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I wanted to talk.
You said you were busy.
I said, "okay".
Knowing you weren't.
The cuteness of your face disguising the real you.
Like a mask.
Have to be cool with your friends.
A symbol of humor and comforting words,
Of an enormous Lego collection and a well-kept goatee;
Glasses and work boots smelling of earth;
Making truffles on Christmas;
I'll never know, not until
I reach Heaven. I will take these
words from God and keep them in a pocket
next to my heart,
calling them my saving grace:
Do not be afraid.
Trauma has many faces.
What breaks the heart,
Can mend it, too.
There is a lightness
In this world we are surrounded by limited resource. Most of which we have destroyed without remorse. 50-100 million buffalo used to roam the great plains. Until 1884 when only 325 remained.
Slipped away from existence
Wondering if they were ever true
Isolated from men
These women never saw the color blue
Against war
Men were the enemy
Dominating places
Dominating society
My outlook was blurred
My life skewed
New environment
New schedule
New people
Actions Seem Less Lithe
Compared To When I Was Young
Acting By My Heart
There once was a wee little thing
Who wondered what life would bring
Well it brought her thrills
And it brought her bills
And best of all it brought her knowing!
I hold the broken pieces of my heart
Every daughter needs her father
Life decided otherwise
I can't stop but think its a dream
Envy builds within me
Looking back at that morning
From two wheels to four
Parent's money to poor
Hanging with mom
Going to prom
All day of play
Working for pay
Finding where I belong
Growing up strong.
I was filled with child-like joy.
Driving my car out of town for the first time after getting my license.
But with my hands on the wheel, I realized.
You can't drive and enjoy the views of the side road at the same time.
Walking through the store, i feel eyes on me,
surprise on me,
despise on me,
like i stole something from them.
isn’t it funny how they stole mine
we all know a good home is hard to find
Volcanic fury in my chest
Timidity stirring in my breast
Am I no longer in control?
“I’ll one day conquer your patrol”
You covered me with chain and rope
You snuffed my every spark of hope
I rely on an unpredictable,
and sometimes seemingly non reciprocal relationship.
Yes, it seems abusive, but trust me we’re fine.
Desire grips my hand
and leads me though
the pitfalls of life,
driving me to be the best
pushing me farther than I go
showing me the path I need to follow.
Dear love ,
In every way you are everything I need
You allow me to lose myself in you and take lead
The way that my body moves in perfect sync with you
Do you feel it?
Emotions flooding your veins.
Happiness, Sadness, Anger,
So many uncontrollable feelings.
Frightening, Nervousness, Excitement,
Dear future daughter,
I don’t care what you look like
Whether you’re skinny or you’re not
Whether you have blonde hair, brown hair, red hair, or green hair
Az egyszerű dolgok a legtöbbet jelentenek.
Felébredni a reggeli illatára
Emlékezni megvajazni a pirítósod
Bókolni, szép nyaklánc
Megmosni az autód amikor undi
I found myself a new man.
God, I hope so.
I say - Oh, you're playing hard to catch?
I say - I know who you are.
I say - You're mine.
Stop. Squirming.
They tell me education is the key to success
the key that will get me out this mess
the key that will present me with a new dress,
walk and flow about me.
Present me as "Doctor" instead of "Mister"