Set Down Pride and Stand Side by Side
We all get offeneded
This is due to wounds that were never fully mended
There is no such place on Earth where something cannot hurt us
So why do we continue to fuss
My heart longs for those who are hurt
Sometimes people just are too kurt
Sometimes things need to be taken with a grain of salt
And people need to stand up when it is their fault
No one is perfect
It is not worth it,
to constantly bicker
or rudly snicker
What I wish is for a world full love
However, that only comes from the divine above
We all differ in many ways
Some of us have had better Mays
We are all of the same
We are all of shame
Therefor, there is no one we should blame
Love is love
A dove is a dove
You are you
Just like one plus one is two
We all have different beliefs
That does not mean we have to all be chiefs
Set the septor down,
and remove the crown
I am in the wrong and so are you
The sky always will return to blue
I like yellow and you like green
That is no reason to be mean
What I want to say is there is no reason yell
Just taken in the beautiful smell of the roses
And quit turning up your noses
Hand in hand,
we all need to take a stand
Together, set aside difference and come together
That is the start to making something better