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Thales found a river running past
The poetry of Earth beat fast
On whim, the river’s course may change
In brilliant prose, the forest strange
There a god. But truth is god's angel... How to have this amongst all. Believe in it and you'll see the difference between us now. That is what is my promise of this and they will,matter.
I want to create
Become the current
Ethereal reality
No authentic fakery
Forget time spent
Live in dreams
Read in books
So in reach
I want to act
I don't have a grand life
Every night isn't filled with parties and friends
Most days I enjoy my own company
walking in nature
feeling the wind blow throw my hair and between my
With each passing second I am never the same person I was moments before.
I want to do ballet.
NO. You’re not flexible enough.
I want to do beauty pageants.
NO. You’re not near attractive.
I’ve made six A’s and one B this quarter.
Change in one's self only happens within that one breathe, to change replenishes the unclean from being the broken to the mistaken.
Imagine a world with no color
How dull our lives will be
Every moment the sky gray
That’s not the way
Our dreams won’t be dreams
We will wake up with screams
Because a world with no color
“Life sucks. Then you die.”
Said a father to his son
The father was bored at the son’s baseball game
The father never came to another one
Only one vacation to the shore
I want a Son
I want to witness my baby boy’s birth.
I want to show him his promise, his worth.