What Would You Change


Being given one opportunity

No matter how big or small

To make an important change

Is no small task at all


There are many options to consider

Oh my, how do I choose

Which change will be made

I must not be confused


Shall I be greedy

And choose to help myself

Or will I be selfless

And help everybody else


If I had two picks

There is no doubt what I would do

I would pick changing me

and also help you


But the reality is

I can only pick one

Man, I’m confused

This isn’t much fun


That’s it, I’ve decided

I go with World Peace

No more hatred and fighting

And wars will decrease


Man must learn to be kind

To each and every person

Treat them with respect and understanding

So there would be much less hurting


We have wasted so much time

Being hateful and mean

It’s time to change our ways

And wipe the slates clean


Let us start fresh

With open minds and hearts

Giving to those what you would want

Is the perfect way to start


There is no reason to hate one another

Despite where you live

We are all humans with feelings

And we need to learn to forgive


Nobody’s perfect

But if we all try a little more

Then we could live in the perfect place

For a million years more


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