' 'because.i.love.you'love'write'heartbreak'daydream'realtionships

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Maybe i should have known  When I came to all your birthdays  And you only came to one.    I should have seen it coming,  you tossing me aside.  
Sob a forma de nuvens errantes, Caminhamos ao nosso Réu: Que sonhos tivestes, jovem pedante, até que atirastes ao léu?  
Flores, folhas, natureza!      Enfim domada e    enjaulada    em    seus compartimentos. Praça: é um nome bonitinho para zoológico vegetal.   Não quero praças, quero matas como elas são!
I know he told you that he love you more than anything that you mean the world to him, your more than family I know he told you that your the one for him and you will be the one to wear his ring
This poem is not for the faint of heart Or even those strong at heart So i prefes with trigger warning A trigger warning for all of it
Alone They convince you to open up, To be yourself, To not hide a single detail, To let out your inner silly self, And be honest, They promised that nothing will change. !!
You taught me to fly without the wings You made me grow with all the springs You created a little world just for me When I was scared to let the world see   You cradled all my cries
Mothers love is sacrifice, Mothers love is sharing, Mothers love is giving her all even if it means her dying, Mothers love is forgetting her needs just to make you comfortable,
Once I asked the Idealist, “What is love?” The Idealist answered, “It’s a powerful force, a feeling of magical nature,deeper than the earth.” Then the Pessimist retorted,“The deeper the love, the deeper the hurt.” But then the Optimist quickly add
I could ask you to stay,But there's really nothing left to say. This breakup has been emotional and long,But I know I'm strong. I guess we naturally grew apart,But it still hurts in my heart.
listen to the beat of my heart how the emotins and vibrations start howit thuds through my ribs and this is how I live. more than a thousand times a day and I have a thousand words foryou to say
My family and friends can see the pain in my face.  The redness in my eyes that I try to erase, but my crying eyes still leaves a trace. A trace of pain, because I know what I must face.  I've got to let her go once in for all, and try to let my i
Your smile never went past your month.There was always a disconnect there. I watched you as you watched me,And it felt like we were really one.
"Centuries after centuries, maidens after maidens " Love is a poisoned medicine Perhaps dwelling in utopia Corpse, a mere metaphor Brook of tear murmurs My broken cupid!
Simon Says   As A Small Seed I Admired Daddy   Daddy Was My Heart and Joy   As My Roots Start To Spread He Saw Something Different In Me  
Hands shaking, palms sweaty You just said, “It’s over”, but I’m not ready The people and noises seem to disappear And suddenly I can’t see so clear I blink a few times and try to grasp
Your easy smiles and gentle teasings strung my heart and blinded my eyes.
Hold me But don't hurt me I'm afraid you may see what I see But we're on the same team I know you will never leave
My heart my body my mind They're growing one at a time When you touch me, I know I'm going to be fine
My feelings, they swarm Around my heart keeping it worn For you I would have sworn Your hand I will always keep warm
He cries for you in his sleep. Whimpering pleas for your return, Fingers arched for your waist, just aching for another touch. He still loves you.  He…needs you. Selfishly, I don’t want to let go.
The beauty of nature’s art is incomparable  The way she strokes the ground with green. The visual of dancing colors coming from her pores. The height of a soul full of wisdom.
We started off strong, Pure and true, But now you’re leaving me, Feeling small and blue.   This can’t be real,
  I was the girl filled with joy Who stupidly fell for the boy next door He showed me kindness, lifting my spirits up high Until the day he left, leaving his kindness and me behind
A beautiful bright red fan was bestowed upon me by you My face lit with amusing When things go south, I wave it high and proud When pain took its toll, I clenched it
  One smile can be deadly She’s filled with amazement and a carefree attitude Her beauty is impeccable and her jokes pierce me with laughter
your eyeschocolate brown -like my favorite birthday cake.i could lose myself - forever -gazing into them for eternity.they have a certain sadness in them that i want to discover -
search seek within the preermise to attain through a Hollywood dream dig deeper then ever before another door bell rings monitor the swing little kids got the system
Live by water, Die by water, If the waves comes for me, I'll ask it for the love I died expecting. Die by water, Live by water, If the waves doesn't come for me, I'll hope the love I expect finds me.
Live by water, Die by water, If the waves comes for me, I'll ask it for the love I died expecting. Die by water, Live by water, If the waves doesn't come for me, I'll hope the love I expect finds me.
outside we must diss us to form a new brand of circus rejoice in us memories fade in me the coast is clear from sleeve to sleeve, the perfect melody leave come along with me you see charts of puree in the dull to sleep
radiation keeps me from drawing nearer... that inner pulse to regain the coast that innocent exposure; sever the impulse feel large take a hold of its plain' let me be the first to explain:
Pimple Popper
The hunger the heat the cold the mold We all have a narrow comfort zone ;)
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