What Ever Happened?

I remember the days when I believed in fairy tales and happily ever afters

Where it was impossible to have attempts end in disasters

What ever happened to those days?

The days where the scariest thing known was the Boogey Man

Or the sight of a broken crayons in the crayon box,

What happened to those days?

What ever happened to Childhood?


Why can’t we just go back to the days when the biggest challenge was trying to stay inside the lines

Or trying to figure out which words rhymes?

Now days we see people collecting pennies, nickels, and dimes just to pay the bills this month,

Poverty has become a reality

Where it gives people the excuse to lose their dignity and sanity

Impregnating the mind with the crazy idea of Money before Humanity,

Giving birth to a generation of people who just do not care for one another

Losing sight of Dr. King’s dream of us all being a sister and a brother,

But I just do not understand

What happened to society?


 What ever happened to the only kinds of munchies you could get were the chips

Where the only kinds of drugs and weeds we knew were Tylenol and Dandelions,

Have we been so doped up that we allow innocence to be something we only hear about in Disney movies?

So high that we still look down on people of a different skin tone?

Times have changed so fast

To the point where you have to make childhood last

What ever happened to those days?

Those days we took for granted

Those days we call the Past




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