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My Best Friend Now Gone   Old Dog  You walked with me Searched with me Discovered with me Protected me Entertained me Comforted me But now you make me feel older 
You died half a year ago tonight and I had to say goodbye.It was six months ago when I watched you die.It's never easy when a man loses a dog as special as you.If somebody says that you were awesome, it will be true.
It's been three months since the day when you died.You were a wonderful dog and that can't be denied.I remember the day when I bought you.When you died, it was a terrible thing to go through.
You became family when you moved to my place.You showed a lot of love when you licked my face.It was sad and heartbreaking when I watched you die.You weren't just a dog, you were also my Sweetie Pie.
Some Chihuahua dogs are hateful but you weren't hateful in the least.You were a very special dog and it's painful because you're deceased.Just one month ago today, you were still alive.
I found you lying dead on my kitchen floor.It was sad because you couldn't be my dog anymore.On August the 27th of 2013, I adopted you.It was a really wonderful thing for me to do.
It has been nine years since I adopted her.She was like a daughter and that's for sure.We were together for nearly seven years.When I say that I loved her, I am sincere.When I found her dead, I was horrified.
When I advertised for a Chihuahua on Craigslist, I had good luck.I was able to buy another dog and she cost two hundred bucks.But about four weeks later, she got sick and nearly died.
When I adopted you in 2013, Chihuahua dogs quickly became my favorite breed.You died seven hundred and thirty days ago and it hurt, it hurt very much indeed.I named you after a very special woman who was my mother.
Sadly, your existence ended eighteen months ago.On July 11, 2020, you would have no tomorrow.You were a very pretty dog with brown fur.You died and it certainly was hard to endure.
When my Chihuahua died during the Summer of 2020, I was devastated.When I had to say goodbye and bury her, it was something that I hated.At first, I wasn't going to buy another dog because it hurts too much when they die.
You were like a daughter to me and I was like a dad.Your death was heart-breaking because it was so bad.I got the idea to call you my baby doll because that was what Mom called her cat.
Somebody abandoned their cat and it's a damn shame.I have decided to call her Penny, that is her new name.After being abandoned, she decided to live here and she has chocolate brown fur.
Somebody abandoned a cat in my neighborhood.They no longer wanted her so they got rid of her for good.At first, she'd come on my property for a few hours and then she would leave.
If somebody says that I don't care about my dog, it will be a lie.On August 18, 2020, I bought my new dog and she's my Sweetie Pie.She loves to lick my cheeks and my chin.Hazel loves to lick me over and over again.
I wasn't going to buy another dog because it hurts too much when they die.But I decided to buy another dog and she is my Sweetie Pie.When it comes to the heart, losing a pet sure will break it.
She was a little bundle of joy that I brought home A week old Golden retriever with shining golden coat Short ears, a straight muzzle, and a feathery tail Why I named her Paris I had no particular reason?
When you died, it brought about sadness, pain and tears.You died three months ago today, that's a fourth of a year.You died ninety-two days ago.Your death was a devastating blow.  
(Note: This is not a picture of my cat. It's a picture of a cat that looks very similar.)  
You were without doubt the best dog I've ever had.Your death has broken my heart and I'm very sad.When I named you Agnes, I named you after my late mother.I was your owner and you and I had a lot of love for one another.
I have a cat named Willie He has the nickname of Billy, He loves to meow It’s adorable, anyhow, He has a bell on his collar Which was just a dollar,
I was 16 when Mocha died. I should have seen it coming. She'd been sick for a while, we'd had to cut her tail because of a tumor and she couldn't breathe too well. She wouldn't go back upstairs, no matter how hard I tried.
This morning, I experienced some good luck.I bought a Chihuahua for one hundred bucks.My new dog is brown and his name is Red.He will be my dog for many years ahead.Like other dogs, he probably loves to gnaw on bones.
ode to my dearest foxy   she is old now her eyes are milky with the aftermath of the cataract apocalypse, the mushroom cloud of eye disease
Daddy's hand is a big warm blanket embracing mine as we stand in the mud   "Goodbye, Lenny" and our rooster, our little ball of fire, is no longer ours but belongs to the man with a hole in his throat
It has been a few years since I’ve last talked to you. You’ve slipped my mind as I lived and grew. I write to you this poem of mine. I hope that it’ll make it to you just fine.
