This is the best way I can describe how I feel right now
How I feel knowing that it’s over
That our adventures are over
That the plans we made will never come to fruition
Knowing that I gave you every chance
Every piece of me that I could
Allowing myself to unravel at your feet
Watching you step over my ashes
5 months of making time for you
To see you
To be with you
Because I love you
Not in past tense
Not because I loved you
That would be misleading
Because I will never not love you
I will never again breathe without your name on my tongue
But the taste has turned sour
Knowing that all my efforts were in vain
That my heart was not expensive enough for your taste
Not fermented long enough in my cellar
And that you could move on so quickly
As if it’s simple
As if I was nothing
Just another bottle of wine,
Forgotten in a box somewhere
Cracked and leaking til there’s nothing left
So, perhaps I wasn’t sweet enough
Or perhaps I wasn’t bitter
But whatever the reason
I am done waiting for the rain to fall
I am done desiccating to your name
I have no more tears for you
And you’ll never hold me again