Because A Lot of Heads... Push To The EDGE To Be The BEST... !!!
What Would You Do... " Just To Get Paid ... ? Make Shady Moves or .... " ENTERTAIN " .... !!! Well It Seems Nowadays That Many Try ... !!! By ... Playing The Game of ...
They Seem STRANGE To Me Don't They To You ... ?!? The Things That People Sometimes Do .... ? Don't Worry Folks I'll Give You PROOF ... That People Make Some FUNNY Moves ... ?!?
dear idol i want to be like you   dear idol i want to be you   scratched your name into my arms your face is my tattoo your tattoo is my face   i've been listening a decade
there is something about the way he sings his lyrics are a mystery, old like a redwood's age rings.   everyone knows his name they worship the man, Hozier everyone knows of his fame.  
We have a light in our hearts Those dreams that have made us stars But you've been staying out having fun   Time and time again You said those games would end You're a picky one  
You're having delusions of grandeur. Your heart is racing fast, Enebriated. You think you're inspired But this isn't going to last.
 Is it better to know or be known? If it is knowledge that is power, which realm does one call home? It is fair to say, even though very cliche, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I shall have a love that cannot be found Like a single rose roasting in the sun Never had I thought that I would be bound By the things that made me feel emotion  
The cameras flickered all over the place But to only one direction were they intended The figure that stood like a sculpture Like displayed gold that everyone tried to get a glimpse Marionette onu! The big heroine
im a self made man said the stud in the  backlit  studio a small-screen personality of  the glorious yesterday leaned over a curvy glossy desk and listened with frank disinterest though he was very 
I've got a word for everybody, Ain't nobody's gon call me 'buddy' Until I've done something nasty like sell my soul to the earthly daddy, Do you like your photo taken? Can you stand without even shaken?
 Sometimes if u with a dime you need to separate No magnets , no clamps, no bands , ain't no fish and bate I ain't no show and tell Ain't no presentation Treating me like Ima alien inside this nation You try to stop me with my hands up This ain't
Nightclub singer walking downtown French scene Alone on stage, I own the stage I'll play you a song or two if you're kind I sing the same old tunes The same old blues
We all say Emily Dickinson in our sleep And watch Van Gogh as we eat, 
They say it's best to read your bible and that it's best to have a title,don't worship false idols, who's to choose, well at the top of the list is,"if it's at all tribal" it shouldn't exist,
Radiance, torridity and stars exploding on the inside of your eyelids.  Symphonies of light and sound, and hell with it’s unwithstandable blazing. 
No one else Under its scrutiny Its light Because you are under it All of your faults on display Just out there Exposed And for EVERYONE to see But you must show them
Her name Was Insane Jane She was insane in her brain She was always afraid of being on a plane Her Brother Wayne Was always a pain And walked with a cane
you all are so self inclined like your strugles are any worse than mine. like you could be any greater than me, just because you wrote your feelings in lines?   Oh, how wonderful it must be,
but our hearts are on the brinkof killing us quickpoisoning our veinsand melting our brainswhere have we gonefaded into the shadows
Standing behind the curtains Hiding from the crowd He really wants to see her openly But his presence is too loud   She’s been waiting for her moment It seems it’s finally here
You’ll be famous one day, love Shooting up to soar with the stars Where some have faded, But will never burn out And up in the sky you’ll have your moment Of being the brightest star in the darkest night
I am Bill Gates At least I wish to beileve that's true A high school drop out with fantasies that explains If he can do it I can do it too
I get it. We grow up. Or maybe we grow out... We grow out of clothes and shoes, Maybe we can grow out of friendships. I didn't want to. I knitted my heart ten times bigger than I
Down the ground lookin' so low All i want to know will I go high, so high that I cant touch the ground? Stuck in this cage with ties that i cant abound I want to be more than this with my uniquness
They're selling "dreams" for the price of your soul. Wrapped in pretty green paper,
I went to sleep and I had this dream Bright lights and a brand new car They told me to go where I saw the yellow beam
I was just 19 when i finished highschool and didnt quite know if i could get into a good school. The ambition I have put me on a higher level then my peers making me realize that i can make it without having fears.
what would i change the strangest thing
A job equals money Ain't it funny? But there goes your time An asset most prime. Don't want to sit behind a desktop When my body wants to shoo-bop A job like the Grease greasers
Of this perception I am curious;  what motivates the human attitude? Who is born more or less delirious, but yet a genius life they should allude. Their inspiration premeditated
Sometimes I think I’m wasting my time. I sit around, just tasting my rhymes. I’m dreaming of the day I’m televised After coming from the bottom – a poetic surprise. You see, one day I’m gonna be so famous
She screams without noise She cries without tears She sits in a world alone Left drowning in her fears …………………………………………….
See you are the type of girl who wants everything handed to you You want diamond rings, foreign cars and clothes made by designers who's names you can't even pronounce
I have met the ugliest man That ever has survived His cheeks are sallow holes And his hair has never thrived   Upon his fingers delicate Sit the rings of fortune and fame
Slowly the years of my life go and I sit here with nothing to show. I look up at the beautiful sky, not really caring whether I live or die. Some things just can’t be described.
Your porcelain keys and golden strings come natural as the blue jay sings You’re going places I can tell You’ll leave me here It’s just as well But if you end up in a place
i've heard that fame isn't everything but i want it all i will admit i'm shallow completely devoted to aesthetics cold as ice and hedonistic too is it so wrong to live in pursuit of pleasure?
All the talent in the world won’t save you if you are ugly! You try to have confidence But the moment you stand, you are beaten! You aren’t loved! You aren’t worthy!
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