I have come to realize that at the end of the day, nothing is going to change.
I don't know why it took me so long to realize that the way everyone was acting was strange.
I'm tired of letting these people that don't care about me affect my mood,
And that I have always been there for everyone, while they had no problem leaving me screwed.
It's funny how you are always there for everyone, but when you need someone, there is no one there,
II'm tired of being there for everyone else, but it's never equal, and it's never fair.
It's funny how people see the change in your attitude, but not the change in the way that they behave,
And that they would be the first ones to epext you to save them, but they would be the first one to jump on your grave.
I have been putting off focusing on me and my goals because I have been taking care of everyone else,
But I am over it, and from now on I am only focusing on myself.
I'm tired of giving people so many chances and they keep doing the same stuff,
And I am always there for them, but no one is there for me when times get tough.
I took my guard down, but I am not doing it anymore,
Because people never change, and I am done trying to reopen that door.
I am tired of crying myself to sleep and wondering why I am never good enough for my friends, or for guys,
And I am tired of it being one sided, and being the only one who is giving it a try.
I am not going to see anyone for a while, or even talk to anyone for the time being,
And it probably makes me sound cold, but it is also so much more freeing.
From now on, no one can hurt me because my emotions are gone,
And it is going to be a while before I decide to turn them back on.
For the next five weeks, I am going to only focus and do things for me,
And eventually it will pay off, and I am going to make them all see.
Over the next thirty-five days, I am going to make them all feel stupid for doubting what I can do,
And I am going to prove to them all everything that I already knew.
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Julian Favretto
The author has captured very well that feeling of abandonment that comes from people who don't understand friendship. Being a good friend takes some effort, it's not only about what you can 'get' . The sadness and frustration is evident in the author's expression of having been played. The raw emotions are expertly displayed. JF
Julian Favretto
The author makes an impassioned promise to herself to no longer ignore her own needs in favor of what her friends want. Her determination to change is bold and courageous . From now on, She comes first .! She expresses her feelings without maligning anyone but simply deciding that some discipline will be required to make these changes , and she vows that it CAN be done , and MUST be done for her own sanity, even if for only a short while. Beautifully expressed and the reader can empathize with these feelings of having been let down by others after you have done so much for them. A heartfelt expression of betrayal followed by renewed commitment to grasp change. JF