Dear Daisy My dear Daisy dog I miss you more than words can describe. I wish I could have been there with you for the last breath you took. I know you know it was out of love and not a betrayal.
Dear Daisy My dear Daisy dog I miss you more than words can describe. I wish I could have been there with you for the last breath you took. I know you know it was out of love and not a betrayal.
I will hold the door for you because I love you. I will call you everyday and smile at you through the screen And watch your blurry white teeth smile back at me   And YOU!, Because I love you,
I’ve had a long day. I’m coming home. I kick off my shoes, Moaning and groaning.   Then I see you. My face lights up.   You run towards me. You jump on me. You lick my face.
What energizes one in early morning?             The favorite song drifting through the air             The symbol that the day is not for mourning,             But the beginning of the new, awakened by the music blare
I wake and I remember. My pug awaits. I creep down the stairs, Careful not to wake, The sleeping creature snoring like a bear.   I crouch next to him and watch him dream.
Fishy, fishy, Swim, swim, swim,   What's it like inside your bowl? Is it hot or cold? Out here, in the air, The temperature is fare, But the serene life of you,
I am in my senior year of high school, and they said it would be the best. But they must enjoy doing different things than me because all that we do is test! In the midst of all of this schoolwork,
I hear a light stomp in the next room, and I roll over.  A quiet second goes by and I doze off again. Another stomp, and I sigh as my eyes begin to open. Your dishes clank,
You took care of me, When I felt alone and forgotten. You kept my secrets, And comforted me when I cried. Now I have to watch, Watch you fallen and in pain. You're incapable to say,
I've got a new dog and she's as pretty as she can be.She has light brown fur and her name is Marie.She is a very sweet dog and I'm glad that she's so tame.She is special, that's why I gave her my mom's middle name.
You are one decade of my life Yet I am all of yours Forgive me, for your death too I decide And out of endless love there is remorse
I adopted my Chihuahua Dog two years ago today.I'll be Agnes's last owner, she's here to stay.I adopted her in Morristown, Tennessee.I am lucky because Agnes is with me.Two years has been how long I've known her.
You're looking at a man who has been blessed.I have a dog and she's Daddy's little Princess.My Chihuahua, Agnes is very special to me and I love her a lot.She means more to me than anything else that I've got.
I put up with you, your snoring, your smell, your drool. You put up with me.
I'm sorry I broke your heartsI'm sorry I disappointed youI'm sorry you were ashamed of meI'm sorry I left you.
I used to fall asleep, head brushing fur to the gentle melody of your steady purr   And I can still remember exactly how it felt warm and safe and comforted, my head on your pelt  
To match her skirt of scarlet red Below a long, grey coat, The crown of feathers on her head  Above a soft, pink throat.    Below a long, grey coat
Resting my tiresome eyes, whilst not listening to whom has to speak; For I know what the truth is, yet no one sees as clear as the words that go unheard. These beings make no sounds, a voice box gone to waste;
Thank you for caring.
I’ll Never See Your Face Again   I close my eyes and try to remember your face Every detail Every shade The pain swells up as I know                 I will never see that face again.
soft fur fat cat from twenty pounds to ten at twelve years old and still a fat cat in my mind with baggy skin who can't eat and softer fur protuding bones watery eyes
fingers run down your coat. a hand strokes your side. you retain nothing. where’s the love I once felt pouring from your skin? you aren’t absorbing the love I’m rubbing to your bone. move, baby, look at me.
Unconditional Love. The rumbling purr Or the wagging tail Of that family member always there to greet you. The gentle nudge of a little nose, Wet or whiskered with a velvety feel,
Like a best friend, Poetry is there. It is always open, And it is always fair.   Like a mother, Poetry is there. It will always accept you, No matter what you dare.  
She stays when every one else goes She is the loyalest thing I know And when it comes to it, I know she will never go When I'm sad she makes me happy
Expectation is experience laced with arrogance. I would be lying to you if I told you that I expected this. Because of this, the impact was cushioned by a pathetic surrender to a philosophy of acceptance.
(poems go here)
Oh, valiant friend in my past Your memories have come at last! Eyes, bright and shining, Never dull or whining. Rough times came, but you were there Drying my tears and looking fair.
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