I can't read anymore
It started with a book
All good things start with a book
I read the story that changed
my way of thinking
The way we are sheilded
In this "accepting" society.
We are taught one thing and then later taught another
I knew I wasn't gay
but then how can guys and girls both be pretty?
I did not know that labels were not needed.
I did not know that there was more out there.
In our society should not everyone be able to find themselves?
But how can I find myself if I do not know what I am looking for?
SO many young confused children.
"Be yourself" society says.
I did not know there was anything besides myself.
Are there other options?
Can I be Obama?
Or Lorde? Or Jennifer Lawrence?
Can I change into who I want to be?
What if who I want to be is not who you say I am.
Is that still myself?
I could fill a book with the thoughts society fills me with.
To the brim I am overflowing.
Pages turning,
Confusion sets in.
What kind of book would it be?