whatwouldyouchangescholarshipslam What Would You Change Scholarship Slam.

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I value words for their movement,   For the slip, slip, slip   Of sounds off a tongue   Slick with anticipation of the coming  
The world is not ours for the taking, you say you love it but we know your're faking. Change is what we need, but it's the one thing we won't pursue Human beings have destroyed the planet,
Change Change can be for the better or for the worse There is so much we would want to change And so much we need to change
I look around.The air is filledwith car hornswith hisseswith shoutswith footstepswith bells.
The boy is crying, His mom is on death's doorstep, because of disease.   
My bitter thoughts had frozen my soul, My lips are stained, with blood dried cold, I had let out my whispered screams, Now they echo inside my head, My strength goes weak, As I have fallen once more,
If I could change the world. What would I change? I'd change the moon Make it's footprint big enough to see Or have it shine a brighter white to make the snow look dark.   How about the rain?
I hear voices in their head. They are trying to go free, but the machine is starting to roar. The roars is shutting up the voices. The only hero who can stop this monster is ink. The headlines they write show that they can't be stopped.
You were perfect in a human way. So not perfect at all but as perfect as it gets. And, oh, how you'd make me laugh! We'd laugh till we cried without reason. You were always there Until you weren't. 
Love... your neighbor your mother your brother you friend Love... the one who smiles but hurts inside the one wearing a suit but penniless the one with the opinion but lost
I remember the days when I believed in fairy tales and happily ever afters Where it was impossible to have attempts end in disasters What ever happened to those days?
Alone I sit and stare at my callused hands Hands too harsh, too thin to be beautiful Slender hands tangle through wiry hair I sit and ponder how the world would be with a different mind set
we are born to live, but live to die live like you've earned it just because you're alive as a high school senior, I've had my share of sadness sadness, drepresssion, hurt, anger
Being given one opportunityNo matter how big or smallTo make an important changeIs no small task at all There are many options to consider
If I could change something big or small I would choose to change it all Nothing can become better without growth Even change seems out the picture, the most important piece is hope
The world is like a flower,
It sounds so corny, this idea of world peace. yet just imagine a world where all hate were to cease.  A world where children can play in the yard not worried about the stranger down the street.
Only if I had the power to change something if not anything on this earth it would be equal opportunities for all from birth its sucks knowing some are more fortunate or healthy than others 
Our generations will be known for nothing, never will anbody say, we were the peak of mankind that is wrong, the truth is our generation was a faliure thinking that we actually succeeded
Choolate, caramel, cream, and velvet
Discrimination What an interesting word. To some it's a problem, and to others it's a way of life. I need that changed! I will put in a class at schools all over the world to teach boys and girls
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